Reception ELG Coverage Long Term Planning Cycle 2016-2017
Area/Ongoing / AUTUMN / SPRING / SUMMERThe healthy me (7 Weeks)
Me- mark making, emergent writing / Storytelling (7 weeks)
The troll- story writing / Superheros/Princesses (7 Weeks)
Elliot midnight superhero- / Space (6 Weeks)
Whatever next? List writing / Spring/Growing (5 weeks)
Jack and the beanstalk –letter writing / Animals (7 weeks)
The little red hen- instruction writing
Personal, Social and Emotional Development / Healthy Eating
Working independently
Beginning to share feelings / Initiating conversations with others / Beginning to resolve conflicts
Sharing toys and equipment
Talking about themselves in positive way / Speaking with confidence
Working in small groups / Caring for other living things – why!
Talking about why we are special.
Developing own confidence in abilities / Looking after animals;
Caring for others;
Talking about own pets
Communication and Languge / Listening in small groups
Talking about stories read
Talk about things that are relevant to them / Talk for Writing focus
Creating own stories
Retelling a range of fairy tales
Literacy- story map, box up, innovate, write / Joins in with stories
Answers questions about things that we read
Following simple instructions / Talk for writing focus
Using developing language skills and extended sentences / Speaking in sentences; Using talking frames; Sharing ideas and listening to what is said; / Speaking in complex sentences.
Breaking the flow of speech into words
Using writing frames
Physical Development / Getting changed Simple skills – crawling, walking, jumping, running and hopping / Dance? / Gymnastics – shape
Directions / Using a range of large equipment to balance etc on / Bat and Ball Skills / Bat and Ball Skills
Sports day experiences
Literacy / Reading stories
Reading books sensibly
Talking about marks made
Name writing
Passport for child / Experimenting with different stories – new starters/ endings/ characters etc
Retelling/ ordering stories;Literacy- story map, box up, innovate, write
Story writing/Recipe / Beginning to use initial and final sounds
Reading and writing CVC words
Name writing
Literacy- story map, box up, innovate, write
Invitations / Range of writing activities linked to book that is chosen;
Literacy- story map, box up, innovate, write
Instructions / Sentence writing – using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces; Non-fiction focus
Letters / Non-fiction focus – letters/ invitations/ local area writing
Sentence writing – capital letters, full stops & finger spaces
Labelling/ report
Maths / Numbers 1-9
Simple positional Language
Shapes of objects
Ordering height / Calculations
More/less / Numbers 1-9
Ordering numbers
Patterns/ Colours
More/Less / Numbers 11-20
Calculation3D shape
Positional language
Basic money – 1p/ 2p / Measures – length/ weight
Problem solving
Time/ sequencing
Filling gaps in EYFS / Problem solving
Understanding of the World / Lives of others
Significant events for them
Describing special times
Using simple equipment / Diwali
Christmas and family traditions
Nativity / Chinese New Year
Using different equipment – cameras/ photocopier/ CD player / Easter activities
Looks closely at similarities and differences, patterns and change / Care for living things and environment
Food that we can grow / Care for living things
Naming and categorizing animals
Finding and sorting animals
Expressive Arts and Design / Portraits
Simple songs and games
Exploring colour
Exploring instruments / Fantasy pictures and paintings
Colour mixing
Using and describing instruments – rhythm patterns etc / Colour mixing and experimenting
Naming and using instruments
Singing songs
Nativity / Patterns
Observational drawings and paintings / Observational Drawings
Patterns / Collage animals
Face animals