Rep Meeting Minutes
February 8, 2006
2-3 pm, Aspen 144
Chair – Caralee Perry
Minutes – Rae Jean Larsen
Attendance: Ann Keane (exec), Caralee Perry, Christy Bowman, Carlos Bittencourt (exec), Izabella Bagdasorova, John Bottinger, Karen Baumert, Mark Bingham, Marjorie Bernier (exec), Rae Jean Larson, Revis Turner, Sherry Cann, Tina Standlee, Vicki Kulm, Jesse White, Mary Jo Church, Zetell Nelson, Carolyn Browning, Leslee Treshow and guest Judy Thom from HR.
PACE Representative Meeting began at 2:00 pm. The January meeting minutes were approved.
Old Business
No old business was discussed.
Wellness Fair will be held March 16 in the Gym. The event will start with blood screening from 6:30 – 8:30 am, by appointment. The cost for the blood screening will be $15.00 – 25.00. At 9:30 the Health and Wellness Fair will begin with many different vendors attending.
February 21, Gary Larsen, a PHD Level World Dance Class Instructor, will be in the Gym at 12:30 – 1:00 pm to instruct all who attend some folk dancing and line dances. After the wonderful instruction, there will be a tour of the new Gym facilities.
Mid-April, our horticulture instructor, Dave Kiesig will speak on Money, Water, and Energy in your garden. This will be held in the CSI’s Greenhouse.
The rest of the meeting was handed over to Judy Thom to give instruction on the program V-Bulletin.
Because of the time shortage we were unable to discuss questions for Ken Campbell to answer concerning various areas of the email system and other areas of the system. We were asked to email any that we have for the next meeting to Caralee Perry.
Also because of time shortage we were unable to discuss if PACE would like to promote V-Bulletin. Example, a gift certificate to whoever is the first person to find the pink elephant.
Meeting adjourned at 3:05 pm.
Next meeting
Wednesday, March. 8 at 11:30 am
Taylor 276 – 277
Chair – Caralee Perry
Recorder – Tina Standlee
Respectfully submitted by Rae Jean Larsen