- Introduction to high energy physics. 4th ed
(Undergraduate level)
Perkins DH, 539.12 PER, 2000
1 copy at RAL in READING-RM - Modern elementary particle physics
KANE G, 539.12 KAN, 1987
1 copy at RAL in READING-RM
- Quarks and leptons : an introductory course in modern particle physics
(Good PhD level. Electroweak theory, Lagrangians etc).
Halzen F (et al), 539.123 HAL, 1984
1 copy at RAL in READING-RM - Gauge theories in particle physics : a practical introduction. Vol. 1 : from relativisitc quantum mechanics to QED. 3rd ed
Missing (but not registered so) from RAL READING-RM
Gauge theories in particle physics. Vol. 2 : non-abelian guage theories : QCD and the electroweak theory. 3rd ed
Aitchison IJR (et al), 539.12.01 AIT, 2004
1 copy at RAL in READING-RM - Quantum field theory.
MANDL F, 530.145 MAN, 1993
On loan from RAL READING-RM - An Introduction to Quarks and Partons
Close FE, 539.12.01 CLO, 1979
1 copy at RAL in READING-RM(tattered, but out-of-print so can’t replace). - Weak Interactions of Leptons and Quarks
Commins & Bucksbaum, 539.12.17 COM, 1983
1 copy atRAL in READING-RM - QCD and collider physics
Ellis RK (et al), 539.12.01 ELL, 1996
- The Higgs Hunter's guide. (Frontiers in physics lecture note series)
GUNION JF ed, 539.122 GUN, 1990
1 copy at RAL in READING-RM - Perspectives on supersymmetry
Kane GL (ed), 539.12.01 KAN, 1998
1 copy at RAL in READING-RM - Neutrino physics
Zuber K, 539.123 ZUB, 2005
1 copy at RAL in READING-RM - High Pt physics at hadron colliders
Green D, 539.1.076 GRE, 2005
On loan from RAL READING-RM - Collider physics
Barger VD (et al), 539.12.01 BAR, 1996
1 copy at RAL in READING-RM
- Particle Detectors
Grupen C, 1996
No copy available - Introduction to experimental particle physics
FERNOW RC, 539.12 FER, 1986
1 copy at RAL in READING-RM - Radiation, detection and measurement. 3rd ed
Knoll, 539.1.074 KNO, 2000
1 copy at RAL in READING-RM - Techniques for nuclear and particle physics experiments. A how-to approach. 2nd rev ed
Leo WR, 539.1 LEO, 1994
Missing from RAL in READING-RM (but ordered ?) - Detectors for particle radiation. 2nd ed
Kleinknecht K, 539.1.074 KLE, 1998
1 copy at RAL in READING-RM - Experimental techniques in high-energy nuclear and particle physics
(includes information on detector technologies)
FERBEL T, 539.12 FER, 1991
1 copy at RAL in READING-RM - Calorimetry : energy measurements in particle physics
Wigmans R, 539.12 WIGM, 2000
1 copy at RAL in READING-RM - Semiconductor detector systems
Spieler H, 2005
No copy available. - Particle Detection with Drift Chambers
Blum & Rolandi, 539.1.074 BLU, 1993
- A practical introduction to electronic circuits. 3rd edition
(short, undergraduate-level)
Jones MH, 1995
No copy available - The art of electronics. 2nd ed
(long, reference volume)
Horowitz P (et al), 1989
Missing (but ordered ?) - The VMEBUS handbook: a user's guide to the VME64 and VME64x bus specifications. 4th ed
Peterson WD, 004.324 PET, 1997
1 copy available in RAL FORUM
- Statistical data analysis
(written by particle physicist)
Cowan G, 519.23 COW, 1998
Missing (but not registered so) from RAL FORUM - Statistics for nuclear and particle physicists
Lyons L, 519.2 LYO, 1993
1 copy at RAL in READING-RM - Statistics
Barlow, R, 1989,
No copy available. - Probability and statistics in particle physics
Frodesen AG, Skjeggestad O, Tofte H 539.12.01 FRO, 1979
1 copy available at RAL in READING-RM (but tattered, so replace). - Data analysis techniques for high-energy physics experiments
R.K.Bock, 1990
No copy available.
- The essentials of C++
(Very short, but explanations only average in quality)
Hunter, David, 2001
No copy available. - C++ the complete reference. 3rd ed
(good, but very long)
Schildt H, 004.438C++ SCH, 1998
1 copy at RAL in FORUM
Please contact your PPD Library Reps. (I.Tomalin + R.Luscher),
if you know any other good books.
This list was compiled in June 2006 and updated Jan. 2007