Rec. ITU-R BT.16171


Format for transmission of DV compressed video, audio and data over
interfaces complying with Recommendation ITU-R BT.1381

(Question ITU-R 12/6)


The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly,


a)that applications within professional television production and post-production have been identified where DV-compliant video compression can offer operational and economic advantages when used on serial digital interface (SDI)-based operations;

b)that an implementation exists based on a sampling raster of 4:2:0 at a data rate of 25Mbit/s based on IEC 61834-2 known as DVCAM;

c)that the audio, data and compressed video elements in DV-compliant systems are formatted differently compared to DVbased systems;

d)that the formatting is optimized for interconnection between DV-compliant VCRs and disk systems;

e)that transfer speeds up to five times faster than real-time can be achieved;

f)that agile decoders are being developed to integrate data streams based on DVCAM into DVbased production,


1that for applications in professional television production and post-production employing DV compression, the parameters given in the SMPTE 322M-1999 –Format for Transmission of DV Compressed Video, Audio and Data Over a Serial Data Transport Interface, be used.

Summary of SMPTE Standard 322M-1999

This Standard specifies the data structure and the transmission format of DV compressed video, audio and data over a serial data transport interface (SDTI) as defined by Recommendation ITURBT.1381 and SMPTE 305M. The Standard is a combination of video, audio, sub-code and control data optimized for the connection between DV-compliant VCRs and disk systems. It provides for high-speed data stream transfer up to five times faster than real-time. The video, audio and sub-code data comply with IEC 61834-2 for both 525/60 and 625/50 systems. The bit stream consists of 77-byte digital interface (DIF) data blocks, which are common to other DV-based signals. The DIF blocks are mapped onto SDTI using a frame-bounded algorithm preserving ease of manipulating the video and audio data.

NOTE1SMPTE Standard 322M-1999 is given in Annex1 and Standard305M can be found at: SMPTE Standard322M-1999 and its summary refer to version1999 only, which is the version approved, by Administrations of Member States of the ITU in application of Resolution ITU-R1-3 on 03-05-03. By agreement between ITU and SMPTE, this Version was provided and authorized for use by SMPTE and accepted by ITU-R for inclusion in this Recommandation. Any subsequent version of SMPTE Standard 322M, which has not been accepted and approved by Radiocommunication Study Group 6 is not part of this Recommendation. For subsequent versions of SMPTE documents, the reader should consult the SMPTE website:

Rec. ITU-R BT.16171

Annex 1

Rec. ITU-R BT.16171