Recent Deaths : Josephine (Josie, née Sweeney) Reidy, Kylebeg, Chutehall, Tralee,

and formerly of Kilquane, Ballymacelligott, and Kiltimagh, Co. Mayo.

Kathleen Lordan, (née McTaggart) Barrach Street, Castleisland, and

formerly of Milford, Co. Donegal.

Masses during the Week

Vigil. 7.30pm - Clogher, Mary Healy, Gurranebeg (15th Anniv.)

Sun. 10.00am - Ballymac,

Mon. 10.00am - Clogher,

Tues. 10.00am -Clogher,

Wed 10.00am - Ballymac,

Thurs. 10.00am - Clogher, Sr. Benedict Cotter, Mercy Sisters,Tralee , and formerly of

Cratloe, Athea, Co. Limerick (Recently Deceased).

Fri. 10.00am - Clogher, + Exposition at 9.30am

Sat 10.00am - Ballymac,

Vigil 7.30pm - Clogher, Eamon Walsh, Tonreigh (8th Anniv.)

Sun. 10.00am - Ballymac,

11.30am - Clogher,

Rota in Clogher & Ballymac Churches for 22nd / 23rd September 2012

Ministers of the Word : 7.30pm - Eileen O Callaghan / 11.30am – Alecia Jah.

Eucharistic Ministers : 7.30pm - Esther O’Connor / 11.30am – Tim Brosnan.

Ballymac : 10.00am - Mary Mahony.

Altar Servers Rota: 7.30pm -Team C: Tommy, Dáire, Dylan, and Daragh.

11.30am -Team D: Oonagh, Róisín, Laura & Niamh.

Ballymac: 10.00am - Rachel , Paul, Joseph, Áine, Cáit & Cian.

WeekendOffertory Collection: Total = € 762.77

of which weekly Parish Envelopes = € 561.20

Baptism: Last Sunday, 9th September 2012, in the Church of the ImmaculateConception,Ballymacelligott, we celebrated the baptism of Baby Bradán Micheál Byrne, son of Michael and Lorraine Byrne (née Scannell), living in Lios Ard, Lisloose, Tralee. As we congratulate Lorraine and Michael, we ask the Lord to continue to bless them and Baby Bradán in every possible way, both now and in the future.

Autumn Stations : Any people interested in holding a Station Mass in their home this autumn should contact Fr. Pat at (066) 7137118 or (087) 6709491to discuss the matter. It would be great to see the tradition of the Stations kept alive in the parish.

Diocesan Needs Collection : The Annual collection for the Diocesan Needs will be taken up at all Masses next weekend, 22nd /23rd September 2012. This collection helps fund many of the diocesan organisations including Cura, and Accord, as well as the promotion of catechetical initiatives.

Evening of Prayer for Healing : Join Eddie Stones & Msgr. Dan O’ Riordan in Castleisland Parish Church on Friday 21st September 2012. The Evening of Prayer will begin at 7.00pm with Mass. For further details phone 0874112002 or 086 1982188.

Vatican II Conference : Mary Immaculate College is holding a conference to celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the beginning of the Second Vatican Council. It will take place in the College and the Strand Hotel on October 10th and 11th . Our hope is that this conference will make a contribution to the forthcoming Year of Faith announced by Pope Benedict. We are pleased that the Opening Address on October 10th (evening) will be given byCardinal Cormac Murphy O’ Connor. The theme is : Religion and the Public Good: Fifty Years after the Second Vatican Concil <htt://www/>

Kerry Parents and Friends Association: The Kerry Parents and Friends recent church gate collection raised €3073. The Association is greatly appreciative of our support.

Padre Pio: the next Evening of Devotions in honour of St. Pio of Pietielcina (Padre Pio) will take place Thursday, 27th September 2012, in St. Brendan’s Church, Clogher, beginning with the Rosary at 7.15p.m.

Irish Dancing Classes: Ceili Classes for children, starting at Ballymac GAAClub/Rooms shortly. For further information please contact Josephine Fearns at 086-1607355 (by call or text).

The Active Retirement :Art classes starting on 9th October 2012.. It’s open to everybody, so come along to Kielduff Community Centre at 12.00 noon to 2.15pm. You need to get your own materials Canvas, Paints, Brushes. Classes are for 6 weeks, with J.J. Sheehy. (Art classes are free).

Brú Columbanus : A “Cookery Demo” will take place in aid of Brú Columbanus on Thursday, 11th October 2012,at 7.00pm in Ballyroe Heights Hotel, Tralee. Brú Columbanus is a charity that provides accommodation free of charge to relatives of seriously ill patients in Cork Hospitals, especially relatives of sick children. The majority of families that stay there, come from Kerry. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Hospice Coffee Morning: A Hospice Coffee Morning will be held on Thursday, 20thSeptember 2012, from 10.00am to 1.00pm at St. Brendan’s Community Centre, Ballydwyer. All are welcome

Ballymac Community Alert Group: If you are over 65 then you are entitled to a PanicAlarm System. If you wish to have one installed then contact Fionnán Fitzgerald, Rathenny, Pat Dowling Maglass or any local area representative as soon as possible.

Tralee Credit Union Education Awards & Dan Kellegher Memorial Awards. :

Tralee Credit Union is now accepting applications for their Education Awards and Dan Kellegher Memorial Awards. Their awards are worth €10,500 and are distributed to seven members by way of an open draw. Open to college students, each winner will receive €1,5000 towards their college expenses. Application Forms are available at their offices in Ashe Street, Tralee and Main Street, Castleisland, and on their website Open to Tralee Credit Union Members only. Losing date for receipt of applications is 30th September 2012. Non members can enter by joining Tralee Credit Union before the closing date. Terms and conditions apply.

Tralee Pilgrimage to Lourdes : 2nd – 7th October 2012. Direct flight from Kerry Airport. Spiritual Directors: Fr. Kieran O’ Brien and Fr. Brendan Walsh. Contact Sol Travel, Tralee on 066-7185940.

Alcholics Anonymous : Are you worried about your drinking habits?

Do you think you may have a drink problem? Contact your local AA meeting or telephone 066-7127820 or 087-0522911 for information or advice.

Seats in the Porches: The seats in the porches of both churches were put there a couple of years ago by the Parish Pastoral Council to accommodate parents with childrenwho might be noisy or a source of distraction for other Mass-goers. We would ask that those seats be reserved for such please.

Why Not Study Theology? The Dominicans are offering an affordable distance-learning programme in theology which can be followed either for academic credit or for personal enrichment. People study from home, with occasional study-days at weekends and with the support of on-line academic tutors. Hundreds of people have completed some or all of the programme. Perhaps you would like to know more?

Contact: The Priory Institute, Tallaght Village, Dublin 24. Telephone: (01 ) 4048124

Like to Quit Smoking? : A H.S.E. 6-week ‘Stop Smoking’ support group will take place in KDYS, Denny Street, Tralee, from 11th September 2012 to 16th October 2012. The course is free of charge and delivered by a Smoking Cessation Officer every Tuesday evening from 6.30pm until 7.30pm for 6 consecutive weeks. Please confirm booking as places are limited with Mary at 066-7195617 (Kerry Community Services, H.S.E. South, Rathass, Tralee).

Used Postage Stamps : These can be handed in to Our Lady and St. Brendan’s Church, Tralee, in aid of the Missions.

S.V.P. shop at Friary Lane, Tralee: S.V.P. is dedicated to alleviate poverty and support

those who experience crises in their lives. They help in all cases of immediate need, on a ‘person to person’ basis They are dependant on peoples generosity so please support their shop which is now open on Saturdays from 12 to 4pm.Tel 7122706.

For assistance, don’t hesitate to contact them at 087-7848825 or Office 7128021-Trale

Altar Servers Rota forClogher :.

TeamA : Thérese, Claire and Eoghan and Alusin Jah.

Team B :. Ciara , Lisa, Maurice and Darran

Team C: Tommy, Dáire, Dylan, and Daragh.

Team D : Oonagh, Róisín, Laura & Niamh.

Ballymac: Rachel, Paul, Joseph, Áine, Cait &Cian.

Training for Pastoral Leaders: The Diocese of Kerry will run a certified training programme for people involved in parish pastoral councils, liturgy groups, finance committees and safeguarding children committees. This course aims to nurture and deepen people’s faith, developing the confidence and competence of those involved in parish ministry and enabling them to make a greater contribution to the life of their parish and the Church. It will also equip parish leaders with the knowledge, skills and practice

needed to be effective in parish ministry. The course will be run in two venues. John PaulII Pastoral Centre, Killarney, starting on Monday, 24th September 2012, and St. Brendan’s Pastoral Centre, Upper Rock St.Tralee on Wednesday, 26th September 2012.The course will be taught in each of the two venues over 20 nights, 10 nightsbefore Christmas 2012 and 10 nights in Spring 2013. For further information, contact : Frances Rowland @ 064-6630538 or email: francesrowland@dioceseofkerry or check out

Mount St. Joseph’s Abbey, Roscrea: The Cistercian Monks welcome people from very varied backgrounds to their Guesthouse, a place of peace and serenity. Some may just want a quiet time to reflect and rest, away from the stress of everyday life, while others may be seeking solace in distress or trying to discern the Lord’s will for them.

Whatever! Why not avail of the experience that the serenity of the place and the calm of the Guesthouse gives to nourish you during your stay and, hopefully, stay with you when

you leave and return to your everyday life.There are also many fine walks around the grounds, giving the visitor time and space to enjoy the peaceful landscape of this area.

If interested phone 050525600 or Email