PARISH OFFICE is open Mon–Fri from 10am–5pm (excluding 1pm–2pm).
Canon Declan O’Connor P.P. Phone: 068 21188 / Parish Mobile: 087 0908949 (strictly for emergencies only)
Email: . Notices for Parish Newsletter have to be in by 2.00pm on Thursdays.
Funerals take place on weekdays at 11.30am and Sundays and Holy Days at 11.00am.
Baptisms are at pre-arranged times and must be booked through the Parish Office. Confessions: every Saturday after 10.30am Mass. Check out our web page and all Diocesan news on:
RECENT DEATH David Hegarty, late of Tullamore, Listowel died in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA.
ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE: Maurice, Margaret & Michael Purtill, Gortnaminch, Mary Healy, Greenville, Paddy & Nora Carey, Convent St, Una Dore nee Kennelly, Charles St, Kit Rowe nee Moriarty, Coolkeragh & Chicago, Eddie Flaherty, Charles St, Paddy Doyle, Tanavalla, Joan Healy & Deceased Family Members, Listowel.
Saturday24th / Jack McElligott & Deceased Family, Shrone West /
Mary Murphy, Bedford / Pat O Connor, Craughatoosane /
Margaret & Jeremiah Carmody, Derry /
Jimmy Clancy, St. Brendan’s Tec. /
Michael (Bunny) & Mary Dalton, Charles St. /
Teddy & Margaret Hartnett, Lartigue, Clieveragh / Vigil
25th / Bill O Sullivan, Coilbee, Birthday Remembrance /
Deceased Members of the Stack & Buckley Families, Gortcreen & Greenville / Murt & Eileen Daly, Knockane / 9.00am
Ellen (Nell) Halpin, Dirha Cottages, 1st Anniversary &
Johnny O Sullivan, Killocrim / Jim Harris, Greenville /
Denis & Mary McCarthy, Tarbert / Anne Looney, Skehenerin /
Peggy & Dr. Johnny Walsh, The Square / 11.00am
Monday 26th / Sr. Elizabeth Ann Sheehy, Asdee, 1st Anniversary / 10.30am
Holy Souls – Annual Mass for the Deceased / 7.00pm
Tuesday 27th / 10.30am
Wed 28th / 10.30am
Thursday 29th / Denis O’Sullivan, Kathleen Daly & Agnes Buckley, William St. / 10.30am
Friday 30th / Patrick O Regan, Ballyheigue / 10.30am
Saturday 1st / Eleanor Colbert nee Moore, Charles St. / 10.30am
Mary O’Connor nee Breen, Bunagara, Months Mind /
Patrick Hayes, Gortnaminch, 1st Anniversary /
Noranne McCarthy Skehenerin, 1st Anniversary & Michael, Seamus & Kevin McCarthy, Skehenerin /
Maurice, Annie & Patrick Relihan, Ballylongford /
Margaret Lynch, Glin / Andy Sayers, Cahirdown /
Joseph O Hanlon, Woodford / Josephine Lyons, Derry /
Bridget Toomey, Dirha Cottages / Billy McDonough, Clieveragh / Vigil
Sunday 2nd / People of the Parish / 9.00am
Pat Fitzgerald & Deceased Family Members, Abbeyfeale / 11.00am
OFFERTORY COLLECTION FOR YOUR PARISH last weekend was €2,660.00 (including all envelopes). May God reward you.
ANNUAL MASS FOR THE DECEASED OF 2012: For those who died and whose Funeral Mass was celebrated in our Church since the corresponding Mass last year will be celebrated on this Monday 26th Nov. at 7.00pm. A very special welcome to all the family members, friends and neighbours to this Mass.
ANNUAL KILLOCRIM GROTTO MASS will take place on Wednesday 28th November at 8pm.
ANNUAL GAA FINUGE MASS on Friday 30th November at 7pm.
Enrolment of confirmation candidates for 2013: Will take place at the Vigil Mass at 7pm. on Saturday night next 1st December. All candidates and parents are asked to attend.
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION A meeting re: Eucharistic Adoration will take place in the Parish Meeting Room on Monday 26th November at 7.45pm. We especially appeal to all Adorers, Committee Members, Co ordinators and anyone interested in Adoration to please come. Also we want to update our Rota System and appeal to all involved if they cannot be present at the meeting to please contact Margaret 087-2278599 or Ena 086-0562472 to confirm the hour they have sign up to. Preparation for Christmas Eucharistic Adoration will take place Sundays of Advent from 3pm. to 6pm. in the Adoration Chapel.
ANNUAL DIOCESAN YOUTH SERVICE COLLECTION will be taken up at all Masses next weekend 1st & 2nd December. The KDYS has been working with young people in the diocese of Kerry through its network of youth clubs and projects since its foundation in 1971. The KDYS works with 46 youth clubs and a variety of projects across the diocese aiding in the recruitment and training of volunteers who provide an invaluable service to young people in the local community. The proceeds of the collection will fund the on-going development of youth clubs and projects right across the diocese. Please give generously.
EXTRA EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS NEEDED: We need at least four more Eucharistic Ministers to join our teams in particular for the 11.00 a.m. Mass on Sundays. The teams work on a three monthly Rota and there are 6 on each team. We ask you earnestly to consider it? Training and support will be provided. Thanks.
NOTE A Statement by the Standing Committee of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference on the equal and inalienable right to life of a mother and her unborn child which was published, 19th November, by the Catholic Communications Office are at the back of the Church.
DATE FOR YOUR DAIRY Please note that a Christmas Carol Service at St. Mary’s Church, Listowel on Sunday December 9th at 7pm. More details later.
LISTOWEL BAZAAR On Fri. Nov. 30th & Sat. Dec. 1st at the Boy’s School Hall. You may drop your donation into the Boy’s School Hall any time after 2.30pm. (No Clothes Please) on Thursday Nov. 29th . All area collectors are to hand in their items from 2.00 to 5.00 on Wednesday.
NANO NAGLE SCHOOL 7th ANNUAL SOCIAL on Friday the 30th of Nov. at the Listowel Arms Hotel. Tickets €30, contact on 068 21942. All past pupils andfriends of Nano Nagle are welcome to join us on the night. Loads of spot prizes andfun on the night.
ST. MICHAEL’S COLLEGE Closing date for registering for Sept. 2013 is Nov. 30th 2012.
OFFICIAL LAUNCH OF LOCAL PUBLICATION, IN THE SHADOW OF THE SCHOOL memories of growing up in rural North Kerry in the 1950’s’ by Dick Carmody. Friday, 30th Nov. at 8.00pm in Clounmacon Community Centre Book proceeds go to support the work of Kerry Emigrant Support.