Office of Financial and Academic Affairs for Higher Education
Lesson Plan Assessment Rubric - MATHEMATICS
Outcome: Candidate will present an effective lesson plan and lesson. Work Product: In-Class Lesson
Evaluation date: / Objective: / Candidate:
Course and level: / Evaluator:
Student Teaching Indicators
C: CCT indicator N: NCATE/NCTM indicator (shaded components addressed in student teaching only) / Unacceptable / Acceptable / Target
Content and Essential Skills
  • Recognizes and use connections among mathematical ideas. (N4.1)
  • Recognizes and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics. (N4.2)
  • Integrates learning activities that make real-world, career or global connections, and promote interdisciplinary connections whenever possible (C3.6)
/ Few if any mathematical connections are made and students are unable to make connections between the real-world and what they are being taught. / Some mathematical connections are made. Real-world connections might be vague or far-fetched. / Connections among different mathematical ideas are integrated in instruction and students are able to make real-world connections to what is being taught.
  • Understands specific concepts and procedures as well as the process of doing mathematics
  • Demonstrates discipline-specific knowledge and skills as described in the relevant national and state professional teaching standards (C1.2)
/ Mathematical mistakes or misconceptions are apparent. / Mathematical content is understood and any errors are superficial and non-consequential. / Mathematical content is thoroughly and accurately understood and this knowledge is conveyed to students.
Student Teaching Indicators
C: CCT indicator N: NCATE/NCTM indicator (shaded component addressed in student teaching only) / Unacceptable / Acceptable / Target
Providing performance feedback (oral or written) to students that focuses on content or skills and assists students in improving their performance.
  • Provides meaningful, appropriate and specific feedback to students during instruction to improve their performance. (C4.7)
  • Monitors student learning and adjusting teaching during instruction in response to student performance and engagement in learning tasks (C4.6)
  • Provides students with assessment criteria and individualized, descriptive feedback to help them improve their performance and assume responsibility for their learning (C5.5)
/ Infrequently provides feedback to students or fails to provide it on an individual basis. Little or no evidence of attempts to monitor student learning or adjust teaching can be seen. / Occasionally provides feedback to students, which may or may not be on an individual basis. Attempts to monitor student learning and adjust teaching as necessary can be detected. / Frequently and consistently provides meaningful feedback to students on an individual basis. Consistently monitors student learning and adjusts teaching as necessary. Motivates students to improve.
  • Demonstrates attention to equity (N7.1)
  • Creates a class climate that is responsive to and respectful of the learning needs of students with diverse backgrounds, interests and performance levels (C2.1)
/ Efforts to create a fair and equal environment in the classroom are not evident or are unsuccessful. / Is generally cognizant of student differences and makes attempts to establish a classroom environment of equality and fairness. / Treats all students fairly, equally, and with respect. Student behavioral expectations are set at the same high level.
Student Teaching Indicators
C: CCT indicator N: NCATE/NCTM indicator / Unacceptable / Acceptable / Target
Planning and Instruction
  • Cites prior knowledge related to the objective
  • Helps students focus on or anticipate the lesson
/ The lesson’s purpose and student expectations are not stated at the beginning of the lesson. / The lesson’s purpose and student expectations are stated at the beginning of the lesson, but may be vague or unclear. Lesson closure is present and generally effective. / The lesson’s purpose and student expectations are clearly stated at the beginning of the lesson. Effective closure techniques are used.
  • Summarizes the lesson
  • Connects lesson to subsequent lessons
/ The lesson’s purpose and student expectations are not stated at the beginning of the lesson. / The lesson’s purpose and student expectations are stated at the beginning of the lesson, but may be vague or unclear. Lesson closure is present and generally effective. / The lesson’s purpose and student expectations are clearly stated at the beginning of the lesson. Effective closure techniques are used.
  • Employs a variety of strategies for differentiated instruction to help students access content information and to demonstrate what they have learned.
  • Determines students’ prior knowledge to ensure that content instruction is at an appropriate level of challenge and differentiated to meet their learning needs (C3.1)
  • Designs or selecting academic and/or behavioral interventions through differentiated, supplemental, specialized instruction for students who do not respond to primary instruction alone (C3.7)
  • Uses differentiated instruction and supplemental interventions to support students with learning difficulties, disabilities and/or particular gifts and talents (C4.5)
/ Different strategies are rarely utilized to differentiate instruction. Differentiated instruction may be inappropriate, or ineffective. / Different strategies are sometimes utilized to differentiate instruction. Differentiated instruction is appropriate, effective, and integrated into teaching practices. / Different strategies are utilized to differentiate instruction. Differentiated instruction is appropriate, effective, and fully integrated into teaching practices.
Materials and Strategies
  • Uses of various teaching tools including technology (N7.6)
  • Selects and uses appropriate concrete materials for learning mathematics. (N8.2)
/ Teaching tools and techniques rarely vary. The materials used may be ineffective or inappropriate. / A variety of teaching tools and techniques are sometimes used. The materials used are somewhat effective and appropriate. / A variety of teaching tools and techniques are consistently used. The materials used are effective and appropriate.
Representations of mathematical ideas
  • Uses representations to model and interpret physical, social, and mathematical phenomena. (N5.1)
  • Creates and uses representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas. (N5.2)
/ Representations are rarely used to express and communicate mathematical ideas, or they are ineffectual, inaccurate, or otherwise inappropriate. / Representations are sometimes used to express and communicate mathematical ideas. Their use is usually appropriate and accurate. / Representations are frequently and consistently used to express and communicate mathematical ideas. Their use is appropriate and accurate.
Development of lesson
  • Demonstrates the ability to lead classes in developing in-depth conceptual understanding (N 8.8)
  • Promotes the development and application of skills with conceptual understanding, and anticipating students’ content misconceptions (C3.3)
/ Students’ misconceptions are not anticipated and may not always be perceived by the teacher. Attempts to foster in-depth understanding are unsuccessful or not evident. / Students’ misconceptions are corrected, though not always anticipated. Teaching techniques allow for students to develop some depth of understanding. / Students’ misconceptions are anticipated and prevented. Teaching techniques allow for students to develop in-depth understanding of material.