Reader’s Notebook…Due Monday, September 9
Step 1: Choose stickers, magazine cut outs, computer print outs or whatever reflects your personality being sure all are school appropriate. Decorate the outside cover of your journal incorporating your first and last name. Use glue or tape to secure items to cover. Use clear packing tape to seal the cover if you can, or we can do that at school.
Step 2: On the first page, give your RWN a name or title, document the school year, and include your first and last name, teacher’s name, and class (ex: ELA 7-2). Use colored pens, markers, etc. and decorate if you want.
Step 3: Number the pages in your RWN front and back with your title page as 1. Number atleast to page 100 which should be smack dab in the middle. *We will eventually number all the way to end… 200.
Step 4: On page 2 (the back of title page), label the top of the page “Table of Contents.”
Step 5: On page 3, create a timeline of your reading history. Follow my example shared in class or create your own version.
Step 6: On pages 4 & 5 of your RWN, choose 1 of the following help me understand your reading history. (GT differentiation: choose 2)
- Think about people in your life you can attribute to living a reading life—even people way back in your family line that maybe you never knew. Use pictures to show these people and write about how they have influenced your reading life directly or indirectly.
- Create an entry that reflects books that are “landmark texts” (most influential)—those that shape you and change the way you see the world. Write a response explaining how these books touched your life.
- Make a “Last Five” entry presenting the last five books you read independently. Write about any patterns you see emerging from your reading choices.
- Brainstorm responses to the stem I read because……
- Share your “Reading Truisms”…..think, What’s true for me as a reader?
Step 7: Label page 200 (the last page) “Reading Notes Table of Contents”.
*Be as creative with your pages as you want to be. The objective is to create a Reader’s Notebook that completely reflects who you are!
RWN Evaluation: (double daily)
*neat *title page
*shows effort*timeline
*expresses owner’s* rdg history
personality/interests*pgs #/labeled