This inventory will only be read by your instructor and will NOT be shared with anyone else.

Name: ______Telephone: ______

Email: ______Mobile: ______

My hometown is:______

Other courses I am taking this semester:______

The sport(s) I want to play at Santa Barbara City College are ______

I plan on majoring in: ______

My academic and/or career goals within one year, and five years are:

One year:______

Five years:______

The way I like to spend my free time is: ______


Something I am really good at (that comes easily or naturally to me) is: ______


Something nobody would know about me by looking at me is: ______


The biggest success or accomplishment of my life so far is: ______


Something in my life that I would like to change or do over is: ______


The three words that best describe me are: ______, ______and ______

My strengths are: ______


The things I want to improve on in myself are:______


My favorite movie or book is: ______

The motto, quote, song, symbol, or bumper sticker that represents something I believe in is ____


Something that is really important to me is: ______

If I had a week to go anywhere I wanted and do anything I liked, I would: ______


To me, being successful means: ______


The person or thing that has had the greatest influence on my life is: ______

because ______

The easiest thing about school for me is: ______


The most challenging thing about school for me is: ______


Language(s) I can speak and/or write:______

I learn best by: ______

I work _____ hours per week at ______

My academic goals for this semester are: ______


Something else that I feel is important for you, my instructor to know about me is: ______

