Follow-Up Teacher Training Worksheet

Instructions: Complete this worksheet as you experience the Follow-Up Teacher Training via live or recorded training. Note the embedded links to relevant resources.

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  • Access the recorded version of the Follow-Up Teacher Training here.
  • Access the current schedule of live webinar trainings here.

Name: / School:
Email: / Date of Training:
SECTION ONE: Prioritize Work in SeeReader
Resource: Schedule 100 or More SeeReader Lessons
Briefly describewhy it is important for students and teachers to prioritize completion ofSeeReaderlessons.
SECTION TWO: Review Weekly Monitoring: Teacher Dashboard (Note: If you previously completed the Initial Teacher Training worksheet, you can skip this section.)
Resource: Your Teacher Dashboard Is Your Reading Plus Assistant
What are the four types ofActions to which you can respond from yourActions Panel?
Describe briefly how you can use the Assignments Panel to track weekly assignment completion in Reading Plus.
SECTION THREE: View Ongoing Class Progress: Class Progress Report
Resource: Class Progress Report Overview
There are four different colored boxes visible next to students’ names under the “Content Level” section of the Class Progress Report. Describe what each colored box represents:
  1. Dark gray:
  1. Blue:
  1. White with outline and fraction
  1. Green

SECTION FOUR: Keep Students Engaged: Class Leaderboard Report
Resources: Class Leaderboard Report overview, SeeReader Learning Log, ElementarySecondaryMotivation Strategies.
Briefly describe a motivation plan that you could implement with your students. Explain what students’ goal(s) will be, how you will track their progress, and how you will keep them engaged.
SECTION FIVE: Support Skill Development: Class Skill Group Report and Class Skills Summary Report
Resources: Class Skill Group ReportOverview, Class Skills Summary ReportOverview, Skills CoachQuick-Start Guide, Using Skills Coach with Groups and Individual Students, Alignmentto College and Career Anchor Standards for Reading
What can the Class Skill Group Report and the Class Skills Summary Report tell you about students’ levels of competence with nine different Anchor Skills in Reading Plus??
Describe one way you could use Skills Coachwith your student(s).
SECTION SIX: Enhance Learning: Reading Plus Writing Component
Resource:How Students andTeachers Access the Writing Portal, Integrate the Writing Component Into Your Curriculum, Rubric for Grading Writing
What comprehension score must a student earn on a SeeReaderselection in order to be able to access an automatically generated writing prompt for that selection?
How will you know when a student has submitted a writing assignment to you?
WhichReading Plus resource can you reference to assess the quality of students’ writing submissions?
SECTION SEVEN: View Individual Student Data: Student Instructional Summary Report
Resource: Student Instructional Summary Report overview
If a student is showing as having “Good” Combo Achievement in this report, what does that mean?
How can you tell what the student’s current SeeReader level is with this report?
How do you discern what a students guided window and independent reading rates are?
How would this report be helpful when meeting with a student’s parent or guardian to discuss their overall use and progress?


  • You can access the recorded version of the Follow-Up Teacher Traininghere.
  • You can access the current schedule of live webinar trainings here.