Pride Minutes – August 7, 2016
Recorded by Brian Bateman
- In attendance: David Shumate, Julie Palas, Dennis McCormick, Lisa Marteny, Chris Gosses, Nikki Stone, Andy Ragland, Nancy Dunst, Bill Whitaker, Tim Albee, Brian Bateman
- Call to Order: David Shumate
- Last meeting minutes were distributed and reviewed. All in favor to accept minutes.
- Treasure’s report summary reviewed: Treasurer report was distributed and reviewed by Tim Albee. 2 Checks were still outstanding. Balance will be $1,515 after all clear. 3 accounts total that pride has. All in favor to accept the treasurer’s report.
- Old Business: suggestion was made last meeting to place a social media/marketing specialist. Position would need to be added to the bylaws or appointed. Bylaws were distributed to everyone. This positon would be the “authority” for online posting and marketing.
- Nominations: All positions with nominations would be placed now (since all were unopposed). Open nominations will continue for the marketing position.
- Rocky and Keeley are out and do not accept nominations for members at large. A pageant coordinator/director needs to be placed for next year’s pageant. Businesses and bars can start to be contacted on next year’s pride/pageant.
- Chris will do graphics for the marketing position and for the pageant. Nominations to be discussed further the next meeting. No other nominations were brought in for the board positions. Motion made to close nominations. All in favor to close.
- All were unopposed so board placed as following with no vote necessary: President, Carl Maxwell Vice President, Chris Gosses Treasurer, Corey Rexrode, Secretary Bill Whitaker
- Members at Large: Nikki Stone, Julie Palas, David Shumate, Frank Mace, Time Albee
- Payments will be made as restitution to Pride from Rodney Harvey Case. $472/mo Judge Jennifer Bailey order. No money was misused from the community fund so funds will not be placed back there. Suggestion was made to open a separate account specifically for the deposit of the restitution payments. Pride will check to see if a direct deposit is possible.
- Financial reports need to be presented at each meeting. Also, the general rule that 2 signatures need to be on every signed check.
- Drag Queen Bingo is set for 8/14/16 at 5pm. Keeley donated prizes and larger prizes and cash not used in the past bingo can be used. The church is to do hot dogs. Luau theme with a costume contest - $50 cast
- Suggestion was made to have a person responsible to organizing entertainment. Have Alexis and Xavier reach out to others
- Carl M will contact Carl N about the final details for the Pride Picnic. Meeting set for 8/21 to review final details for the pride picnic.
- New Business: Ordering of T Shirts and have them on hand and people wearing at the picnic so they can ordered at the picinic. Tim will check with his friend on possibly printing the shirts. Carl M suggested getting a van and splitting cost with the Garden to take to Moorehead to support their first Pride celebration. Chris will check on costs and getting banners made to take to festivals and be able to use to represent Pride. Can be used at other venues going forward.
- It was asked if Pride would be willing to allow other organization to use the Pride office space at the church. Everyone absolutely in agreement provided there are no scheduling conflicts.
- Chris Gosses brought up his idea to have an “I Am Pride” campaign. Photos and possible videos of people in their own environment, jobs, settings, etc. Open for suggestions on the photo shoots
- Asbury Church had done a “Celebrate Diversity” event in the past. Drag Queens and entertainment had come in. Turnout was good so Pride should look at organizing an event like this again. Discussion to come pertaining to setting this up.
- Next Meeting set: September 11 at 1pm
- Pride Picnic meeting for final details set for August 21 at 3pm
- Adjourn