Record Book Guidelines

  • Neatness Counts - Use a computer or your best handwriting.
  • Be Organized! Use the recommended format, below.
  • Forms can be downloaded at:

Recommended Format:

1. Tabbed Divider with year (ex. 2017-2018)

2. Cover Page

3. Project List

4. Yearly Summary

5. 4H Story

6. Personal Goal Record

7. Tabbed Divider for each project area

(Project Record Sheet, AND Project Worksheet, fair write-ups,

project-related pictures and project-related clippings)

8. General Pictures

9. General Clippings

10. Previous Year’s Records

Recommended Format explained, below:

1) Record Book Covers–Place this cover copy in the clear sleeve on the front of a binder. These can be picked up at the Extension Office.

2) Cover Page- Include a picture of you, your name, club, age, and grade level. No form.

3) ProjectList- List of projects that you were involved in for the current 4-H year. Form available Online.

** This list should only be projects that were completed and judged

** Project area enrollments on 4-H Online are no longer required

4) Yearly 4-H Summary - Summarize your activities in 4-H, during the past year. Also, include personal home, school, andcommunity activities. Form available Online.

**Please include projects that you started and did not complete on page 3 of this form. Incomplete projects or projects not judged at county fair should only be included on page 3 of the Yearly 4-H Summary. Additional record forms are not necessary for projects not judged at county fair.

5) 4-H Story–Write about your 4-H year! No Form.

Suggested paragraphs:

Self: age, interests, school, family, why involved with 4-H

Projects - briefly talk about what you have enjoyed about the new things you tried, etc

Club: activities or community service projects - what you have done with other members and how you felt aboutdoing it

Why 4-H has helped you become a better person and what leadership skills you have practiced

Future plans: what you want to do next year

Positive and negative parts of the 4-H year - explain what worked and what didn’t work inproject areas

6) Personal Goal Record - Use this form to list your overall goals for the 4-H year, not project goals. Form available. Think about the three parts of a measurable goal:

a) the action: how you do something

b) the result: what you are going to do

c) the time table: when you are going to do it.

7) 4-H Project Records-

A.) Project Record(s) - One should be completed for each project area you are enrolled in - regardless of whether or not you took an entry to the fair. There are 3 levels -Basic (Jr. members), Experienced (Int. members), Advanced (Senior members). Forms available.


B.) Project Worksheets (aka - Budget Worksheet) - Some projects also have a worksheet that you will complete and include with the above forms. These need to go behind the project record forms. These include: Market Beef, Sheep, and Swine Record Worksheet (for Juniors); Market Animal Project Worksheet (for Int/Seniors); Beef, Sheep, and Swine Breeding Project Record Worksheet (Juniors); 4-H Breeding Animal Project Worksheet (Int/Seniors); 4-H Dairy Animal Project Worksheet; Horse or Pony Project Worksheet; Your Dog's Permanent Record; Photography Worksheet; Vegetable Garden Worksheet. Forms available.

C.) Include Fair Write Ups (don’t re-invent, just put them in your book)

D.) Project Related Pictures and Clippings

*To receive a project award, you will need to complete the Project Record AND a Project Worksheet for the project, if there is one. You ALWAYS need supporting documents with your project record to receive an award. This can include fair write ups, pictures, etc. A Project Record, alone, will not qualify you for an award.

8) General Pictures: Include captions with photos of your 4-H year. Use a tabbed divider.

9) General Clippings: Highlight your name in clippings. Articles can also be printed from online newspaper websites. Use a tabbed divider.

10) Previous Year's Records - Have the current year on top, if more than one year is in your binder.

DO NOT include ribbons, certificates, etc. - these are better suited for a scrapbook

**If your record book includes several binders, only submit ONE with the most current year to your club leader for record book judging.