Name of interviewee______

Date of interview: ___/___/___

1.)Why do you want to work with the PROGRAM NAME?

2.)How did you hear about our program?

3.)What are your personal goals?

4.)In your opinion, what are the three most important issues facing teenagers today?

5.)PROGRAM NAME teaches the risk-reduction method. This means we give all the options for the teen to make the safest decision for them. How do you feel about this?

6.)What motivates you?

7.)Are you comfortabledoing presentations?

8.)How would you react if you were doing a presentation and someone told you something very personal in front of the entire group?

9.)What would you do if you finished early and had too much time left over after your presentation?

10.)How do you feel about street outreach?

11.)What are some obstacles that you might face while outreaching and how would you deal with them?

12.)Do you prefer to work independently or as a team?

13.)What are your available hours?

How would you deal with the following situations?

  1. Your supervisor (who is only 1 year older than you) has gotten mad at you for talking on your cell phone too long. Your supervisor gives you a written warning, which means if you get another warning this could result in termination. You know that your supervisor talks on their cell phone all the time at work.
  1. You know your not suppose to have friends with you during outreach but your friend really likes what you do and wants to hang out with you. Do you think this is okay, why or why not?
  1. You and your co-worker have not been getting along. The problem is starting to affect your work and your attitude at work. How would you resolve this situation?
  1. Your friend, Kelly, comes to the clinic for an STI and pregnancy test. Later on, you see a different friend that tells you they heard Kelly might be pregnant. How much information should you tell them? Why or Why not?
  1. You start to become friends with a teen that is homeless. You start feeling sorry for them and try to help them out by giving them money, taking them to dinner, and inviting them to your house. Do you think this is appropriate? Why or Why not?

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