README FILE FOR Netherlands 1995
Technical description of the survey
Information on the original files
Time-use variables
Variable-specific information
Age range / 12-90Response rate / 20%
Number of diary days / 1 week
Survey period / 5-18 October 1995
Multi-member household survey / No
Type of diary / Kept on the day
Mode of data collection / Self-completed diary
Time interval in the diary / 15-minutes
Data on secondary activities / Only secondary media use
Data on where the activity was carried out / Yes
Data on who else was present / No
Number of activity codes / 355
Number of cases in the original file / 22,589 diaries (3,227 people)
20,692 diaries from people aged 18+, 1,897 diaries from people aged 12-17
Number of ‘good’ diaries in the World5.5 file / 22,503 diaries
20,624diaries from people aged 18+
1,879diaries from people aged 12-17
There is one original file for Netherlands 1995 thatcontains individual and household demographic information, as well as aggregate time use data under each of the original activity codes.
AV 41Variables / Activity / Netherlands 1995 original activity codes
AV1 / Formal work / 0 Work outside home
20 Overtime
40 waiting, interruptions at work
55 Studies, taking courses during working time
60 Eating while at work
70 Time at work before / after working time
80 Coffee / tea breaks
99 Sundry work related activities
AV2 / Paid work at home / 10 Work at home
AV3 / Second job / 50 Paid job on the side
AV4 / School/classes / 5000 Attend class/course at school or university
5010 Participate in work related course in free time
5020 Attend meeting for a written course
5021 Dowritten course (read, study material)
5030 Attend course, not written or work related
5041 Following a Teleac (television) course
5050 Attending a course in political training
5060 Attending a lecture (not as part of a course)
5070 Sundry educational activities
5075 Reading study-books, not course related
5099 Remaining education related activities
AV5 / Travel to/from work / 31 Travel for work driving car/motor
32 Travel for work passenger in car/motor
33 Travel for work on moped
34 Travel for work on bicycle
35 Travel for work walking
36 Travel for work public transport
91 Drive car to or from work
92 Car passenger to or from work
93 Travel on moped to or from work
94 Travel on bicycle to or from work
95 Travel walking to or from work
96 Travel by public transport to or from work
131 Travel for work by car
134 Travel for work walking/bicycling
191 Travel by car to or from work
194 Travel walk/bicycle to or from work
5091 Drive car for education
5092 Car passenger for education
5093 Travel on moped for education
5094 Travel on bicycle for education
5095 Travel walking for education
5096 Travel by public transport for education
5191 Travel by car for education
5194 Travel walking/bicycling for education
AV6 / Cooking/washing up / 1000 Prepare meal
1010 Set or clear table
1011 Do the dishes
1110 Set or clear table and do dishes
AV7 / Housework / 1021 Vacuum, dust
1022 Clean the windows
1023 Mop the floor, clean bathroom
1024 Polish furniture, copper items
1025 Make up bed, change sheets
1041 Do laundry
1042 Ironing, hang out the laundry
1099 Sundry household duties, related activities
AV8 / Odd jobs / 1030 Odd jobs around house (cleaning street)
1031 Wash, repair or maintain car
1032 Wash, repair or maintain moped, bicycle
1050 Repair clothes
1060 DIY-jobs (painting, wallpapering)
1071 Looking after pets
1072 Water the plants
1080 Plan housework, make shopping lists
4020 Look after, take care of adult housemates
6030 Voluntary work & unpaid help to non-family
6066 Unpaid help to family members
9906 Keeping up with one's administration
AV9 / Gardening / 1051 Gardening
AV10 / Shopping / 3001 Buy groceries at supermarket
3002 Buy groceries at specialized shops
3003 Get take-out food
3010 Buy things at a marketplace
3011 Buy things at a warehouse
3012 Buy things at clothes or shoes shop
3013 Buy things at a DIY-shop
3014 Buy things at furniture or appliance shop
3015 Buy things at other kind of shop
3016 Buy things, not in a shop or marketplace
3040 Visit the post-office
3041 Visit the bank
3042 Visit the city council
3050 Visit laundrette
3051 Visit repair or maintenance services
3060 Buy other kind of services
3070 Stand in line
3099 Sundry shopping related activities
AV11 / Child care / 2000 Look after, take care of babies
2010 Look after, take care of other children
2020 Help children with homework, assignments
2030 Read out loud to children
2040 Play inside home with children
2050 Take walks, cycling, play outside with child
2060 Take children to doctors, dentists etc.
2070 Babysitting
2099 Sundry child-related activities
AV12 / Domestic travel / 1091 Drive car for household duties
1092 Car passenger for household duties
1093 Travel on moped for household
1094 Travel on bicycle for household duties
1095 Walk for household duties
1096 Travel by public transport for household
1191 Travel by car for household duties
1194 Walking/cycling for household duties
2091 Drive car for childcare
2092 Car passenger for childcare
2093 Travel on moped for childcare
2094 Travel on bicycle for childcare
2095 Walk for childcare
2096 Travel by public transport for childcare
2191 Travel by car for childcare
2194 Walk/cycle for childcare
3091 Driving car for shopping etc
3092 Car passenger for shopping
3093 Travel on moped for shopping
3094 Travel on bicycle for shopping
3095 Walk for shopping
3096 Travel by public transport for shopping
3140 Post office, bank or city council
3191 Travel by car for shopping
3194 Travel walking/cycling for shopping
4091 Drive car for personal needs
4092 Car passenger for personal needs
4093 Travel on moped for personal needs
4094 Travel on bicycle for personal needs
4095 Travel walking for personal needs
4096 Travel by public transport for personal needs
4191 Travel by car for personal needs
4194 Walk/cycle for personal needs
AV13 / Dressing/toilet / 4000 Personal care at home (shower, get dressed)
4001 Imputed personal and household care
4080 Remaining personal needs
4099 Sundry personal needs activities
AV14 / Receiving Personal services / 3020 Personal services (hairdresser, sauna)
3030 Medical care outside the home
4010 Medical care at home
AV15 / Meals/snacks / 4030 Eating and drinking at home
AV16 / Sleep/naps / 4050 Sleeping (night's rest)
4060 Sleeping, not a night's rest
4070 Taking a rest or a nap
4710 Imputed Sleep
AV17 / Leisure travel / 6091 Drive car for voluntary activities
6092 Car passenger for voluntary act
6093 Travel on moped for voluntary act
6094 Travel on bicycle for voluntary act
6095 Travel walking for voluntary act
6096 Travel by public transport for voluntary act
6191 Travel by car for voluntary activities
6194 Travel walking/cycling for voluntary activities
7091 Drive car for social activities
7092 Travel as car passenger for social life
7093 Travel on moped for social life
7094 Travel on bicycle for social life
7095 Walking for social life
7096 Travel by public transport for social life
7191 Travel by car for social activities
7194 Walking/cycling for social activities
8091 Drive car for active leisure
8092 Travel as car passenger for active leisure
8093 Travel on moped for active leisure
8094 Travel on bicycle for active leisure
8095 Walk for active leisure
8096 Travel by public transport for active leisure
8191 Travel by car for active leisure
8194 Walk/cycle for active leisure
AV18 / Excursions, trips / 5080 Visiting the library
7010 Spectator at revue or live show
7011 Spectator at procession or parade
7040 Visit museum, castle, exhibition
8030 Going to the zoo or to an amusement park
8088 Remaining sports, hobby and active leisure
8099 Remaining sports, hobby and active leisure
AV19 / Playing sport / 8000 Exercise, play sports
8010 Fishing/hunting
AV20 / Watching sport / 7000 Spectator at sports match/event
AV21 / Walks / 8020 Taking a walk, bicycling
AV22 / At church / 6050 Participating in religious activities
AV23 / Civic organizations / 6000 Voluntary work for social or political group
6010 Voluntary work for interest groups
6020 Voluntary work for sundry associations
6040 Voluntary work for religious group
6055 Activities as part of employee councils
6099 Sundry education related voluntary act
9905 Filling in the time budget diary
AV24 / Cinema/theatre / 7020 Going to the cinema
7030 Visit plays, musicals, opera, ballet, concerts
AV25 / Dance/party, etc. / 7060 Party, wedding, dinner-party at own home
7080 Remaining events, receptions
7081 Remaining ceremonies (funeral)
7099 Sundry social activities
AV26 / Social clubs / 7070 Visit bar, club, dancing, cafe
AV27 / Pubs / Not possible to create
AV28 / Restaurants / 4040 Eating out in a restaurant
AV29 / Visiting friends / 7050 Visiting friends and relatives at their homes
AV30 / Listening to radio / 9001 Listen to radio (unspecified)
9002 Listen to radio, national public broadcaster
9003 Listen to radio, local/regional channels
9004 Listen to radio, commercial channels
9048 Listen to radio, sundry channels
9049 Listen to radio, channel unknown
AV31 / Watching T.V. / 9101 Watch TV (unspecified)
9102 Watch TV national broadcaster
9103 WatchTV RTL4/5 (commercial channel)
9104 Watch TV Veronica (commercial channel)
9105 Watch TV SBS6 (commercial channel)
9106 Watch TV local / regional channel
9148 Watch TV sundry channels
9149 WatchTV channel unknown
9150 WatchTV video
9151 WatchTV teletext
9152 Watch TV cable news
AV32 / Listening to music, etc. / 9200 Playing CDs, records, tapes
AV33 / Study / 5001 Homework for school or university
5011 Homework for work course in free time
5031 Homework for activity 5030
AV34 / Reading books / 9300 Read books
AV35 / Reading papers/magazines / 9401 Volkskrant [read daily newspaper]
9402 Algemeen Dagblad [daily]
9403 De Telegraaf [daily]
9404 NRC/Handelsblad [daily]
9405 Het Parool [daily]
9406 Trouw [daily]
9407 Reformatorisch Dgbld [daily]
9408 Nederlands Dagblad [daily]
9409 Financieel Dgbld [daily]
9410 Nieuws van de Dag [daily]
9411 Regional newspaper [daily]
9412 Read some other newspaper
9413 Read newsmagazine
9414 Read foreign newspaper
9498 Read door-to-door free magazines
9499 Read free advertisement brochures
9501 Elsevier (read magazines)
9502 HP-De Tijd [magazine]
9503 Vry Nederland [magazine]
9504 Intermediair [magazine]
9505 Ander opinieblad [magazine]
9506 Accent [magazine]
9507 Elsevier Magazine [magazine]
9508 Elseviers Weekblad [magazine]
9509 De Groene [magazine]
9510 Haagse Post [magazine]
9511 De Nieuwe Linie [magazine]
9512 Niewsnet [magazine]
9550 Reading TV magazine
9551 Avro-bode [magazine]
9552 Televizier [magazine]
9553 NCRV-gids [magazine]
9554 Studio(KRO) [magazine]
9555 VARA-gids [magazine]
9556 TROS-kompas [magazine]
9557 VPRO-gids [magazine]
9558 Mikro-gids [magazine]
9559 Visie(EO) [magazine]
9560 Veronica [magazine]
9600 Libelle [magazine]
9601 Margriet [magazine]
9602 Viva [magazine]
9603 Flair [magazine]
9604 Yes [magazine]
9605 Prive [magazine]
9606 Story [magazine]
9607 Weekend [magazine]
9608 Mijn Geheim [magazine]
9609 Nouveau [magazine]
9610 Sundray women's magazines [magazine]
9611 Aktueel [magazine]
9612 Het Beste [magazine]
9613 Nieuwe Revu [magazine]
9614 Panorama [magazine]
9615 AndEr familieblad [magazine]
9616 Donald Duck [magazine]
9617 Tina [magazine]
9618 Ander jeugdblad [magazine]
9619 Ariadne [magazine]
9620 Knip [magazine]
9621 Doe het zelf [magazine]
9622 Eigen huis en int [magazine]
9623 VT-wonen [magazine]
9624 Bloemen en Planten [magazine]
9625 Grasduinen [magazine]
9626 Voetbal International [magazine]
9627 Voetbal [magazine]
9628 Reading other hobby magazines
9629 FNV Magazine [magazine]
9630 Autoweek [magazine]
9631 Autokampioen [magazine]
9632 Kampeer+Caravankamp [magazine]
9633 De Kampioen [magazine]
9634 Playboy [magazine]
9635 Kinderen [magazine]
9636 Ouders van Nu [magazine]
9637 Allerhande [magazine]
9638 Etos magazine [magazine]
9639 Tip [magazine]
9640 Rails [magazine]
9641 Kijk [magazine]
9642 Management team [magazine]
9643 Vaktydschrift [magazine]
9644 Other magazines
9645 Steek [magazine]
9646 Hitkrant [magazine]
9647 Doe het zelf/N Vyven [magazine]
9648 Na Vyven [magazine]
9649 Ideaal wonen [magazine]
9650 Marion [magazine]
9651 Handwerken [magazine]
9652 Muziekexpress [magazine]
9653 Muziekparade [magazine]
9654 Popfoto [magazine]
9655 Tina Club [magazine]
9656 Eppo [magazine]
9657 Vorsten [magazine]
9658 De Tyd [magazine]
9659 Sundry women's magazine
9660 Sport International [magazine]
9661 Tennis Magazine [magazine]
9662 Sjors en Sjimmie [magazine]
9663 Kuifje [magazine]
9664 Club [magazine]
9665 Avenue [magazine]
9666 Elegance [magazine]
9667 Avant Garde [magazine]
9668 Sundry women's magazine
9669 Sundry women's weekly [magazine]
9670 Boerderij [magazine]
9671 Cosmopolitan [magazine]
9672 Elle [magazine]
9673 Marie Claire [magazine]
9674 Autovisie [magazine]
9675 Waterkampioen [magazine]
9676 Penthouse [magazine]
AV36 / Relaxing / 9910 Relax
9998 Sundry media
AV37 / Conversation / 9902 Talk to housemates
9904 On telephone
AV38 / Entertaining friends / 7051 Have friends and relatives over
AV39 / Knitting/sewing / 8041 Needlework
8042 Knit
8140 Needlework, knit, handicrafts
AV40 / Pastimes/hobbies / 8040 Handiwork, handicrafts
8043 Sundry handicrafts
8050 Pottery, photography, paint, weave, others
8060 Play musical instruments, sing, ballet, act
8070 Party games (Monopoly etc.)
8071 Chess, bridge, checkers, playing carts
8072 Crosswords
8073 Jigsaw puzzles
8081 Child playing outside the home
8082 Child playing inside the home
8121 Shopping (recreational)
8141 Collecting items
9901 Using the computer
9903 Write letters
9907 Amateur radio transmission
AV41 / Unclassifiable/missing / 9999 Unknown
MAIN/SEC / Activity / Netherlands 1995 original activity codes
69 Variables
MAIN1 / Imputed personal or household care / 4001 Imputed personal or household care
also some instances generated by CTUR in missing time gaps
MAIN2 / Sleep and naps / 4050 Sleeping (night's rest)
4060 Sleeping, not a night's rest
4070 Taking a rest or a nap
MAIN3 / Imputed sleep / 4710 Imputed sleep
also some instances generated by CTUR in missing time gaps
MAIN4 / Wash, dress, care for self / 4000 Personal care at home (shower, dress)
4010 Medical care at home
4080 Remaining personal needs
4099 Sundry personal needs activities
MAIN5 / Meals at work or school / 60 Eating while at work
MAIN6 / Other meals or snacks / 4030 Eating and drinking at home
MAIN7 / Paid work- main job (not at home) / 0 Work outside home
20 Overtime
55 Studies, take course during work time
99 Sundry work related activities
MAIN8 / Paid work at home / 10 Work at home
MAIN9 / Second or other job not at home / 50 Paid job on the side
MAIN10 / Unpaid work to generate household income / Not possible to create
MAIN11 / Travel as a part of work / 31 Travel for work driving car/motor
32 Travel for work passenger in car/motor
33 Travel for work on moped
34 Travel for work on bicycle
35 Travel for work walking
36 Travel for work public transport
131 Travel for work by car
134 Travel for work walking/bicycling
MAIN12 / Work breaks / 80 Coffee / tea breaks
MAIN13 / Other time at workplace / 40 waiting, interruptions at work
70 Time spent at work before/after work time
MAIN14 / Look for work / Not possible to create
MAIN15 / Regular schooling, education / 5000 Attend class, course at school or university
5099 Remaining education related activities
MAIN16 / Homework / 5001 Homework for school or university
5011 Homework for work course in free time
5021 Do written course (read, stud material)
5031 Homework for activity 5030
5075 Reading study-books, not course related
MAIN17 / Leisure/other education or training / 5010 Work related course in free time
5020 Attend meeting for a written course
5021 Do a written course (read, study material)
5030 Attend a course, not written or work-related
5041 Follow a Teleac (television) course
5050 Attend a course in political training
5060 Attend a lecture (not as part of a course)
5070 Sundry educational activities
MAIN18 / Food preparation, cook / 1000 Preparing meals
MAIN19 / Set table, wash/put away dishes / 1010 Set or clear table
1011 Do the dishes
1110 Set and clear tables and do dishes
MAIN20 / Cleaning / 1021 Vacuum, dust
1022 Clean the windows
1023 Mop the floor, clean bathroom
1024 Polish furniture, copper items
1025 Make bed, change the sheets
MAIN21 / Laundry, ironing, clothing repair / 1041 Laundry
1042 Ironing, hang out the laundry
1050 Repair clothes
MAIN22 / Maintain home/vehicle / 1030 Odd jobs around house (clean street)
1031 Wash, repair or maintain car
1032 Wash, repair or maintain moped, bicycle
1060 DIY-jobs (painting, wallpapering)
MAIN23 / Other domestic work / 1080 Plan housework, make shopping lists
1099 Sundry household duties related activities 9906 Keeping up with one's administration
MAIN24 / Purchase goods / 3001 Buy groceries at supermarket
3002 Buy groceries at specialized shops
3003 Get take-out food
3010 Buy things at a marketplace
3011 Buy things at a warehouse
3012 Buy things at clothes or shoes shop
3013 Buy things at a DIY-shop
3014 Buy things at furniture or appliance shop
3015 Buy things at other kind of shop
3016 Buy things, not in a shop or marketplace
3099 Sundry shopping related activities
MAIN25 / Consume personal care services / 3020 Personal services (hairdresser, sauna)
3030 Medical care outside the home
MAIN26 / Consume other services / 3040 Visit the post-office
3041 Visit the bank
3042 Visit the city council
3050 Visit laundrette
3051 Visit repair or maintenance services
3060 Buy other kind of services
3070 Stand in line
MAIN27 / Pet care (not walk dog) / 1071 Look after pets
MAIN28 / Physical, medical child care / 2000 Look after, take care of babies
2010 Look after, take care of other children
2060 Take children to doctor, dentist etc.
MAIN29 / Teach, help with homework / 2020 Help child with homework, assignments
MAIN30 / Read to, talk or play with child / 2030 Read out loud to children
2040 Play inside the home with children
2050 Take walk, cycle, play outside with child
MAIN31 / Supervise, accompany, other child care / 2070 Babysitting
2099 Sundry child-related activities
MAIN32 / Adult care / 4020 Look after, take care of adult housemates
6030 Voluntary work & unpaid help to non-family
6066 Unpaid help to family members
MAIN33 / Voluntary, civic, organizational act / 6000 Voluntary work for social or political group
6010 Voluntary work for interest groups
6020 Voluntary work for sundry associations
6040 Voluntary work for religious group
6055 Activities as part of employee councils
6099 Sundry education related voluntary act
9905 Filling in the time budget diary
MAIN34 / Worship and religion / 6050 Participate in religious activities
MAIN35 / General out-of-home leisure / Not possible to create
These three codes are in the code frame, but do not appear in the data
7099 Sundry social activities
8088 Remaining sports, hobby and active leisure
8099 Remaining sports, hobby and active leisure
MAIN36 / Attend sporting event / 7000 Spectator at sports match/event
MAIN37 / Cinema, theatre, opera, concert / 7020 Go to the cinema
7030 Play, musical, opera, ballet, concert
MAIN38 / Other public event, venue / 5080 Visiting the library
7010 Spectator at revue or live show
7011 Spectator at procession or parade
7040 Visit museum, castle, exhibition
8030 Going to the zoo or to an amusement park
MAIN39 / Restaurant, café, bar, pub / 7070 Visit bar, club, dancing, café
4040 Eating out in a restaurant
MAIN40 / Party, social event, gambling / 7060 Party, wedding, dinner-party at own home
7080 Remaining events, receptions
7081 Remaining ceremonies (funeral)
MAIN41 / Imputed time away from home / 7820 Imputed time away from home
MAIN42 / General sport or exercise / 8000 Exercise, play sports
MAIN43 / Walking / 8020 Walk, cycle
MAIN44 / Cycling / Not possible to create
MAIN45 / Other outside recreation / 8081 Children playing outside the home
MAIN46 / Gardening/pick mushrooms / 1051 Gardening