Survey question recommendations from the NHTSA-GHSA working group
Impaired driving
A-1: In the past 60 days*, how many times have you driven a motor vehicle within 2 hours after drinking alcoholic beverages?
_____ (number of times)
A-2: In the past 30 days*, have you read, seen or heard anything about alcohol impaired driving (or drunk driving) enforcement by police?
_____ Yes_____ No
A-3: What do you think the chances are of someone getting arrested if they drive after drinking?
_____ Always _____ Most of the time _____ Half the time ____ Rarely _____ Never
Seat belt use
B-1: How often do you use seat belts when you drive or ride in a car, van, sport utility vehicle or pick up?
_____ Always _____ Most of the time _____ Half the time ____ Rarely _____ Never
B-2: In the past 60 days*, have you read, seen or heard anything about seat belt law enforcement by police?
_____ Yes_____ No
B-3: What do you think the chances are of getting a ticket if you don't wear your safety belt?
_____ Always _____ Most of the time _____ Half the time ____ Rarely _____ Never
S-1a.** On a local road with a speed limit of 30 mph, how often do you drive faster than 35 mph?
_____ Always _____ Most of the time _____ Half the time ____ Rarely _____ Never
S-1b.** On a road with a speed limit of 65 mph, how often do you drive faster than 70 mph?
_____ Always _____ Most of the time _____ Half the time ____ Rarely _____ Never
S-2: DMV-S15.In the past 30 days*, have you read, seen or heard anything about speed enforcement by police?
_____ Yes_____ No
S-3: What do you think the chances are of getting a ticket if you drive over the speed limit?
_____ Always _____ Most of the time _____ Half the time ____ Rarely _____ Never
* Questions A-1, A-2, B-2, and S-2 ask about behavior or media awareness over the recent past. States should choose the time period – 30 or 60 days – based on when the survey is conducted and when relevant enforcement and media campaigns have occurred.
** Questions S1a and S1b ask about speeding behavior on local or high-speed roads, respectively. States should use either or both based on their speeding reduction targets. States may also may wish to change the details of these questions to reflect their priorities. For example, the most useful local road speed limit for S1a may be 25 or 35 mph rather than 30 mph. The most useful “faster than” amount on either S1a or S1b may be 10 mph above the speed limit rather than 5 mph.
For full discussion of these questions, examples of complete surveys on impaired driving, seat belt use, and speeding, and a list of all surveys conducted by all States from 2004-2008, see Survey Recommendations for the NHTSA-GHSA working group (2009), available at GHSA’s website
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