1. Introduction to high energy physics. 4th ed
    (Undergraduate level)
    Perkins DH, 539.12 PER, 2000
    1 copy at RAL in READING-RM
  2. Modern elementary particle physics
    KANE G, 539.12 KAN, 1987
    1 copy at RAL in READING-RM


  1. Quarks and leptons : an introductory course in modern particle physics
    (Good PhD level. Electroweak theory, Lagrangians etc).
    Halzen F (et al), 539.123 HAL, 1984
    1 copy at RAL in READING-RM
  2. Gauge theories in particle physics : a practical introduction. Vol. 1 : from relativisitc quantum mechanics to QED. 3rd ed
    Missing (but not registered so) from RAL READING-RM
    Gauge theories in particle physics. Vol. 2 : non-abelian guage theories : QCD and the electroweak theory. 3rd ed
    Aitchison IJR (et al), 539.12.01 AIT, 2004
    1 copy at RAL in READING-RM
  3. Quantum field theory.
    MANDL F, 530.145 MAN, 1993
    On loan from RAL READING-RM
  4. An Introduction to Quarks and Partons
    Close FE, 539.12.01 CLO, 1979
    1 copy at RAL in READING-RM(tattered, but out-of-print so can’t replace).
  5. Weak Interactions of Leptons and Quarks
    Commins & Bucksbaum, 539.12.17 COM, 1983
    1 copy atRAL in READING-RM
  6. QCD and collider physics
    Ellis RK (et al), 539.12.01 ELL, 1996


  1. The Higgs Hunter's guide. (Frontiers in physics lecture note series)
    GUNION JF ed, 539.122 GUN, 1990
    1 copy at RAL in READING-RM
  2. Perspectives on supersymmetry
    Kane GL (ed), 539.12.01 KAN, 1998
    1 copy at RAL in READING-RM
  3. Neutrino physics
    Zuber K, 539.123 ZUB, 2005
    1 copy at RAL in READING-RM
  4. High Pt physics at hadron colliders
    Green D, 539.1.076 GRE, 2005
    On loan from RAL READING-RM
  5. Collider physics
    Barger VD (et al), 539.12.01 BAR, 1996
    1 copy at RAL in READING-RM


  1. Particle Detectors
    Grupen C, 1996
    No copy available
  2. Introduction to experimental particle physics
    FERNOW RC, 539.12 FER, 1986
    1 copy at RAL in READING-RM
  3. Radiation, detection and measurement. 3rd ed
    Knoll, 539.1.074 KNO, 2000
    1 copy at RAL in READING-RM
  4. Techniques for nuclear and particle physics experiments. A how-to approach. 2nd rev ed
    Leo WR, 539.1 LEO, 1994
    Missing from RAL in READING-RM (but ordered ?)
  5. Detectors for particle radiation. 2nd ed
    Kleinknecht K, 539.1.074 KLE, 1998
    1 copy at RAL in READING-RM
  6. Experimental techniques in high-energy nuclear and particle physics
    (includes information on detector technologies)
    FERBEL T, 539.12 FER, 1991
    1 copy at RAL in READING-RM
  7. Calorimetry : energy measurements in particle physics
    Wigmans R, 539.12 WIGM, 2000
    1 copy at RAL in READING-RM
  8. Semiconductor detector systems
    Spieler H, 2005
    No copy available.
  9. Particle Detection with Drift Chambers
    Blum & Rolandi, 539.1.074 BLU, 1993


  1. A practical introduction to electronic circuits. 3rd edition
    (short, undergraduate-level)
    Jones MH, 1995
    No copy available
  2. The art of electronics. 2nd ed
    (long, reference volume)
    Horowitz P (et al), 1989
    Missing (but ordered ?)
  3. The VMEBUS handbook: a user's guide to the VME64 and VME64x bus specifications. 4th ed
    Peterson WD, 004.324 PET, 1997
    1 copy available in RAL FORUM


  1. Statistical data analysis
    (written by particle physicist)
    Cowan G, 519.23 COW, 1998
    Missing (but not registered so) from RAL FORUM
  2. Statistics for nuclear and particle physicists
    Lyons L, 519.2 LYO, 1993
    1 copy at RAL in READING-RM
  3. Statistics
    Barlow, R, 1989,
    No copy available.
  4. Probability and statistics in particle physics
    Frodesen AG, Skjeggestad O, Tofte H 539.12.01 FRO, 1979
    1 copy available at RAL in READING-RM (but tattered, so replace).
  5. Data analysis techniques for high-energy physics experiments
    R.K.Bock, 1990
    No copy available.


  1. The essentials of C++
    (Very short, but explanations only average in quality)
    Hunter, David, 2001
    No copy available.
  2. C++ the complete reference. 3rd ed
    (good, but very long)
    Schildt H, 004.438C++ SCH, 1998
    1 copy at RAL in FORUM

Please contact your PPD Library Reps. (I.Tomalin + R.Luscher),
if you know any other good books.

This list was compiled in June 2006 and updated Jan. 2007