
Types of Patrol

Recce. 1 N.CO. and three cadets.

Standing. 1 N.C.O. and three cadets.

Fighting. 2 N.C.O.s and 9 cadets.

Reasons for Patrolling

(a)  To obtain up to date information.

(b) To dominate no mans land.

(c)  To destroy and disrupt enemy forces.

Ambush Patrols

Ambush sights

(a) Known enemy routes.

(b) Places where there are vegitational changes.

Principles of ambushing

Good intelligence

Thorough planning and preparation.



Good control.



Orders, Preparation, Rehearsal, and Move out.

Section commander Receives orders from Officer.


Situation:- Enemy




(1)  Time out and where.

(2)  Time in and where.

(3)  Limitations on choice of route.

(4)  Fire support.

Service Support. Admin arrangements before, during and after the patrol

Command and signal

(1)  Any special signals.

(2)  Password.

(3)  Debriefing instructions.

From the information received the section commander using air photos, maps, previous patrol reports, or if possible a recce. from an O.P to prepare his or her orders.


Section Commanders Orders

GROUND:- Describe going, point out landmarks, from an O.P. if possible.

SITUATION:- Enemy forces:- Any information

relevant to your patrol.

Friendly forces:- Any information

relevant to your patrol.



(1)  General outline, brief description of the complete mission.

(2)  Position and job of each cadet in the patrol.

(3)  Time out.

(4)  Route out.

From/to / Bearing / Distance / Formation / Ground / R.V.
Leg 1
Leg 2
Leg 3
Leg 4

(5)  Action at halts. ( immediate all round defence )

(6)  Action at R.V.s

(7)  Action on meeting the enemy

(a)  Presence seen.( on route avoid, on return ambush? )

(b)  Ambushed. ( scatter and return to last RV )

(8)  Action with casualties. ( on route treat and leave, on return casevac )

(9)  Action on obstacles.( Commander recce. All round defence whilst crossing)

(10)  Action on lights. ( Instant = freeze, delayed = take cover, unless in open country, trip = scatter to last RV )


Action at final R.V.

(1)  Entry order of march.

(2)  Positions and arcs.

(3)  Action if surprised.

(4)  Final recce. Party.

(5)  Action if recce. Party do not return within--- minutes.

(6)  Confirmatory orders if required.

Action in ambush area.

(1)  Order of march.

(2)  Method of entry.

(3)  Positions.

(4)  Laying of comms. Cord.

(5)  Arcs of fire.

(6)  Signal for ambush set.

(7)  Ambush to be set by---- hours.

Action on approach of the enemy.

(1)  Warning signals from the Cut Off Groups.

(2)  Signal to start/stop firing.

(3)  Search party if required ( never in darkness)

Withdrawal to final R.V.

(1)  Signal.

(2)  Order of march.

(3)  Action in Final R.V. (Check numbers, weapons ect.)

(4)  Move out

(5)  Time in.

(6)  Route in.


From/to / Bearing / Distance / Formation / Ground / R.V.
Leg 1
Leg 2
Leg 3
Leg 4

Co-ord Instructions.

(1)  Summary of timings.

(2)  Rehearsals, inspections, rest, food.

(3)  Time out, time in.

Service Support.

(1)  Ammunition and weapons.

(2)  Dress and equipment.

(3)  Feeding.

(4)  Medical.

(5)  Special equipment.

Command and Signal.

(1)  Chain of Command.

(2)  Hand Signals.

(3)  Signal for opening fire.

(4)  Password.

(5)  Debrief/ patrol report.

Rehearsals:- For a successful operation daylight and night time rehearsals must be carried out practicing all procedures and actions on.



