Vehicle RiddlesPart2

What am I?

Materials: 8 riddles

1 suggested answer sheet

1 activity sheet


  1. Learners, in groups, are given eight riddles. They have to work out thesolutions to the riddles.
  2. Teacher checks answers with learners and uses contextual questions (e.g. Which key words tell you about the vehicle?)to draw their attention to the key wordsfor solving the riddles.
  3. Teacher also guides learners to guess the meaning of vocabulary by making use of the context and learners’knowledge of the world.
  4. Each group is then given an activity sheet. With the help of the outline given below, each group has to create a riddle, organizing the ideas from general to specific:

e.g. state its general categoryI am a vehicle.

describe it (size, colour …)I have four wheels.

state its useI carry a lot of passengers.

state what it is made of I am made of metal.

Describe the specific featuresI have two decks.

What am I?

  1. Each group takes turns to read out their riddle for other groups to solve.
  2. Learners can write their own riddles if time allows.

Names of the group members: ______

Circle the key words that tell you about the vehicles.

Write the names of the vehicles in the spaces provided.

I am a vehicle with four wheels.
I carry lots of passengers.
I am made of metal.
I have two decks.
What am I? ______/ I am a vehicle.
I carry many passengers.
I need electricity.
I run on rails.
I go under the ground most of the time.
What am I? ______
I am a vehicle.
I carry hundreds of passengers.
I have two or three decks.
I carry passengers to and from outlying islands.
What am I? ______/ I am a vehicle with four wheels.
I carry four to five passengers.
I can be red, green or blue.
I have a meter to show the fare for the journey.
What am I? ______
I am a vehicle.
I have one deck.
There is a red or green stripe on my body.
I have sixteen seats for passengers.
What am I? ______/ I am a vehicle.
I have two decks.
I move on rails slowly.
Each adult pays two dollars for a ride.
What am I? ______
I am a vehicle.
I carry a lot of passengers and goods.
I move very fast.
I fly in the sky.
What am I? ______/ I am a vehicle.
I need electricity.
I run on rails.
I carry many passengers and a lot of cargoes every day.
What am I? ______

Suggested Answer Sheet

  1. a bus
  2. an MTR train
  3. a ferry
  4. a taxi
  5. a minibus
  6. a tram
  7. an aeroplane
  8. a KCR/a train

My riddle

Activity Sheet (for more able students)

Write your own riddle. You may use the guidelines below.

-describe the size/colour of the vehicle

-tell its use

-tell what it is made of

-tell something more about it

(Answer: I am a / an ______.)

My riddle

Activity Sheet (for less able students)

Write your own riddle.

(Answer: I am a / an ______.)