Ready Health Nursing College.

Course Qualification and Name:Certificate III in Individual Support

National Course Code:CHC33015

Course Outline:

This is a nationally recognised CHC33015Certificate III in Individual Support qualification.

This qualification addresses work primarily in residential facilities under direct or regular supervision within clearly defined organisation guidelines and service plans. You may work in a Nursing Home, Hostel, Residential Care Facility, Dementia Care Facility, Rehabilitation Centre, a Retirement Village, and The Community Health Care Centre or in some Hospitals.

The role involves carrying out activities that help maintain an individual’s wellbeing through personal care and/ or other activities of daily living. You will be required to carry out activities related to an individualised plan of care for the client and report directly to a supervisor. You are not responsible for other workers.

This certificate qualifies you to work as, or apply for jobs with the following Titles:

1 CHC33015
V1.4.16 / Ready Health Nursing College. Phone: 02 9687 8801 or 0404 986 457
  • Assistant Nurse (AIN).
  • Accommodation support worker
  • Assistant in nursing
  • Care assistant
  • Care service employees
  • Care worker
  • Community care worker
  • Community house worker
  • Community support worker
  • In-home respite worker
  • Nursing assistant
  • Personal care assistant
  • Personal care giver
  • Personal care worker
  • Support worker
  • Home care assistant
  • Disability service worker
  • Field officer

1 CHC33015
V1.4.16 / Ready Health Nursing College. Phone: 02 9687 8801 or 0404 986 457

Course Type:

  • Delivery of Theory in the training room at the College, with demonstration and assessment in a simulated clinical environment, equipped with Hoist, electric bed, mannequins, wheelchairs, blood sugar testing, Mobility Equipment etc.
  • Clinical Placement at an Aged Care facility arranged by the College, with assessment and support by a trained mentor. Ready Health Nursing College employs an expert Assessor to support and supervise your clinical skill enhancement.
  • Research/ homework to consolidate your knowledge and skill, develop your portfolio and enhance your employability.


When you finish this course you can apply for CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support, as a pathway in Aged Care, Home and Community and the Disability sectors. Or if you complete just 4 more Elective Units of Competency, you can gain an additional Statement in Disability or with 2 more Elective Units of Competency you can gain an additional Statement in Home and Community Care.

All courses include HLTAID003 Provide First Aid

Cost of the course:

The NSW Government funded Smart and Skilled courses are Govt subsidised and based on your eligibility, you will pay a relative portion of the cost. There are fee-free, subsidised and concession arrangements. Check the SMART and SKILLED tab on the website for more information.

If you are not eligible for the subsidised course, you will be a fee for service student. The Cost of the course is: $1440

For more information on the fee structure, contact Ready Health Nursing College at

The dates of each fee due will be agreed to and signed for at registration. There is the cost of the book and the graduation fee. A payment plan can be arranged and a Fee Structure for payment put in place. A late fee of 10% applies on overdue fees.

Course Duration:

Usually Full time 12-14 weeks, this can vary depending on the choice of study days and times or if the student has gained RPL or Credit Transfers for some Units.

Nominal hours:

Aged Care: 583 hrs

Disability: 663 hrs

Home and Community Care: 643 hrs

Be safe. Learn about elder abuse issues, Mandatory Reporting, Client’s Rights, Activities of Daily Living, Behaviours of Concern, Dementia, and Complex Care. Learn how to undertake clinical and technical procedures such as blood pressure; temperature, pulse, urinalysis, weights and First Aid. Understand what the normal level is and be able to report abnormal findings. Your clients may havecatheters, mobility aids, protectors or restraints. Your course covers Core units from the Aged Care, Disability qualification and Coreunits from the Home and Community Care qualification, which means that the scope for gaining employability is increased. Enjoy gaining knowledge and skills in the 12-14 weeks. Your efforts will be rewarded. Many of our students have gain employment in theAged Care, Disability and Home and Community Care sectors as well as working in acute care through the Nursing Agencies.

Student Responsibilities in Work Placement

In this course, some of the learning and assessment occurs in the workplace or the clinical lab simulation at the College. A simulated workplace is very similar to a real workplace. Ready Health has a responsibility to protect the clients and students from being harmed by students taking part in workplace or simulated workplace learning. If there is evidence that your skills or behaviour could present a risk to yourself or other people in the workplace, you may not be allowed to participate in a work placement as per the agreement that the College has with the Clinical Facilities. To help you understand your responsibilities in the workplace, you will be given a Student Handbook which lists the Code of Conduct and expected standards of behaviour. Your Trainer and Assessor will explain to you and your workplace supervisor the range of duties for whichyou have the skills and knowledge. You must not carry out duties other thanthose indicated by yourTrainer. You need to take particular care if workplace clients are people who may be invulnerable circumstances, for example, people who are frail, or people with a disability.

You will have an assessor who will supervise your skills, and undertake you assessments. Have fun while learning

The Police Clearance Certificate

All students must undertake a Federal Police Check at the commencement of their courses.

  • If students do not already have an Australian Federal Police (AFP) Certificate, which is less than 3 years old, they must undertake to do so.
  • This is an entry requirement. The Clinical Facility reserves the right to refuse a student access based on concerns they may have regarding the criminal offences, prior to work experience placement.
  • As per the Aged Care Principles, participants may not be allowed to work in the Aged Care Industry if their record contains a conviction for assault.
  • Students must declare any convictions on their criminal record prior to enrolment. All work experience facilities require a copy of the AFP Record and students must give Ready Health Nursing College full permission to forward a copy of the AFP Record to their work placement facility.

Course Description:

This course has been designed to reflect the packaging requirements for the CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support qualification under the Community Services Training Package (CHC12). The Community Services Training Package requires this qualification to include 13 Units of Competency (UOC) of which there are:

  • 7 Core units of competencies
  • 6 Elective units of competencies

Ready Health Nursing College provides training in the following Core and Elective Units of Competency:

CHCCOM005 / Communicate and work in health or community services
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to communicate effectively with clients, colleagues, management and other industry providers.
CHCCCS015 / Provide individualised support
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to organise, provide and monitor support services within the limits established by an individualised plan. The individualised plan refers to the support or service provision plan developed for the individual accessing the service and may have many different names in different organisations.
CHCCCS023 / Support independence and wellbeing
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to provide individualised services in ways that support independence, as well as, physical and emotional wellbeing.
HLTWHS002 / Follow safe work practices for direct client care
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required for a worker to participate in safe work practices to ensure their own health and safety, and that of others in work environments that involve caring directly for clients. It has a focus on maintaining safety of the worker, the people being supported and other community members.
HLTAAP001 / Recognise healthy body systems
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work with basic information about the human body and to recognise and promote ways to maintain healthy functioning of the body.
CHCDIV001 / Work with diverse people
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work respectfully with people from diverse social and cultural groups and situations, including Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.
CHCLEG001 / Work Legally and Ethically
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify and work within the legal and ethical frameworks that apply to an individual job role
CHCAGE001 / Facilitate the empowerment of older people
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to respond to the goals and aspirations of older people and provide support services in a manner that focuses on improving health outcomes and quality of life, using a person-centred approach.
CHCAGE005 / Provide support to people living with dementia
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to provide person-centered care and support to people living with dementia. It involves following and contributing to an established individual plan.
CHCCCS011 / Meet personal support needs
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to determine and respond to an individual’s physical personal support needs and to support activities of daily living.
HLTAID003 / Provide First Aid
This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to provide first aid response, life support, management of casualty(s), the incident and first aiders, until the arrival of medical assistance
CHCPAL001 / Deliver care services using a palliative approach
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to care for people with life-threatening or life-limiting illness and/or normal ageing process within a palliative approach.
CHCAGE002 / Implement falls prevention strategies
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work in partnership with older people and their carer/s to implement strategies to minimise the risk of falls.

Information Sessions:

Information sessions will be held regularly at the College, by appointment

The focus is on you, the individual, to assist in a timetable to meet your specific needs.

Support may include a visit to the different facilities for a student to be able to make an informed choice about their career path, prior to enrolment.

The College will assist students requiring Centrelink or Job Find assistance and must make appointments for assessment and support.

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

The USI is a reference number made up of numbers and letters that gives students access to their USI account. A USI will allow a student USI account to be linked to the National Vocational Education and Training (VET) Data Collection allowing students to see all of their training results from all providers including all completed training units and qualifications. Ready Health Nursing College will assist the students to register for the USI number.

Ready Health Nursing College will maintain privacy in the use of the information in meeting the issuance of the testamur, the National Data Reporting, and assistance with the student access to their information.

Smart and Skilled:

The 2016 NSW Skills List defines the courses that will be funded by the government under Smart and Skilled in 2016.

Ready Health Nursing College is an approved Smart and Skilled training provider for two (2) government subsidised courses on the 2016 NSW Skills List:

CHC30212 Certificate III in Aged Care concluding on 30 June 2016

CHC40108 Certificate IV in Aged Care concluding on 30 June 2016


CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support commencing on 1 July 2016

CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support commencing on 1 July 2016

Check the website: for more information on the NSW Government Funded Smart and Skilled courses to see if you are eligible for the subsidised courses.

Student Handbook:

Every student will receive and sign for a Student Handbook at registration. It outlines all College rules and regulations and must be followed.

Entry Requirements:

  • There are no School Leaving Certificate requirements.
  • If you have relevant life and work experience, or are recognised as competent either by a training program or recognition process, you can do the course.
  • Temporary visa holders’ enrolment information: Most temporary visa holders are eligible to study. Your enrolment process and conditions are different to those applying to international students on a student visa.You also need to meet individual course entry requirements that apply to all students.
  • Dependants of international students: If you are a dependant or spouse of an international student you can enrol directly into the course at Ready Health Nursing College under the same conditions as other temporary visa holders above.

Language, Literacy and Numeracy:

Students experiencing difficulty with reading, writing, numbers and /or understanding concepts and how to apply them, should advise the Trainer and Assessor. Support materials, professional assistance and Trainers experienced in language, literacy and numeracy will be provided.

This difficulty may also include students from Non-English speaking backgrounds. Some recognised qualifications require a certain level of English (verbal, written and comprehension); this level is determined by the training package (a training package is a set of nationally endorsed standards and qualifications for recognising and assessing people’s skills in a specific industry, industry sector or enterprise.) Ready Health Nursing College must comply with these requirements. As a result, part of the entry requirements for certain qualifications will involve applicants undertaking a language, literacy and numeracy test prior to enrolment.

Course Offerings:

The course offering below is current at the time of viewing. A courseoffering status may change at any time based on demand or additional placesbecoming available. The groups are small to allow for individual assistance where required.

Fees apply to this course offered at Ready Health Nursing College. Suite 7 No.55 Phillip Street, Parramatta. NSW. 2150.

As courses are Centrelink approved, some assistance is provided with letters for Austudy and Youth Allowances to Job Find Centres.

Insurance covers you while you are at the College and Clinical Placements.

Contact the College for enrolment details. Download an Enrolment Form from the website.

Dates and times of the courses:

Please contact us for a Calendar and to work out a timetable that best suits your needs. With courses delivered on an ongoing basis, you may register at any time.

Clinical Placements are offered on weekdays and on weekends for both morning and afternoon shifts.

Theory / Practicals x 15 shifts / Research and Reflective Practice / Mode / Starting / Status
Mondays- Tuesdays
(09.30-16.00) / Thursdays – Fridays
am and pm shifts
Saturdays – Sundays
am and pm shifts / 2 days per UOC / Class-room based
Full Time
Flexible / Rolling enrolments.
Length: 12-14weeks
A Graduation Ceremony (Cap & Gown) is held every two months. / Available
Wednesdays- Thursdays
(09.30-16.00) / Mondays- Tuesdays
am and pm shifts
Saturdays – Sundays
am and pm shifts / 2 days per UOC / Class-room based
Full Time
Flexible / Rolling enrolments.
Length: 12-14weeks
A Graduation Ceremony (Cap & Gown) is held every two months. / Available
(09.30-16.00) / Thursdays – Fridays
am and pm shifts
Mondays- Tuesdays
am and pm shifts / 2 days per UOC / Class-room based
Full Time
Flexible / Rolling enrolments.
Length: 12-14 weeks
A Graduation Ceremony (Cap & Gown) is held every two months. / Available

Key to the status:

Available:There are places available in this course offering. Contact the College immediately as courses fill quickly.

Proposed:This course offering will occur based on the need to seek more clinical placement facilities

Full:This course offering is running, but there are no places available at the time of advertisement.

Withdrawn:This course offering has been withdrawn at the location and in the specified attendance mode based on emergency

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Mutual Recognition:

Students will be offered opportunities for recognition of prior learning, whether from formal studies, professional, work or life experience.

If you do not have a qualification in Certificate III in Aged Care, but work as an aged care nurse, you may be eligible for RPL. As the Recognition Process involves the student submitting evidence to support their claim, the student will be guided on what evidence is required and how to gather the evidence.Ready Health Nursing College will recognise the Qualification or Statement of Attainment issued to a student, by another RTO, in mutual recognition, on provision of a certified copy for verification purposes, on enrolment.

For advice, please contact the A/ Director Clinical Governance at Ready Health Nursing College on: 02 - 9687 8801 or 0404 986 457


This course is classified as Full Time, with two days of classroom attendance per week. Once you register for a course you will attend on those same days till the course is completed. You will study the content of a Unit e.g. Dementia. Then you will go out on clinical placement to consolidate the theory with the practical application of your skills. Your attendance at the clinical placement is mandatory.

Student Support:

Students use the facilities for study and research purposes outside of training hours. Student’s co-ordinate groups and takes responsibility for completing their assessments on time, thus developing advanced leadership skills. One on one sessionis provided for students who require extra learning support.