Minutes of General Membership Meeting
James F. Byrnes High School Band Room
June 6, 2017 at 7:00 pm
The meeting was called to order by President Lorinda Collins at 7:05 pm.
The following officers were present: Lorinda Collins, President; Jeff Ward – VP Development; Teresa Dempsey – VP Operations for Band; Lindsay Rosillo – VP Communications; Perry Gosnell – VP Equipment; Kate Johnson – Treasurer for Band; Bryan Bone – BHS Director of Bands; and Jennifer Eubanks – Parliamentarian. The following officers were absent with excuse: Jennifer Owens – VP Ways & Means; Sheri Byrd – Treasurer for Guard; Cindy Compton – Secretary; Jen Barton – BHS Director of Guard. The position of VP Operations for Guard is unfilled following the resignation of Angie Gohs, which was received at the Officers Meeting held on June 1, 2017. At the request of the President, the Parliamentarian fulfilled the role of Secretary for the meeting.
Kate Johnson gave the Treasurer’s Report for Band. The current balance in the band account is $42,373, most of which is composed of trip payment money paid by band members. These funds will start being disbursed soon to secure deposits for transportation, accommodation and meals for the competition trips. All 2017 trip payments for band (not guard) members are now past due if they have not been paid. Additionally, an instrument lease payment in the amount of $6,000 will be made in August. Kate reminded the membership that the current account funds are earmarked for the trips and fundraisers are still necessary to meet the budget requirements for the 2017 year. She also reminded the membership that the May bank statement and June transactions are available for review upon request.
Lorinda Collins gave the Ways and Means report in Jennifer Owens’ absence. She reported that the Booster Club received $210.00 from a recent Fuddruckers Spirit Night and $1,545 from the May 27th Carwashes. Lorinda also reminded the membership of the Carwashes scheduled for August 5th in eight locations. We will need additional district employees to oversee all eight locations and all district employees who are members are encouraged to volunteer. Additionally, a fundraiser is planned for September 21stat Pizza Inn in which band members sixteen and older and adult members of the Booster Club are needed to help serve and bus tables. Finally, we will be having a fruit sale fundraiser again this year, but we will switching vendors and starting sales earlier in the year. We anticipate deliveries will be between Thanksgiving and Christmas. More information will follow on the fruit sales in September.
Jeff Ward gave the Development report. He stressed the importance of getting business and personal sponsorships to help meet our budget goals. His goal is to obtain $25,000 to $30,000 in sponsorships and he currently has four commitments to help us reach this goal. Because most businesses need to be contacted during work hours, he asks for assistance in reaching out to his list of potential sponsors and for the contact information of any potential sponsors the membership may know.
Perry Gosnell gave the Transportation report. Props for the show are in the process of being designed and no additional assistance is required for props at this time. Additionally, he made clear that while the Booster Club is contemplating whether it needs an additional semi-trailer, it is NOT actively looking to purchase one at this time. We will be renting box trucks for the competitions this year. Perry would like to have additional bus drivers for the competitions. Anyone interested in serving as a volunteer bus driver must have a CDL with passenger endorsement as well as certification through District 5. In order to get the required certification, the applicant must take a CDL class and, upon completion of the class, drive with a district supervisor for at least 10 hours. There may be an evening CDL class available at Dorman High School in approximately two weeks.
Teresa Dempsey gave the Operations for Band report. At this time, there is no activity. However, the membership is encourage to keep the date for the Tournament of Bands, October 7, 2017, saved and to look for upcoming information. The postponed car show and vendor sale will be held in conjunction with the Meet the Rebel Regiment event this year, which will be held on September 17, 2017.
Lindsay Rosillo gave the Information report. She reminded the membership that the Booster Club’s website, is the best resource for information about the band schedule, events and opportunities.
Lorinda announced that the minutes of the May meeting were unavailable at this time. They will be reviewed and approved at the next general meeting.
Bryan Bone gave the Band Director’s report and presented the proposed Booster Club budget. Bryan thanked the Booster Club officers for their work thus far and encouraged the membership to speak to the officers regarding opportunities to serve the band this season. Bryan announced that the band will be competing in the Gaffney High School band tournament on September 30, 2017. He also announced that he has secured judges for the CPM Tournament of Bands on October 7, 2017. Bryan shared with the membership that the Color Guard camps have begun and are going extremely well and that two new Guard Techs are providing good training. Finally, he announced that the school’s band practice field will be gaining a new tower on the opposite side of the field as the existing tower, which will allow the directors to better assess sound and balance.
With regard to the budget, a proposed budget was distributed to the membership in attendance. Bryan advised that the current proposed budget is almost identical to last year’s, with the exception of an increase in some administrative costs for insurance and auditing to comply with our goals of being a 501(c)(3) organization. Following review of the budget, a motion was made to accept the budget as proposed, the motion was seconded and a vote taken by show of hands. The motion was passed unanimously at 7:37 pm.
Lorinda closed the meeting by reminding the membership to pay any outstanding fees and turn in any overdue band forms, to let officers know of any offers of help and to get ready for an amazing program and year.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:38 pm.