Name: ______

Quarter: ______Entries:______

For Mrs. Flaherty ONLY: *Score: ____/15

*Use different prompts *Do more than summarize *Late

*Be more specific *At least 4 sentences

Reading Response Entries:

Use a different prompt in each entry, and respond in at least 4 sentences.

1. Compare: Use detailed descriptions to compare a character from your novel with a character from another novel you have read or movie/show you have watched. Be sure to include 5 specific examples of how the characters are similar or different.

2. Explain: Give a detailed explanation of a certain decision or a specific action your character made. What caused the character to choose to do this? What were the effects or the outcome of the character’s action or decision? What would you have done if you were in the character’s situation? Why?

3. Summarize: Give specific details to explain what happened in this portion of your novel. Make sure you are very descriptive, or you will not receive credit for this entry.

4. Quote: Write down a quote from the part of the book you are reading. What did you like or dislike about the quote? Why do you think the author included this quote? Why do you think that it is important to share this quote with others? What impact, or effect, did this quote have on the characters or plot in your novel?

5. Relate/ React: Which character can you relate to in this novel? Do you share similar experiences/ backgrounds/conflicts/ideas? If you can’t relate to any of the characters, explain how you differ from a specific character. Make sure to use descriptive details from the novel and your own life to support your claims.

6. Experience: How does this book make you think or feel? What other book, movie, show, song, etc. does this novel remind you of? What do they share? Make sure to give specific details to support your claims.

Prompt #: ______Title: ______

Amount of Time Read (minimum 15 minutes): ______From Page _____ to Page _____










Prompt #: ______Title: ______

Amount of Time Read (minimum 15 minutes): ______From Page _____ to Page _____












Prompt #: ______Title: ______

Amount of Time Read (minimum 15 minutes): ______From Page _____ to Page _____









