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Glasgow, KY, October 20, 2015
The Glasgow Board of Education met in regular session at Glasgow Middle School at 6:00 PM on October 19, 2015, with the following members present:
Present Board Members:
Dr. Alison Campbell
Dr. Amelia Kiser
Dr. Barret Lessenberry
Mr. Leigh Lessenberry
Mr. Wade Stone
Superintendent Sean Howard was also present.
MISSION STATEMENT: By providing superior educational opportunities, Glasgow Independent Schools, in service to and in partnership with families and the community of Glasgow, will produce graduates who are responsible citizens, prepared to excel in a dynamic global society.
A. Roll call was conducted.
B. The agenda was adopted as presented; passed with a motion by Dr. Barret Lessenberry and a second by Mr. Wade Stone and unanimously carried by a vote of 5-0.
A. Instructional Supervisor Michelle Tinsley and Superintendent D. Sean Howard presented district assessment data results for the 2014/2015 school year.
B. District principals Keith Hale, Scott Jones, Sharon Mudd, and Chad Muhlenkamp presented school assessment data results for the 2014/2015 school year.
C. District SBDM Council Minutes were provided to board members.
The Board approved all items listed below with one action as per Consent Agenda; passed with a motion by Mr. Wade Stone, second by Dr. Alison Campbell and unanimously carried by a vote of 5-0.
A. Approved the Minutes of the September 21, 2015 Special Called Board Meeting.
B. Approved the Minutes of the September 14, 2015 Regular Board Meeting.
C. Approved the Minutes of the September 1, 2015 Special Called Board Meeting.
D. Approved Payment of Claims.
General Fund
Check #46225 thru 46402 $402,144.62
Food Service
Check #46205 thru 46224 $107,257.59
Check #41507 thru 41527 $1,179,339.02
Manual Checks
Check #1228 Mini Storage of Glasgow $89.50
Check #1230 Glasgow EPB $46,547.17
Check #1231 Mid State Recycling $73.00
Check #1233 Western KY Orthopaedic $200.00
Check #1236 Atmos Energey $441.95
Check #1237 Glasgow Water Co $2,175.92
Electronic KY State Treasurer $14,030.66
E. Approved monthly financial report for September 2015.
F. Acknowledged and/or Approved Personnel Actions
EMPLOYED: Christina Abel, GPA Preschool Teacher; Taylor Cook, part-time GHS Band Instructional Assistant; Julie Crimmins, GPA Preschool Instructional Assistant; Mandy Houchens, GHS Asst. Cheerleading Coach; Lindsey Kidd, GPA Preschool Instructional Assistant; Bailey Long, GMS Volleyball Coach; Mary Napier, part-time HES Instructional Monitor; Mary Napier, SGE Cook
TRANSFERS: Justin Bertram, from GPA Preschool Instructional Assistant to district-wide Special Education Instructional Assistant eff. 10/15/15; Dale Westmoreland, from Sub. Bus Driver to Bus Driver eff. 10/01/15
RESIGNATIONS: Casey Bilbrey, part-time HES Instructional Monitor eff. 09/09/15; Mandy Houchens, GPA Preschool Instructional Assistant eff. 10/09/15; Mary Napier as part-time HES Instructional Monitor eff. 10/01/15
SUBSTITUTES EMPLOYED: Blake Dennis, Sub. Teacher; Kerstin Edberg, Sub. Teacher; Kym Fogle, Sub. Teacher; Cassandra Lloyd, Sub. Teacher; Kathy Mutter, Sub. Cook; Morgan Worley, Sub. Teacher
SUBSTITUTE RESIGNATIONS: Courtney Ballard, Sub. Teacher eff. 10/01/15; Ellie Burch, Sub. Teacher eff. 09/30/15; Jessica Harbison, Sub. Teacher eff. 09/30/15; Lisa White, Sub. Teacher eff. 09/22/15; Jessica Wright, Sub. Teacher eff. 09/30/15
G. Approve Trips/Fundraisers
1. Trips
a. GHS Baseball to Destin, FL, 4/4/15-4/8/15
b. GHS DECA to DECA State Career Development Conference, Louisville, KY, 3/6/16-3/8/16
c. GHS DECA to DECA International Career Development Conference, Nashville, TN, 4/23/16-4/26/16
d. GHS Academic Team to Winter West Point Invitational, Cullman, AL, 12/4/15-12/5/15
2. Fundraisers
a. GHS DECA- Gala Dance, 11/14/15
b. GHS Cheerleaders-Apparel Sales, Oct-Dec 2015
c. GHS Cheerleaders- Butter Braid Sales, Oct-Dec 2015
d. GHS Cheerleaders- Poinsettia Sales, Oct-Dec 2015
e. GHS Cheerleaders- Candle Sales, Oct-Dec 2015
f. GHS Cheerleaders- Youth Cheerleading Clinic, Oct-Dec 2015
g. GHS Cheerleaders- Chili Sales, Oct-Dec 2015
A. Approved the purchase of two buses; passed with a motion by Mr. Leigh Lessenberry, second by Mr. Wade Stone and unanimously carried by a vote of 5-0.
B. Approved an increase in contracted hours for Angela Bishop, speech therapist to 18 hours per week; passed with a motion by Dr. Barret Lessenberry, second by Dr. Alison Campbell and unanimously carried by a vote of 5-0.
C. Approved shortened school day for student with a 504 Accommodation Plan; passed with a motion by Dr. Barret Lessenberry, second by Mr. Leigh Lessenberry and unanimously carried by a vote of 5-0.
D. Following discussion regarding an offer of an equipment donation of football field lights for GMS the board tabled action related to this donation and requested further information be obtained by Facilities Director Randy Wilkinson; passed with a motion by Mr. Wade Stone; second by Dr. Barret Lessenberry and unanimously carried by a vote of 5-0.
E. Approved a job description for a Preschool Supervisor; passed with a motion by Dr. Barret Lessenberry, second by Mr. Leigh Lessenberry and unanimously carried by a vote of 5-0.
F. Approved the creation of the position of Preschool Supervisor; passed with a motion by Mr. Wade Stone, second by Mr. Leigh Lessenberry and unanimously carried by a vote of 5-0.
G. Approved revised BG#16-002 for the Happy Valley Learning Center Project; passed with a motion by Mr. Wade Stone, second by Dr. Alison Campbell and unanimously carried by a vote of 5-0.
H. Approved district assurances for the 2015/2016 school year; passed with a motion by Mr. Leigh Lessenberry, second by Dr. Barret Lessenberry and unanimously carried by a vote of 5-0.
I. Approved acceptance of an anonymous donation to GHS Girls Soccer in the amount of $550; passed with a motion by Mr. Wade Stone, second by Dr. Barret Lessenberry and unanimously carried by a vote of 5-0.
J. Approved acceptance of a donation from Southern States Cooperative to GHS Cheerleaders in the amount of $500; passed with a motion by Dr. Barret Lessenberry, second by Dr. Alison Campbell and unanimously carried by a vote of 5-0.
K. Approved acceptance of a donation from HES PTO to HES Drama Club in the amount of $1200; passed with a motion by Dr. Alison Campbell, second by Mr. Leigh Lessenberry and unanimously carried by a vote of 5-0.
L. Performed the quarterly mileage reimbursement rate review and approve the mileage reimbursement rate of .40 cents to match the state mileage reimbursement rate; passed with a motion by Dr. Barret Lessenberry, second by Mr. Wade Stone and unanimously carried by a vote of 5-0.
M. Approved board member out-of-district travel expenses for the 2015 KSBA Region 3 Fall Meeting to be held October 22, 2015 in Russellville, KY; passed with a motion by Mr. Leigh Lessenberry, second by Mr. Wade Stone and unanimously carried by a vote of 5-0.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:33 pm; passed with a motion by Dr. Barret Lessenberry, second by Mr. Wade Stone and unanimously carried by a vote of 5-0.
Amelia Kiser, Board Chair D. Sean Howard, Secretary
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