U.S. HistoryMr. DarnellLiberty H.S.

Reconstruction Political Cartoon


Create a political cartoon depicting your view as to whether Reconstruction was a successful or failed policy in terms of its social, economic and political effects. Use Chapter 9 to gain relevant background knowledge.

Project Format Requirements:

  1. Political Cartoon: 2points
  2. Must contain a theme that you use to reflect your position. Similes, metaphors and other processes you are knowledgeable about are helpful here. Remember the examples!
  3. Must contain specific historical evidence supporting your viewpoint on Reconstruction. Must use at least one piece of evidence for each social, economical and political effect highlighted.
  4. Must contain symbolism for the social, economical, and political evidence cited regarding the effects of Reconstruction. You must use at least one (1) symbol for all three effects
  5. Must contain a title, and caption, as well as words, slogans, numbers, and phrases to aid communication.
  1. Written Summary: 2 points
  2. Must contain an introductory paragraph describing the general historical background of the period and a thesis statement communicating your viewpoint.
  3. Must contain a one-two (1-2) page written summary describing how the cartoon’s symbolism reflects historical reality. You must show how your symbols connect to the historical events cited and how the events support your conclusions. The summary must be typed, double spaced, using 12 font Times New Roman and 1 inch margins all around.
  4. Must contain a 1-2 sentence conclusion summarizing the period and your viewpoint.
  1. Organization: 1 point
  2. Political cartoon must be on an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper.
  3. Must contain a TITLE PAGE listing the title of your cartoon, the name of our class, your name, the due date and period.
  4. Must include page numbers.
  5. Must staple your project in the following order: Title page, cartoon, written summary.


  1. Use color to enhance meaning.
  2. Make your illustrations large enough to easily communicate your visual and written messages. Use all the space on your 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper.
  3. Really focus on the symbols you create. This is the heart of your political cartoon.
  4. Your symbols and message must accurately reflect history.
  5. Remember, a political cartoon has a message. The objective is to educate, persuade, reveal, etc.
  6. Must be ORIGINAL WORK. Free-hand drawings preferred. You may use computer graphics software, provided work is original. Effort and demonstration of knowledge, not art, is the goal.
  7. Be Creative

Grading: Comprehensiveness, Accuracy and Quality. Total Points:50

Layout:5 points

Format:5 points

Cartoon: 25 points

Written Summary: 15 points


  1. Create Cartoon Layout. Due November 16 or 17
  2. On the backside of your layout, write your selected viewpoint as to whether Reconstruction was a successful or failed policy.
  3. On the backside of your layout, describe the theme of your cartoon in 1-2 sentences. The theme is the overall picture, action or analogy you will create to communicate your viewpoint.
  4. On the backside of your layout list the specific historical evidence you will cite in support of your position. You will need at least one piece of evidence for social, economic and political effects.
  5. On the backside of your layout, draw one (1) symbol for the social, economical and political effects you will use to illustrate your viewpoint. Minimum of three (3) symbols. You may choose to do more.
  6. On the frontside of your layout, create a mock political cartoon, by indicating where your symbols and text will be located. Do not draw all details; rather, use text and rough images to indicate how the space will be utilized.
  7. Include a Title and Informative Caption that communicates your viewpoint and theme.
  1. Final Political Cartoon. Due November 19 or 20