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Sign up today and join your colleagues from across the Midwest for the
Midwest Conference on Student Learning in Economics: Innovation, Assessment and Classroom Research, October 28, 2005
Come and participate with Keynoters Michael Salemi (UNC_Chapel Hill) and Michael Watts (Purdue) in an exciting and informative one day conference in economic education. Information on housing, the program and call for papers are available on the conference website including the ability to register online.
The Midwest Conference on Student Learning in Economics prides itself in displaying the latest in innovative technology, useful assessment tools and helps with doing classroom research and applying the results of that classroom research to your class Monday morning. This year is no exception and the promise is for the best conference thus far in the three year history of this conference. The Technology Showcase will feature opportunities to see products that can help make your job of teaching more efficient and more productive.
Call for Papers and Call for Sponsors: Please see the website to offer to share with your colleagues the innovative practices that you have in experienced in the classroom. You may participate with a paper, a poster or a full hour workshop. Apply now.
Vendors and sponsors are also encouraged to take this opportunity to meet with the most energized and exciting faculty in economics to share their wares.
Log on now and let us know you are on your way.
Registration: $70.00 fee
Includes all sessions on Friday, a continental breakfast and lunch on Friday, all refreshment breaks and on-campus parking.
There are two methods to pay:
(A) Pay by Phone (330) 972-7762 - Say you want to register for the Midwest Conference
(charge cards only)
(B) Pay by Mail

(charge cards or checks)

Mastercard, VISA, Discover, only

Midwest Conference

Barker Center for Economic Education

213 Crouse Hall

The University of Akron

Akron, OH 44325-4210

Conference website:



2003 Proceedings:

2004 Proceedings:

For more information:
Department of Economics
The University of Akron

Dr. Michael Nelson

(330) 972-7546

Dr. Steven C. Myers

(330) 972-7421

Michael Hrubik

(330) 972-7762

Sponsored By: The University of Akron Department of Economics, The University of Akron Institute For Teaching And Learning, and The H. Kenneth Barker Center For Economic Education at The University of Akron.