21 May 2015 /
Wards All
Executive Scheme of DelegationWritten Report of the Leader
Purpose of the Report and Summary
This written report is made to inform members of the scheme of delegation which I propose will take effect from 21 May 2015
Councillor Stephen Brady
Leader of the Council
These are the details of the Leader’s delegations and portfolio holders in 2014/15
- The Cabinet to take all decisions in relation to the consideration and adoption of strategies and policies applicable to all executive functions, save:
(a)where a strategy or policy is identified for inclusion within the Council’s Policy Framework in which case such strategies or policies require the approval of Council, and
(b)where a strategy or policy falls within the Public Health functions transferred to Council from the Primary Care Trust, in which case such strategies or policies will be determined by the Health and Wellbeing Board;
2.Cabinet portfolios to remain as follows:
Cllr Stephen Brady - Leader of the Council
City Plan Enabler: Key Partnerships
Responsible for:
Leader - Strategic Direction and Partnerships (e.g. member of City Leadership Board
Promoting the City raising the Profile
Liaison with 3rd Sector
Cllr Daren Hale - Deputy Leader City Plan Enabler: Finance, Land and Property
Responsible for:
Lead on all aspects of Medium Term Financial Plan –
(Strategic Finance, Revenue and Capital, Resource and Budget Management,Financial Inclusion)
External Funding as a key enabler
Deputy Leader ( with corresponding media presence)
Authority to take any executive decision in the absence of the Leader, or in circumstances
when the Leader is not able to act.
Cllr Steven Bayes - Portfolio: Visitor Destination
Responsible for:
Key Theme of City Plan
Cultural Regeneration Strategy (inc
City Centre and Promotion of the City)
ICT and Digital as a key enabler
City of Culture 2017
Client responsibilities for Leisure and Heritage
Finalisation of Green Port proposals
Cllr Helena Spencer - Portfolio: Public Health, Prevention & Safeguarding Adults
Responsible for:
2 Key Themes of City Plan
Prevention and Early Intervention/Safeguarding adults
Adult Social Care and Health (includes Older People, Disability and Day Services)
Public Health Agenda
Better Care Plan
Hull 2020 Programme
Cllr Terence Geraghty - Portfolio: City Plan Enabler: Leisure,(Culture, sports, youth and library facilities
Responsible for:
Strategy and Programming for Sports Development
Running Culture, Sports, Youth and Library Facilities
Parks and Garden and Events
Targeted Youth Services
Cllr John Black - Portfolio: City Plan Enabler: Council Infrastructure (inc. Housing and Waste Management)
Responsible for:
Local housing management
Lettings and repairs
Housing regeneration strategy and projects
Neighbourhood Management of Housing Provision
KWL Client
Waste collections and disposals
Cllr Alan Clark - Portfolio: Neighbourhoods & Communities (inc. Emergency Planning)
Responsible for:
“Making your money go further” Theme of City Plan
Poverty prevention (inc. food poverty);
Community Safety
Customer Services
Public Protection
Area Teams and liaison with Area Committees
Emergency Planning inc. Flood Prevention
Cllr Martin Mancey - Portfolio: Energy City
Responsible for:
Key Theme of City Plan
Economic Regeneration
Strategic Planning
Environmental Sustainability
Streetscene including strategic highways and transport
Finalisation of waste treatment and disposal contract
Parks and Gardens Maintenance
Cllr Phil Webster - Portfolio: City Plan Enabler: Business Support and Change
Responsible for:
Key enabling Internal Councils Services including Personnel
Industrial Relations
Monitoring and delivery of the overall change programme
Corporate Buildings/NPS,
Business Change
Cllr Rosie Nicola - Portfolio: City Plan Enabler: Learning, Skills and Safeguarding Children
Lead Member for Childrens’ Services
Responsible for:
City Learning Strategy
Early Years
Skills Plan (fundamental enabler)
Hull Training and Adult Education
Liaison with schools (school services)
School Improvement
Equalities and Diversity
Children’s Social Care
Priority Families Programme
Prevention and Early Intervention/Safeguarding - Children
3.Cabinet members are given delegated authority to take executive decisions in relation to their portfolio responsibilities following consultation with the relevant Chief Officer or City Manager as appropriate, provided that any executive decision which carries financial implications (other than within the approved Council budget) be taken only after consultation with the Leader of the Council and no decision can be made by a Portfolio Holder in relation to a budget that has been delegated by the Leader of Council to the Health and Wellbeing Board or the Executive Commissioning Committee. This delegated authority does not include the authority for individual Cabinet members to award contracts save where specifically authorised in the implementation of a Cabinet decision, but it does include a delegation for the Porfolio Holder for Finance, Land and Property to authorise the disposal or acquisition of property or land subject to compliance with the requirements of s123 of the Local Government Act 1972.
The Health and Wellbeing Board are given delegated authority to take executive decisions in relation to Public Health functions, following agreement of the Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Public Health and consultation with the relevant Chief Officer or City Manager as appropriate, provided that any executive decision which carries financial implications outside the ring fenced public health budget, be taken only after consultation with the Leader of the Council. This delegated authority includes the authority to award contracts.
4.The exercise of functions in respect of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above is subject to:
(i)the general provisions set out in the Council’s Scheme of Delegation;
(ii)the general principles of decision making set out within Article 7 in Part A of the Constitution;
(iii)the statutory responsibilities of the Council’s Section 151 Officer and Monitoring Officer; and
(iv)the delegated authority granted to officers pursuant to paragraph 18 of the Officer Delegation Scheme.
5.That the appointment to Executive Committees, the Terms of Reference and quorum for Executive Committees are to be as shown at Annex A).
- Delegated authority to Area Committees to take all executive decisions on matters that exclusively affect their area, save where such decisions fall within the public health functions transferred from the Primary Care Trust which will be the responsibility of the Health and Wellbeing Board, provided that:
(i)no decision may be taken in relation to facilities or services that are provided or used by residents of other areas
(ii)no decision shall be taken that would involve the disposal of or acquisition of any property
(iii)no decision shall be taken that would set any charges, prices or fees
(iv)all decisions taken must as a minimum comply with any standard of service provision set by the Council
(v)all decisions must be in line with the financial procedure rules contained within the Constitution
- That as set out in the Constitution, the appropriate authorities are given by the relevant members of the Corporate Strategy Team for City Managers to discharge executive functions in accordance with the Officer Scheme of delegation.
Corporate Trustee Committee
1.That the membership of the Committee be:-
(a)Leader of the Council – Councillor Brady
(b)Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Finance, Land and Property – Councillor Hale
(c)Portfolio Holder for Public Health, Prevention & Safeguarding Adults– Councillor Spencer
2.Terms of Reference and quorum as stated in the Council’s Constitution :-
The quorum – two voting members.
Role and Functions
Discharge the functions of the Council as corporate trustee in relation to those trusts where the Council is the sole trustee.
Make any appointment as a trustee which falls to be made by the Council.
Executive Commissioning Committee
1.That the membership of the Committee be:-
(a)Leader of the Council – (Councillor Brady)
(b)Deputy Leader of the Council (Councillor Hale)
(b)Portfolio Holder for Business Support and Change – (Councillor Webster)
(c)Portfolio Holder for Energy City – (Councillor Mancey)
(d) Portfolio Holder for Visitor Destination – (Councillor Bayes)
(e)Portfolio Holder for Council Infrastructure (inc. Housing and Waste Management) (Councillor Black)
(f) Chair of Health and Well-Being Board – (Councillor Inglis)
2.Terms of Reference:-
The quorum – three voting members.
Role and Functions
- To determine and keep under review the scope of services to be delivered on behalf of the Council through in-house companies from time to time;
- To review and maintain under review the business case for the companies prepared pursuant to the Local Government (Best Value Authorities) (Power to Trade) (England) Order 2009 (“the Trading Order”) and successor statutory instruments;
- To review the delivery of Best Value by the companies in accordance with statutory guidance.
- To discharge the Council’s functions as shareholder in relation to companies under the control of the Council.
- To apply such budget as may be delegated to it by the Leader of Council to commission goods, works, services and events to support delivery of Council strategies in relation to Leisure and Heritage, including delivery of City of Culture 2017.
- To determine applications for funding made to the Council pursuant to Section 19(1) of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 within such budget as may be delegated to the Committee by the Leader of Council.
- To ensure the co-ordination of the exercise of executive commissioning powers of the Council between the Cabinet and the Health and Wellbeing Board.
- To exercise decision making on behalf of the Council on such matters in relation to the operation of the companies as the Council reserves to itself
Health and Wellbeing Board
1.That the membership of the Committee from elected Councillors be:-
(a)Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Public Health (Councillor Helena Spencer)
(b)Councillor Colin Inglis (chairman)
(c)Councillor Jackie Dadd
(d) Councillor Rosemary Pantelakis
(e)Councillor Andrew Dorton
2.That the co-opted voting members of the Committee be:-
(a)Dr Daniel Roper, Clinical Commissioning Group (vice chairman)
(b)Dr James Moult, Clinical Commissioning Group
(c)Dr Amy Oehring, Clinical Commissioning Group
(d) Chief Officer, Clinical Commissioning Group, Emma Latimer,
(e)Director of Commissioning and Partnerships, Clinical Commissioning Group, Julia Mizon,
(f) Representative of Healthwatch
(g)Director of Public Health
(h) Corporate Director, Children and Family Services
(i) City Adults Social Care Manager
3.Terms of Reference and quorum as stated in the Council’s Constitution :-
The quorum – a minimum of six voting members among whom there must be at least two elected members and two co-opted members of the Hull Clinical Commissioning Group
Role and Functions
As set out in the Council’s Constitution.
Status: Final1
Date: 16/10/2018