Received: Licensed:
Kuder Navigator
Site Agreement 2011-2012
This form is required for a Kuder Navigator site license at an OUSD high school. This form is to be completed by the staff member at the school that will serve as the Kuder Navigator contact for the school year.
Please review this form for site contact duties. This person will be the main contact for Kuder Navigator at the school site and will be eligible for a stipend for the 2011-2012 school year.
# of Student Accounts Needed:
Total # of Students at School:
Phone Number:
School Site:
Email Address:
Kuder Navigator Site Contact Name:
1. What career-related activities took place at your school during the 2010-2011 school year?
Career Related Field Trips Career Speakers ECCO! Oakland
Career Day Career Assessments Other: Describe:
Career Unit in classes Career Counseling
2. What college planning activities took place at your school during the 2010-2011 school year?
Academic Advising College Exploration ECCO! Oakland
College Fair College Field Trips Other: Describe
Multi-year Planning Financial Aid Presentations
3. Were any online or paper career assessments, tools, programs or materials used at your school during the 2010-2011 school year? Yes No
If yes, please describe.
4. Kuder Navigator is an online career tool. Please describe any challenges related to technology (i.e. internet access, computer access) that you anticipate.
5. Indicate how your school plans to implement Kuder Navigator at your site during the 2011-2012 school year? (Check all that apply)
In advisory periods As a career unit in course
By teacher choice In specific subject areas
Implementation by counselor(s) In all classes
Offer to specific grade levels only For all grade levels
In afterschool program In career pathways/ academy programs
Other, please describe Not Sure
6. In addition to using the Kuder Navigator tool online, are you considering any other career-related activities during the 2011-2012 school year?
Career Day Integrated career-themed assignment
Career Speakers Work-based learning opportunities
Other, please describe Career- themed field trips
7. Please list any potential challenges that may impact the implementation of Kuder Navigator at your school:
8. What resources or support from CCRO working with your school site might assist with overcoming these challenges? Please describe.
Administrator Agreement
The principal agrees to the statement below verifying administrator support for implementing the Kuder Career Navigator at your site.
I support the implementation of the Kuder Career Navigator tool at our school and will ensure facilities access and administrative support to encourage the utilization of this tool by our staff and students. I approve (site contact name here) to serve as our school’s site contact for the Kuder Career Navigator program.
Principal Signature & Date
Site Contact Agreement
Staff serving as site contacts for the Kuder Navigator implementation at a high school will receive a stipend not to exceed $500.00 for time spent coordinating and implementing Kuder Navigator at your school.
o I will serve as the site contact at my school for the entire 2011-2012 school year for the Kuder Career Navigator program.
o I will support staff members at my school in their implementation of the Kuder Navigator program through consultation and training.
o I will strive to register at least 30% of our total student population on the Kuder Career Navigator by the end of the 2011-2012 school year.
o I understand CCRO will provide me with training, materials, and consultation to support my work to implement Kuder Career Navigator at my school
o I will contact the College and Career Readiness Office if I encounter great challenges in using the Kuder Career Navigator program at our school.
o I will attend one of the upcoming Kuder Career Navigator Site Contact Trainings.
o I will attend a training in June to develop and create a year end administrative report to serve my school’s needs.
I understand and agree to the above conditions and responsibilities.
Site Contact Signature & Date
Kuder Navigator Site Agreement
Instructions and Next Steps
Please print and fill out this form or complete electronically, obtain administrator agreement signature, and sign site contact agreement.
Once completed,
Please return completed form to CCRO by September 30, 2011 at 4:30 PM.
You will be notified by the College and Career Readiness Office within 14 days regarding the status of this form. Please contact our office, at 273-2360 if you have any further questions or require assistance in completing this form.
Return by fax to:
College and Career Readiness Office
Fax Number: (510) 452-2070
Attention: Kuder Career Navigator
Return by mail or in person to:
College and Career Readiness Office
Attention: Kuder Career Navigator
2607 Myrtle Street, Room 104
Oakland, CA 94607
Site Contact Training Dates
Please attend one these trainings:
Kuder Career Navigator for High Schools
Thursday, October 6th, 2011
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Kuder Career Navigator for High Schools
Thursday, October 20th, 2011
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
These are paid professional development trainings separate from the site contact stipend. Trainings will be held at the McClymonds Educational Complex at 2607 Myrtle Street, Oakland, CA in room 107. If you are unable to attend one of these trainings please contact Elizabeth Paniagua at .
College and Career Readiness Office ● 2607 Myrtle Street, Room 104, Oakland, CA 94607 ● Phone (510) 273-2360
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