Reading Enrichment Syllabus
Mrs. Lanning
Welcome to Reading Enrichment
Purpose:This class accomplishes many different tasks. We are here to improve our reading skills. The class will consist of 2 parts: decoding (reading words) and decoding (spelling). As the decoding improves, reading comprehension will improve.
Expectations: Each day you will be expected too…
Come to class on time, in the room BEFORE the bell rings
Always have your materials with you, along with a pencil or pen.
Be respectful to those around you as well as yourself.
Complete all of your assignments and do the best you can!
Verbal warning
Call home
Lunch detention with Mrs. Lanning
After school detention
Referral to office
What to Expect from Me: I will…
Be committed to teaching literacy skills as well as fostering both self-confidence and the self-regulation of my students.
Listen to and explain any questions which pertain to the classroom lessons, procedures, expectations and/or behaviors.
Contact your parents or guardians if you are doing well, having trouble, or if I have any concerns.
Remember: Olympians may be well trained athletes. But do they all cross the finish line at the same time? No. We do not all learn or read at the same rate, but we can all reach the finish line.
General Course Outline
How am I graded in this class?
- Your grade in this class has three main components (pieces) for each quarter.
- The Just Words Phonetic Program (approx. 25% of your grade)
- ReadingComprehensionSkillBuilding = i-Ready Reading Program/Entrance Activities (approx. 30% of your grade)
- Vocabulary Skill Building (approx. 25% of your grade)
- Written ExpressionSkillBuilding (approx. 20% of your grade) = journals/writing activities
The Wilson Just Words curriculum gives individuals with word-level deficits a chance to become fluent, independent readers. A regularly scheduled Just Words class provides reading and spelling “basics” for older students.
The i-Ready Diagnostic and Instruction program is a web-based program that finds your students’ challenges and addresses them.
Written Expression is a district wide initiative in order to improve our students’ writing skills. Writing is an everyday skill and flows nicely into our Reading Enrichment class.
Please Have Your Parents/Grandparents/Guardians Fill This Out & Return It To Me!!!
Reading Enrichment
Mrs. Lanning
There may be a time when I need to contact you regarding your son or daughter. This could be to let you know how well they are doing in class or if they are struggling and I am concerned. While we do have contact information on file, please take the time to fill this contact information out because I am sensitive to family schedules and would like to know the best way to get a hold of you.
Parent Name ______
Student Name ______
What is the best way to contact you? (Please Circle)
E-mailhome phonecell phone other
E-mail Address ______
Preferred Phone Number ______
Secondary Phone Number ______
If there is a better time during the day or evening or a better day to contact you, please let me know below.
Is there anything that you would like me to know about your son or daughter? You may answer this on the back of this sheet or attach another letter with this one. If you prefer to e-mail my address is and you are always welcome to call.