Name: ______Per. _____ Date: 3-20-17


Directions:The following questions based on paragraphs 1-5from, “The Mug Shot,” by Steve Osburne. The answers are based on your opinions AND the details that are present in the reading. Complete the sentence beginnings of the responses to form complete sentences. When asked, provide details and clear and complete explanations for support.

1.This story was originally given as a spoken presentation given to a live audience. What detail in the 1st paragraph lets the reader know that this story was originally a spoken presentation given to a live audience?

The detail that lets the reader know that this story was originally a spoken presentation given to a live audience is:“______.”

This detail lets the reader know that this story was originally a spoken presentation given to a live audience because:______



2.In the 1st paragraph, the narrator describes how he feels about his job. Find two details from the paragraph that

make his feelings clear.

One detail that makes the narrator’s feelings towards his job clear is:(copy the detail)“______.”

Another detail that makes the narrator’s feelings towards his job clear is:(copy the detail) “______.”

3. Why does the narrator start his job so early in the morning?

The narrator starts his job so early in the morning because:______





4. In the 4th paragraph, the narrator describes how he prioritizes the warrants that he has to serve. Describe the way he does this.

In the 4th paragraph, the narrator prioritizes the warrants he has to serve by:______



5.EXTRA-CREDIT: What explanation can you give to explain why the narrator prioritizes the warrants he has to serve the way that he does? (What advantages or benefits could there be in the way he prioritizes the warrants?)

One reason why the narrator prioritizes the warrants he has to serve the way that he does is: ______






6.EXTRA-CREDIT:Do you agree or disagree with the claim that “…rapists and murderers should be punished harshly even if they are young teens?”Explain why or why not. (Assume these teens would be treated as adults during their trials and sent to adult prisons.)

I ( agree / disagree ) (circle one)that rapists and murderers should be punished harshly even if they are young teens because:______




