Announcer: The positive world radio network is pleased to present One Click
Society, with your host Lori Taylor. One Click Society is a radio show
designed to help listeners find success in a world that is now soaring
ahead at the speed of broadband. Each week, Lori Taylor, one of the world's
premiere copywriters and direct response marketers, discusses our rapidly
changing world with some of today's leading minds. As Lori loves to tell
her clients, you bring the rain, we'll make it pour. Well, bring your
umbrellas, because with a passion for contribution and a belief in paying
it forward, Lori is eager to fall in love with her new listeners. Whether
you're a fellow marketer, entrepreneur, or lifelong learner curious to hear
where the future is headed right from the mouths of those who are making it
happen, One Click Society will inform, inspire, and enthrall you each and
every week. Here's the host of One Click Society, Lori Taylor.
Lori Taylor: Hi, you're here today with Lori Taylor at One Click Society,
Seizing the Minute, with my good friend Coach Laura, otherwise known as
Laura Rubinstein. We met through a social media class we took with Mari
Smith, who is a friend of hers, and she was helping out with it. We got to
be friends, and it was very interesting, because Laura is very good at
marketing and has a lot of clients that she does consulting with for social
media. But what was really interesting with Laura for me was just like
myself, I was trying to take my skill set to bring forth something that was
important to me. Laura has taken everything she's learned along the way and
is launching a really exciting business for empowering women, getting them
more in their feminine space.
So the interview today with Laura is going to be a little mixed, because I
really want to hear her share what she's trying to accomplish right now as
it relates to her vision, but also let you know what types of techniques
she plans on using to try and get the word out around this program that she
has, Feminine Power Cards. So, with that introduction, I'm going to hand it
over to Laura and have her maybe give us a little background on where she
started, how she ended up online, what she does for her day job, and then
kind of expand on her vision for something that we're working together on
to bring live in 2011. Although it actually is out there a little bit, but
we're actually going to do a big push. So, to you Laura.
Laura Rubinstein: Great. Thanks, Lori, and thank for having me. For the
last, I don't know, 15 years, I've been in marketing. And I have a passion
and a creativity part of me that loves to help people fuel their passion,
ignite the heart of their life and make it happen. So a few years ago, I
started my company called Transform Today, and it has, like you said,
various aspects from helping business owners and marketing their
businesses, as well as helping women transform their relationships, first
with themselves, and then with the important people in their life and their
intimate partner.
I underwent my own transformation starting in 1997 when I was in a seven-
year relationship, engaged to be married, and the guy came home and said,
'I love you, but I don't want to marry you.' It just so happened that same
day my job, my J-R-B, job...
Laura: I was a manager, and my boss said, 'We don't want you in this
position anymore.' So I got kicked out of a job and kicked out of a
relationship in the same day. It was a bad day, but in retrospect, it was
the best day of my life, because it was a turning point when I had to
really start looking at what made me happy and why I had these
circumstances happen in my life. And I began to pick up nuggets and pearls
and mentors and insights along the way. And then all of a sudden a couple
years later, after I went through a whole soul searching journey and
personal development process, to the point where friends and other people
started coming to me and saying, 'Hey, Laura, can I have some coaching? You
seem to be doing really well and turned your life around.'
And so I started offering advice and coaching, and people just kept
starting to come to me. I got trained as a hypnotherapist as well and got
certifications in marketing and took mentors on in marketing, and so I had
even more experience coming in. It just kind of evolved, and the cool thing
was I followed what was given to me and what felt right to follow. There
was a whole... authenticity became my word. And then I also started
understanding this whole other side of myself, this feminine aspect. Which
that word, feminine, if you had asked me 15 years ago, do I consider myself
a feminine person, I would be like, 'Well, I don't really like frilly
things and flowers and Laura Ashley patterns, so probably not.'
Laura: But I learned that feminine had nothing to do with it. In fact, one
of my mentors who became a mentor, this woman stood up at the front of the
room at a networking event I was at in the late 90s. And she said, 'Hi. I
hold these gatherings for succulent, wild women, and we discuss the most
powerful form of power there is. It's the feminine energy.' And I'm like, I
have no idea what she just said, but I need to know more. Something in me
said more. And away we went. And my marketing work got enhanced because of
it, and my personal life got enhanced because of it, and today I am happily
married with a man I could never have imagined I would have attracted in
the past. And I have a business that is my own, thriving and fun things
that I'm doing on social media, and then I put together all those nuggets
and pearls that I learned and used to help me get here. I put them into a
wisdom deck of cards. They're like a coaching deck of cards, and they're
called the Feminine Power Cards. So that's a little bit in a nutshell about
Lori: I love that. I want to dig into your story. I'm going to go Barbara
Walters on you. [laughs]
Laura: Go for it.
Lori: Your story a little bit, because that was a lot of information, and
I've made some notes here to make sure I hit all the different points. But
there's a lot of people right now facing job changes, with companies
downsizing, people not hiring. And I love your analogy... something similar
happened to me at my job where I always had a deal with my company that I
wouldn't leave. I was always recruited. People from my competitors were
always trying to get my book of business, so they were always recruiting
me. They would try to sweeten the pot with different offers, but I had a
deal with myself that said, 'I am who I am. I'm great at sales. It's my
creativity is the reason that counts successful.' But I didn't have the
illusions that I could have done it without them, because I couldn't have.
I really couldn't have, because I needed their products and services.
So I thought, it's like the unknown movie star that partners with an agent
who would pay attention to them. And then he makes it big, and he kicks him
to the curb and goes with the big guys, forgetting that the little guy is
the one that gave him a break. And so for me, I had a deal with my company
that I would never do that. As long as they never screwed with my
commissions. As long as they never said, 'You know what? We don't really
have to pay that much.' And so we had that deal for 16 and a half years.
New regimes had come and gone.
A new regime came in, and they really, really started to manipulate the
commission tables. And it was announced to me off the table three months
earlier, because this person always promised me he would tell me so I would
have room to move. And so when it actually happened, I left the company at
that time. And I went to my agency roll and I love it. Like you said, it
was like the best thing that ever happened to me. Actually, I saw mine
coming, as opposed to you.
So I'm curious for all the people out there that were in their job, and
they felt comfortable. They're getting their paycheck. They like what they
do for the most part. In that moment when you found out that you were going
to have to go out and search for another job, were you going to look for
another job, or did you know... and I know it was an awful day because of
the relationship stuff. But did you know right then that maybe you were not
going to work for someone, or did you go on to take maybe another job
before you made the transition to working for yourself?
Laura: That's a good question. Well, I want to answer something before
that, which was driving to work that day, I remember feeling kind of
depressed. I remember saying to myself... I didn't acknowledge it, but I
said, 'I guess this is what my life is going to be. I'm going to go to this
job and I'm going to marry this guy, and I'm going to figure out how to be
happy in it.' So what was I saying? I was saying I wasn't really happy in
my life. So it's interesting the turn of events. I do see how it was all
coming, but I didn't know it at the time consciously.
And then when I did get that demotion, so to speak, or got kicked out of
that job, I went and looked for another job, because I was in a place that
was very unsure. It was a highly emotional time, and I don't believe that
when you're in those super emotional times it's a great time to make good
decisions. It's a good time to take care of yourself. So that was my number
one priority, take care of myself. Make sure I'm financially sound, and
then I could go on my soul searching journey. And it turned out, the next
job I got, I got laid off from.
Lori: The universe was not letting you out of this, was it? [laughs]
Laura: The universe was saying, 'Yes, you can get jobs, but no, you
shouldn't be in corporate America.' Like I said, I was open. And I actually
took some time off, because I did have savings in the bank. If I didn't
have savings in the bank, I would have never done it. I would have gone
right back into another job. But because I had that cushion and I felt like
I could take the time, I said, OK. Now, let's take... it wasn't so much X
amount of time. It was like, I'm comfortable with spending this amount of
dollars out of my savings, and whatever time that is, then that's my time,
and then I have to be making money.
And actually, that was kind of like the... I set that intention, and then I
just went on my way to finding my life work and how it appeared, and
allowed it to do so and allowed people to coach me. I allowed people to
invite me places I normally wouldn't go for support, whether it was... I
went to some sort of ashram type thing. Not that that was me at the time,
but I was open to it. I was open to really becoming aware. Because I really
think before that, I wasn't aware of how my feelings were causing the
results in my life and how I was at the effect of them. What I thought I
should be doing versus what my feelings were really informing me.
So I really learned to communicate with myself, and that was the source of
power. Learning what is my truth. Because I feel like in those seven years
of that relationship and the job, that I was always projecting that it was
always their fault that I was feeling this way. So I never looked at my own
self and said, 'No. I'm really just not doing my passion or with the right
person.' It has nothing to do with them. It had everything to do with me
and not honoring myself. So once I took responsibility for having what I
wanted in my life, versus blaming others for not having it, then things
began to turn around. And so, yes I went right back into corporate America,
but not for long.
Lori: [laughs] Well, you know sometimes you're like me. 'OK, prove it to
me.' You go back, and it's funny what say about you're driving to work that
day and you can kind of, looking back, remember what you really were
thinking. As you know, I had a NuvaRing surprise with the twins, and at
almost 38 years old, that was not my plans, anywhere on my plans. It wasn't
even, well, if it happened, it would be OK. It wasn't going to be OK. I did
not want to have any more children, because I like to be a really good mom,
and it's really hard to have five kids and be there for every one of them
at all their events. I always admired parents who were somehow able to
express themselves in a way that all the children felt supported. But then
most of my friends that had big families, there were always a couple that
got lost in the shuffle, and they felt that. I just knew.
So when I found out that I was having twins, I dealt with it. And now
they're wonderful and beautiful, and you make your adjustments. You open up
your life for it, and you end up doing what you do. But what was really
funny Laura is me looking back at my journal during that period. When I
found out I was pregnant, not knowing I had plans, if I wrote it once, I
wrote it 100 times, 'I just don't want an only child. He'll be like nine
years younger than my...' I wrote it 100 times, Laura. It's on every single
page for a solid month. I guess the universe was like, 'Well that's not a
We have to take a break here, but one of the things I want to open the next
segment up with, Laura, and I know it's something you believe in, it's
about being in the feminine energy, being grateful, and making sure that
your energy is in that state of gratitude. Otherwise, you are sending out
mixed signals to the universe and to the people around you as well. And so
I really want to hit on that when we come back, because I know you have
some definitive opinions and thoughts about that.
Laura: Huge, yeah.
Lori: So let's talk about that when we come back from the break.
Laura: OK.
Announcer: You're listening to One Click Society, with your host Lori
Taylor. Lori would love to hear from you. So if you'd like to leave a
question or make a comment, just scroll to the bottom of the page you're
listening to. You can also follow Lori on Facebook at
That's L-O-R-I-R-A-Y-L-E-N-
E. And now let's get back to Lori and her guest.
Lori: Hi. It's Lori Taylor, and you're back with us today at One Click
Society, and I'm talking to Laura Rubinstein, and she is telling us her
journey about where she was on that fateful day. It was a fateful day. It
sounds like Gilligan's Island, but it was a day that your world fell apart.
Your fiance and you broke you. Your job was transitioned. And you were just
sitting there with no certainty now, lots of uncertainty, and you just
moved forward and trusted, got open, and the universe helped you guide
yourself to where you are today, which is a successful marketer online
that's coaching people to transform their businesses and themselves.
As you know, I'm really passionate about your feminine energy project,
which is what we want to talk about today. And I want people who are
listening to hear Laura's voice about this. She's excited about social
media, and if I ask her questions around that, you'll feel her passion and
he enthusiasm. But more importantly, like me, we've seen what social media
can really do to something worthwhile. So the ability to get the word out
to maybe people Laura couldn't have reached without traveling all around
the world to do so, she can actually now talk to and share this vision that
she has to help transform every woman's life out there that's feeling a
little unsettled and feeling off balance right now. There's just so much
masculine energy in the world.
I have interviewed Jonathan Fields, and he's doing a book around beer. I
love his project, because he's basically saying, 'It doesn't matter if
you're a man or a woman. We're using our own words to create semantics. But
feminine energy versus masculine energy is really left brain versus right
brain energy, if you think of it that way.' And he said that so many people
right now, the technology is moving us forward so quickly that ideas don't
even have time to marinate. You might get an aspiring idea, and you just
immediately take it to your left brain and start executing it before you've
had time to sit with it and hold it and breathe it.
And I think Laura has done a great job of really doing the marination part,
and now she's moving over to the left brain to actually get it executed.
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