Hourly Paid Workers

Recommendation Form for Hourly Paid Teaching Appointment

Sections 1 – 3 plus section 7 to be completed by appointee/ School:

Section 1


Section 2

Title (Mr/Mrs etc)
First name
Middle name
Is this individual an existing hourly paid academic or to be newly appointed? / If existing, please provide personnel number here and go to section 4
If to be newly appointed, please go to section 3

Section 3

Telephone number
E-Mail Address for Correspondence
National Insurance number
Date of Birth

Signature of appointee______Date ______

Sections 4 – 6 to be completed by School staff:

Section 4

Teaching details
Contract 1 / Contract 2 / Contract 3
Appointment type, e.g. Lecturer, Tutor, Demonstrator
Course/Programme on which this person will be teaching
Module Title(s)
If the activity/teaching is specifically aimed at one student, please give student name
Name of permanent staff requesting contract (please print)

Section 5

Contract details

Contract 1 / Contract 2 / Contract 3
Contract start date
Contract end date
Hours to be worked per week
No. of weeks to be worked
Total hours to be worked
Hourly rate
Financial commitment
Project code

Section 6

Programme Leader/ Director/Budget Holder / Date:
Head of School
(Appointment Request) / Date:
College Head of Finance
(Funds Available) / Date:
Dean of College
(Appointment Approved) / Date:

Part-time teaching appointments are made on the understanding that:

(i)no postgraduate student is being offered an appointment which will result in that student performing teaching duties in excess of 6 hours per week, thereby infringing the University’s PhD regulations.

(ii)the total part-time teaching hours for individuals will not exceed 16 per week

(iii)the cost of the appointment and the commitment made will not result in the School budgets being exceeded

(iv)If this appointment, or accumulated appointments, result in a member of staff exceeding the minimum earnings for which NI is payable (currently £385 per month), then the employers NI contributions will be payable from the budget concerned

For HR use

Name / Date
If new appointment, Personnel Number…………………………
Entered on SAP
SAP audit check
Offer letter & contract sent

Please note this page is purposely left blank to ensure the Equality and Diversity information provided in section 7 (on the following page) remains separate to the rest of the above document

Section 7 to be completed by appointee:

Section 7

Equality & Diversity information

Nationality / Ethnicity codes
White - British 11
White - Irish 12
Other White background 19
Black/Black British - Caribbean 20
Black/Black British - African 21
Other Black Background 29
Asian/Asian British - Indian 31
Asian/Asian British - Pakistani 32
Asian/Asian British – Bangladeshi 33
Chinese 34
Other Asian background 39
Mixed - White & Black Caribbean 41
Mixed – White & Black African 42
Mixed – White & Asian 42
Other Mixed background 49
Other 80
Sexual Orientation codes
Gay man02
Gay woman/lesbian03
Prefer not to say06
Religion codes
No religion
Other religion/belief
Prefer not to say
Academic Qualification codes
Other higher degree
Other postgraduate qualification (including professional quals)
First degree
First degree with qualified teacher status (QTS)
Other qualification at first degree level (including professional quals)
Diploma of HE
Other undergraduate qualification (including professional quals)
‘A’ Level, Scottish Higher or equivalent (NVQ.SVQ Level 3)
‘O’ Level/GCSE or equivalent (NVQ/SVQ Level 2)
Other qualification
Not known
Ethnicity (see list)
Do you have a disability? / Yes / No
If yes, please specify
Sex (please circle) / Male / Female
Is your gender the same as at birth? / Yes / No / Prefer not to say
What is your sexual orientation? (see list)
What is your religion? (see list)
What is your highest academic qualification?
(see list)
Are you eligible to work in the UK without restrictions? / Yes / No

Hourly Paid Workers.Recommendation Form For Hourly Paid Teaching Appointment.R&T.v1.1 | 11.09.2012