• Isaac, Rebekah, & Jacob
• Abraham didn’t want Isaac marrying a ______woman so he sent his servant back to Ur (Abraham’s hometown) to find a bride for Isaac.
• Rebekah’s genealogy is mentioned – she is actually related to ______i.e. not a Canaanite.
• With the help of ______, the mission was successful. Rebekah agreed to return with the servant and marry Isaac.
• Rebekah = to tie ______
• Rebekah became pregnant with ______.
• Even in her womb they didn’t get along so Rebekah prayed to the Lord and He answered her:
– “Two ______are in your womb, two peoples are quarreling while still within you; But one shall surpass the other, and the ______shall serve the ______” (Gen 25:23).
• The birth of Esau and Jacob
– ______was born first, he was red and hairy (Esau means Hairy)
– ______was born gripping Esau’s heel [Jacob means he supplants or undermines]
– This prefigures the members of the Church as members of the ______of Christ
(St. Augustine DZR I, ch3, art6)
• ______preferred Esau and ______preferred Jacob.
• Esau became a skillful hunter while Jacob kept to the tents.
• Once Esau came in from the hunting famished and Jacob was cooking stew. Esau said “let me have some; I am starving.” Jacob replied, “First give me your ______in exchange for it.”
• Esau sold Jacob his______under ______(25:33).
• Isaac was getting older and had lost his eyesight. So he told Esau to go hunt some game and prepare a meal for him. Then Isaac would give him the ______.
• Rebekah overheard this and decided to ______Isaac in order to get the blessing for Jacob instead.
• Rebekah prepared a meal and Jacob dressed up like Esau. He went to his father, Isaac and claimed to be Esau.
• ______believed that it was Esau and gave him the blessing. The blessing, once given cannot be taken back.
• Esau returned and became very upset when he found out Jacob had stolen his blessing.
• Esau planned to ______Jacob after they mourned for their father.
• Rebekah didn’t want Jacob murdered so she had Isaac send him away to find a ______. He was instructed to go to Rebekah’s brother, Laban’s house and choose a wife from his daughters.
• Jacob met ______at a well and soon after fell in love with her. He wanted to take her as his wife.
• He made a deal with his uncle Laban that he would work for ______years for Rachel.
• Laban ______Jacob on the wedding night and had him marry his eldest daughter, Leah instead.
• Jacob still wanted to marry Rachel so he had to work another seven years for Laban in order to make her his wife.
Jacob deceived Isaac in ______…now he has been Jacobed in d______by Laban
• Leah had no trouble having children at first. She gave birth to four sons; Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and ______.
• Rachel was very upset that she could not have children so (just like Sarah had done before) she told Jacob to sleep with her maidservant, Bilhah.
• Bilha gave birth to ______and ______
• Leah had stopped having sons so she pulled the same thing and had Jacob sleep with her maidservant, Zilpah.
• Zilpah gave birth to ______and ______.
• Leah was able to conceive again and she bore ______and ______.
• Finally, by the grace of God, Rachel was able to get pregnant.
• She bore ______ and some years later she died while giving birth to Benjamin
• Jacob’s struggle is with God…he wants to be sure of God’s blessing.
• Jacob’s name changed to ______
• Israel from “one who has ______with God” i.e. struggle