ARC Foundation call for proposal 2017
Leaders de demain en oncologie
Recruiting emerging leaders in oncology
Application to be submitted:
March 1st 2017 by email (Word file)
Address for submission:
March 15th 2017 by mail (original form bearing signatures)
Address for submission
Leaders de demain oncology
Fondation ARC pour la Recherche sur le Cancer
Direction Scientifique
9, rue Guy Môquet
94803 VILLEJUIF Cedex
This document must be written in ENGLISH unless otherwise specified
Arial font size 11, spacing 1.5.
Project title(non confidential title)
(first name –last name)
Host Institute
(title- address)
Head of the host institute
(first name –last name)
1.1 Research proposal summary
Non confidential titleKeywords
(5 maximum)
Scientific abstract
(1 page maximum)
I am informed that in case of funding, the title and the abstracts may be used by the ARC foundation on its website or or any communication media and I expressly give my agreement to such use.
Date: ......
Applicant signature:
Titre en français(Non confidential title in French)
Résumé grand public
en français
(general public summary in French)
1 page maximum
I am informed that in case of funding, the french title and this text may be used by the ARC Foundation in actions targeting the general public (donors or subscribers) to any communication media and I expressly give my agreement to such use.
Date: ......
Applicant signature:
1.2 Applicant (Principal Investigator)
Title [1]Last name – First Name
Birth date
Birthplace (City – Country)
PhD Thesis date
Current position
Professional address
Phone number
Planned start date
1.3 Structure d’accueil (Host institute)[2]
Intitulé(en français et en anglais)
Adresse postale
(Titre / Nom prénom)
Site internet
Etablissement(s) de tutelle de la structure de recherche [3]
(Intitulé(s)/Adresse(s) complète(s))
Contact pour le suivi administratif du dossier (nom - email téléphone)
1.4 Organisme gestionnaire des fonds (Financial institution)[4]
IntituléReprésentant légal [5]
(Titre / Nom prénom / Fonction)
Adresse postale
Contact pour le suivi administratif du dossier (nom - email - téléphone)
2.1Presentation of the host institute
This section should include a brief overview of the research structure including:
- relative positioning of the host institute at the national and international level;
- scientific strategy;
- scientific issues and objectives for the implantation of a new team for the research structure;
- contribution to cancer research, in line with the ARC foundation strategy aiming to support translational research;
- general organization;
- scientific animation on the site.
Please attach the research structure’s organization chart as appendix
Host Institute presentation (2 pages max)2.2Scientific teams in the host Institute
Team 1 (name of the team) :Head of the team (Title, first name - last name) :
Composition of the team[7] :
Summary of research (10 lines)
5 major publications of the team over the 5 past years (in MEDLINE format, full title)
Team 2 (name of the team) :
Head of the team (Title, first name - last name) :
Composition of the team7 :
Summary of research (10 lines)
5 major publications of the team over the 5 past years (in MEDLINE format, full title)
Team 3 (name of the team) :
Head of the team (Title, first name - last name) :
Composition of the team7 :
Summary of research (10 lines)
5 major publications of the team over the 5 past years (in MEDLINE format, full title)
2.3Technological environment
Technical platforms, common services and facilities (genomics, proteomics, imaging, animal room, antibodies, bioinformatics, etc.)Access to Biological Resources
(Tumor banks, serum banks, etc.)
3.1 Procedure for candidate selection
This section should describe the procedure implemented by the host institute for identifying the candidate3.2 Opportunities for permanently establishing the candidate in the host institute
This section should describe the different possibilities being explored to support the candidate’s career over the long term4- SCIENTIFIC PROJECT
4.1 Principal Investigator
- Scientific leadership experience (max 1 page)
- Curriculum Vitae (Max 2 pages)
- Main publications, over the 10 last years, also indicating the impact factor and the citation index
4.2 Detailed scientific project (max 11 pages)
- 4.2.1State of the art and objectives.
- 4.2.2Question raised, primary and secondary objectives
- 4.2.3Detailed description of the proposed methodology and techniques
- 4.2.4Expected results, potential applications and relevance to cancer research
- 4.2.5Work plan including :
The size and composition of the team (if appropriate) indicating the roles of key team members
Biannual milestones
Project management
- 4.2.6Added value of the project with other projects in cancer research already developed in the host institute (max 1 page)
- 4.2.7Bibliography (up to 25 references, Medline format)
4.3 Letters of recommendation
- 3 letters of recommendation should be sent independently to ARC Foundation, before march 15th
Consumables, reagents, medium, etc / Subtotal 1:
rounded to the nearest hundred euros / €
Description / Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
2.SMALL EQUIPMENTS (unit price < 30 k€ TTC) / Subtotal 2:
rounded to the nearest hundred euros / €
Description (Important : computer hardware requests should be justified in a few lines) / Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Subtotal (1 + 2) : / €
3. EQUIPMENTS (unit price ≥30 k€ TTC)[9] / Subtotal 3:
rounded to the nearest hundred euros / €
Description when the equipment unit costs exceed €200K, substantiation is requested: estimate, possible joint-financing plan, scientific justification / Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
up to 8% of the total amount / Subtotal 4:
rounded to the nearest hundred euros / €
Description / Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
up to 50% of the total amount / Subtotal 5:
rounded to the nearest hundred euros / €
1. Principal investigator (salary or salary complement)[10]
2. Other personnel (post-doctoral scientist, engineers or technicians)[11]
Description: / Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Total amount (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5) : / €
Please detail other sources of funding already secured or to be requested for the project7- PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT AND MEANS PROVIDED BY THE HOST INSTITUTE FOR THE PROJECT
1. Office and laboratory spaceDescription:
Financial estimation:
2. Material and Equipment(s)
Financial estimation:
3. Running costs allocated to the project
Financial estimation:
4. allocated personnel or personnel to be recruited
Financial estimation:
5. Other(s)
Financial estimation:
The original page bearing signatures must be sent by postal mail before March 15th 2017
8.1 Applicant (Principal Investigator)
Name First name :Place:
Signature :
8.2Responsable de la structure d’accueil (Host institute)
Après avoir pris connaissance du présent dossier, je, soussigné(e) M…………….,en qualité de responsable de la structure d’accueil, m’engage à affecter des locaux adaptés et des moyens humains adéquats au porteur du projet et à faciliter son accès aux plateformes technologiques du site.
Nom et prénom du responsable de la structure d’accueil:
Fait à :
Date :
Signature :
8.3Représentant légal de l’organisme gestionnaire des fonds (Financial institution)
Nom et prénom du représentant légal (personne habilitée à émettre l’appel de fonds et à signer une convention avec la Fondation ARC) :Fait à :
Signature :
ARC Foundation - Recruiting emerging leaders in oncology 2017- Application file1/13
[1] Prof, Dr, Mr, Mrs, Ms…
[2] Partie à remplir en français par la structure d’accueil
[3] Indiquer le nom du (ou des) établissement(s) et organisme(s) de rattachement du laboratoire (Exemples : CNRS, INSERM, Université, CLCC, hôpitaux, Instituts, CNRS/Université, CNRS/INSERM/Université, etc.)
[4] Partie à remplir en français par l’organisme gestionnaire des fonds
[5] Personne habilitée à émettre l’appel de fonds et à signer une convention avec la Fondation ARC.
[6] Partie à remplir en anglais par la structure d’accueil
[7] Nombre de chercheurs, Universitaires (MCU, PU, etc.), Hospitalo-universitaires (HU), Praticien-Hospitaliers (PH), Ingénieurs, Cliniciens, ITA/ IATOS, doctorants, post-doctorants, autres CDD, etc.
[8] Partie à remplir en anglais par la structure d’accueil
[9] When the equipment unit costs exceed €200K, substantiation will be requested (estimate, possible joint-financing plan, scientific justification)
[10] Salary complement : Additional net pay not to exceed 1,200 euros/month
[11] Profile / experience / cost per year / duration (example : 1 post-doc / more than 2 years after thesis / 50K€/years / 2 years)