November 21, 2013

Members present: Rob Livingston, John Shoop, Ronnie Jackson, John Komosa, Bill Brantley, Laura Teal, Joe Collins, Merritt O’Brien, and Kim Crawford

Members absent: Maria Sutherland, Bud Whitlock, Rick Hitt, John Holbrook, Garrett Anderson

Excused Tanya Cannady, John Griffin

Staff present: Commissioner Greg Harris, Vicki Pontius, Mike Lewis, Ginger Svendsen, Tim Mechling

Rob Livingston called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m. Vicki Pontius read the public notice for the meeting. Roll call was taken. With nine members present there was a quorum. Vicki confirmed that the members present received a Funding Request from the Town of Lake Placid and a letter from Jennifer Koukos pertaining to today’s meeting. Rob asked for a motion to approve the minutes for April 18th, July 18th and September 19th. Ronnie Jackson made the motion to approve; seconded by John Shoop. Motion passed.

Vicki Pontius introduced the manager of the county OMB department, Tim Mechling. Tim reviewed the changes in the RPAC Funding Analysis and the current debt service balance for the construction of Windy Point Park and the sports complex. He explained that the loan, which was about $3.5 million, was issued through Fifth Third Bank and in year 6 the interest rate was reset and adjusted. As a result, in 2010-2011 there was an adjustment that lowered the annual payment. The interest rate will also reset in year eleven of the loan, projected to be paid in full in year 2019. The Board estimated the payment to be approximately $320,995.00 per year, which it was for the first several years. After the reset, the payments dropped substantially due to the lower interest rate. John Shoop asked if the loan was amortized or principal plus. Tim stated it is a principal plus loan and could be paid off at any time with no pre-payment penalty. The principal is paid once a year and the interest is paid twice a year. As of September 30, 2013 the balance is $1.8 million. Due to the lowered interest rate, the RPAC unallocated funds balance is higher than stated earlier in the year, at $897,946. Discussion was held about whether RPAC should recommend paying down the principle with the unexpected windfall. The loan can be paid off early with the Board’s approval. John Shoop explained that since the interest rate is so low there would really be no benefit in paying the loan off early.

Merritt O’Brien asked about an update for the County Parks and Recreation master plan. Vicki has invited Mark Hill with the Development Services Department to give a presentation at the January meeting. The Plan will go before the Board in December 2013.

Town of Lake Placid Funding Request. With new faces at the meeting, Rob Livingston discussed how Funding Requests are handled by RPAC. Bill Brantley from the Highlands County School Board presented the request on behalf of the Town of Lake Placid. He spoke about the letter from Jennifer Koukos and her request for two additional tennis courts to be built rather than adding bathrooms and parking. Due to costs constraints with a budget of more than $170,000 for the bathrooms, parking, two tennis courts, fencing and other improvements, the School Board and the Town of Lake Placid decided to remove the courts since the bathrooms and parking area were of higher priority.

The total cost without the courts is $97,519.

The Town of Lake Placid will provide a cash contribution of $12,000 toward the project. The School Board will assume project management, bidding and procurement, and front all costs for the reimbursable project. In addition, the school board will provide custodial services, paper products and pay for the water. Discussion was held on the location of the bathrooms. There were question about who would be using the parking area—the public or the adults dropping their children off at school. Brantley said the parking lot will be used strictly by the public and a sign will be placed at this location with appropriate wording. Discussion was held about the usage of the bathrooms and whether or not the students will be using them. The hours and times of year that the public would have access to the tennis courts and bathrooms was brought up by Laura Teal. Vicki voiced concerns regarding the cost estimates without any back-up supporting the costs. She also mentioned that the packet that goes before the Board of County Commissioners must contain the bids. There was a question asking which entity would be paying for the sewer and water. More discussion was held. Rob Livingston reminded the group that the approval/recommendation of a RPAC Funding Request was a two-part process and that there were some items that needed further clarification before a vote could happen. Rob summarized the items so that they can be explained at the January meeting. They are 1) provide supporting bids for all work to be contracted out 2) which entity will pay for water hook-up and the future water bills for the restroom facility 3) the location of the restrooms and other improvements on a site map 4) the schedule of hours that the bathrooms will be open to the public and 5) clarification that the funding from the Town of Lake Placid is for FY 2013-14 or 2014-15.

Scheduling the next RPAC meetings for 2014 was discussed. Livingston asked the members if quarterly meetings were preferred over monthly meetings. Vicki mentioned that in the past RPAC did meet quarterly. Funding Requests were also submitted and evaluated on a quarterly basis. RPAC moved to monthly meetings as more Funding Requests and other business were coming in. Currently, she is having a problem getting a quorum due to the lack of RPAC business. John Shoop suggested a quarterly meeting and if needed, a special meeting could be called. Bill Brantley asked about evening meetings. The majority of the members prefer daytime meetings. Joe Collins also mentioned that a phone conference could be a viable option if needed. John shoop motioned to move the meetings to quarterly and Ronnie Jackson seconded the motion. Motion passed.

The next meeting will be January 16, 2014.

Meeting adjourned at 2:49 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Vicki Pontius