Autumn Half Term Overview
Title / Theme/ Topic / Learning challenge(s) / Assessment Questions / HookGeography-led topic
Why can’t a meerkat live in the North Pole? / LC1: Why does Sunny live in the Kalahari desert?
Locate hot areas of the world (Geog) / Can children answer questions using different resources such as books, the internet and atlases?
Can children think of relevant questions to ask about a locality
Can children answer questions about the weather?
Can children keep a weather chart?
Can they explain the main features of a hot and cold place?
Can they describe a locality using words and pictures?
Can they explain how the weather changes with each season?
Can they begin to explain why they would wear different clothes at different times of the year?
Can they say something about the people that live in and hot cold places?
Can they explain what they might wear if they lived a very hot or very cold place?
Can they point out where the equator, North and South Poles are on a globe or Atlas? / Read Meerkat Mail
LC2: Which animals live in cold places like the North and South Poles?
Locate cold areas of the world (Geog)
LC3: How do polar bears keep warm?
Identify animals and body parts (Science)
LC4: What do we mean by hot and cold colours?
Develop techniques of colour (Art)
LC5: Why do people usually like going to hot places for their holidays?
Being encouraged to link what they see to their own experiences (Reading)
LC6: Why do we wear different clothes in summer and in winter?
Identify seasonal / daily weather patterns in the UK (Geog)
Design purposeful, functional and appealing products (DT)
LC7: How can we recreate a meerkat dance
Perform dances using simple movement patterns.(PE)
LC8: Reflection: would you rather be a meerkat or a penguin?
Identify and compare common animals contrasting their features (Science)
Autumn 1 / Geography-led topic / Art
/ Music / Computing / PE / MFL / RE
Wk 1 / L.C 1 / L.C 4 inc mixing colours
use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination / Animal songs
Use voices expressively & creatively by singing / L.C 7 / Important people: belonging and identity
To understand Christian values
Wk 2 / L.C 2 / Pencil sketching- meerkat / polar bears
/ Animal songs / Exploring actions in response to a stimuli
Perform dances using simple movements / People who help us
Wk 3 / L.C 3 / Mark making with oil pastels / (Peter and the Wolf)
Listen with concentration and understanding / Choose and link actions to make short dance phrases / The Good Samaritan Story & drama
Wk 4 / L.C 5 / Re-sketch to paint (improvement) / Instruments- sorting into sound groups and exploring their sounds
experiment with, create, select and combine sounds / To explore ideas, moods and feelings by improvising and experimenting flying and turning actions / The Good Samaritan (Story mapping)
Wk 5 / L.C 6 / Painting Background colours / Use instruments to develop repeating patterns
/ To perform a dance showing some sensitivity to the accompaniment / Reflection : Promises
Wk 6 / L.C 8 / Painting detailing / Performance piece
Play tuned and untuned instruments musically / Reflections and performances / Harvest
TA, (S.E.N / G&T), Success Criteria Expected / Exceeding (no repetition), Comments, Evidence (Monitoring)
Autumn 2 / Geography-led topic / D.T / Music / Computing / PE / MFL / REWk 1 / Name, locate and identifyfour countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom and its surrounding seas / Design:
Rainmaker instrument
Design apurposeful, functional instrument, for themselves based on design criteria / Listen to music / watch dances from around the UK -
Eg- bagpipes (Scotland)
flutes / whistles (Ireland)
Welsh songs (choral singing)
/ Gymnastics: USE THAT SPACE!
master basic movements including balance, agility and co-ordination / Nativity: Story
To learn Christian practices, celebrations and traditions
Wk 2 / Identify seasonal weather within the UK / establish weather chart / Make:
Step 1 Construction of rainmaker
select from and use a wide range of materials and components, including construction materials, textiles and ingredients, according to their characteristics / Music Express / Gymnastics:
WIDE AND NARROW SHAPES / Nativity: Storyboard
Wk 3 / Complete and reflect on daily weather patterns in the UK / Make:
Complete construction of rainmaker
evaluate their ideas and products against design criteria / Music Express / Gymnastics:
TAKING OFF, JUMPING & LANDING / Why Christians celebrate Christmas
The importance of Jesus
Wk 4 / Local landmarks
Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to local / familiar features / Design:
A local landmark
(junk modelling) / Music Express / Gymnastics:
HANDS AND FEET / Drama: Nativity play
Wk 5 / Local landmarks
(visit to the local area)
Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to local / familiar features / Make:
A local landmark
(junk modelling) / Music Express / Gymnastics:
BALANCING / Drama: Nativity play
Wk 6 / Use 4 compass directions and simple vocabulary / Make:
A local landmark
(junk modelling)
Evaluate / Music Express / Gymnastics:
ROCKING / Drama: Nativity play