Expectations and Guidelines for Mrs. Koon’s English Class 2016-2017
Dear Students and Parents:
I am really excited about our semester together, and I am very dedicated to providing a learning environment that your child deserves. However, in order to have success in my English class, students must continuously be responsible and prepared. Remember, the effort put forth will be reflected in grades. Please read the following information concerning absences, make up work, deadlines, and class expectations carefully.
My school voicemail number: 803- 810-8296
My Canvas Page is under construction right now. I will provide updates for you as needed.*
According to our school district policy, each student is responsible for arranging a time to make up work within 5 days of his or her return to school. From that point, the student has an additonal 5 days to complete assignments.
Be sure to see me about missed work / assignments as soon as possible so that you do not fall behind.
I am available every Tuesday and Thursday after school until 4:30 for make up work.
3) EXTRA HELP: I will be here to give extra help after school every Tuesday and Thursday until 4:30. Don’t hesitate to let me know if you need some extra tutoring.
4) KEEP UP WITH DEADLINES: If you miss a test that was scheduled before an absence, be prepared to take the test on the FIRST day you return to school. If an assignment is due on the day you return, you must hand in the assignment on that day to avoid a penalty. Assignments turned in late will receive a penalty of 10 points per day late.
5) UNANNOUNCED DAILY QUIZZES: Daily quizzes (not major tests or announced quizzes) do not have to be made up if you are absent on the day quiz is given OR if you are absent the day before a quiz is given. However, you are still responsible for material covered. You may not exempt more than 3 unannounced quizzes.
6) TEST RETAKE POLICY: If you score below a 70 on a major test, you will have one opportunity to retake the test for a maximum score of 70. You will have five school days from the day you receive the original test score to retake.
7) HOMEWORK: Unless you are absent and communicate with me about missed work, late homework assignments will not be accepted.
8) LAPTOPS: Each student will receive a laptop computer for school use. However, during English class, we will use computers at various times for specific assignments and research. We will not use laptops every day. Unless students have permission, laptops must remain closed and put away.
9) CELL PHONES: Cell phones are not to be visible or audible during classroom instruction; otherwise, they will be confiscated immediately. If you refuse to give me your phone, I will call an administrator, and you will receive additional consequences.
· FIRST OFFENSE: Phone taken and returned at end of class
· SECOND OFFENSE: Phone taken and returned at the end of the school day
· THIRD OFFENSE: Phone taken and turned in to the appropriate administrator. Once turned in to your administrator, your parent or guardian will have to pick up your phone
· You may NOT charge your cell phone in the classroom
10) EAR BUDS / EAR PHONES: Remove your ear buds and put them away when you come into the classroom. There will be specific times that I will allow you to use them.
* Be on time to class with all required materials. You must be in the classroom before the tardy bell rings; otherwise, you are tardy and will have to report to the attendance office for a late slip.
* The honor code is strictly enforced in my class. Cheating of any kind (including plagiarism, copying someone else’s work, or allowing someone to copy your work) will not be tolerated. See the Student Handbook.
* No leaving my class unless called by administration, attendance, or guidance. In addition, try your best to take care of restroom between classes.
* Water bottles or other drinks with a screw top cap and light snacks are okay. Remember, however, that you are responsible for keeping your desk area clean.
Deborah S. Koon
English V Instructor
National Board Certified Teacher
I have read and understand the above guidelines and expectations.