Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee (CAPC)
Thursday, May 6, 2009
9:30–11:30 p.m.
Present: Gregory Castle-Chair, Kevin Ellsworth, Karen Gerdes, Ben Huey, Glenn Irvin, Nancy Kiernan, Pauline Komnenich, Eric Kostelich, Phyllis Lucie,
David Meltzer, JoAnn Mulvihill, Filiz Ozel, Jeanne Powers, John Risseeuw, Sergio Quiros, Kelly Steele, Francisco Lara- Valencia, Philip VanderMeer, Kathy Wigal
Excused: Achim Herrmann, Kristin Koptiuch, Fritz Leigh, Brent Vernon
Guests: Dale Palmgren – Polytehnic Campus
Debby Zambo – West Campus - CTEL
Amber Wutich – School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Nancy Perry – CTEL
Nancy Jurik – Justice Studies
Gray Cavender – Justice Studies
Marjorie Zatz – Justice Studies
Jeremy Helm – CONHI
Christopher Boone – School of Human Evolution & Social Change
JoAnn Williams – Herberger College
Sandra Stauffer – Herberger College
Heather Landes – Herberger College
Bambi Haggins – Film and Media Studies
Daniel Cutrara – Film and Media Studies
Joni Adamson – School of Life Sciences – Downtown
Yung Chang – School of Life Sciences
Jennifer Gordon - CLAS
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 p.m.
2. Approval of Minutes
Minutes from the April 30, 2009 were approved as written.
3. Old Business
ASM 414 Urban and Environmental Health
BDE 722 Research Design
A motion was made to approve these course proposals.
A motion to approve was made, seconded, and approved by unanimous voice vote.
TEL 731 Inquiry in Dynamic Contexts
TEL732Learning and Inquiry in Communities
TEL 733 Educational Research and Assessment Methods
A motion was made to table these course proposals pending more clarity in the syllabus regarding course assessment.
A motion to table was made, seconded, and approved by unanimous voice vote.
4. New Business
Action Items
Curriculum Proposals
College of Technology and Innovation
Establish BAS concentration in Graphic Information Technology
Disestablish BAS concentrations in Digital Media Management, Digital Publishing, and Technical Graphics
Establish BAS concentration in Electronic and Energy Systems
Disestablish BAS concentrations in Alternative Energy Technologies, Instrumentation, and Semiconductor Technology
Establish BAS concentration in Software and Computing Systems
Disestablish BAS concentrations in Computer Systems Administration, Cyber Security, Software Technology Applications, and Microcomputer Systems
Department of Technology Management
Disestablishment of an undergraduate certificate
Fire Management
School of Applied Arts and Sciences
Disestablishment of an undergraduate Degree
BA in Human Health Studies
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Department of English
Establishment of an undergraduate certificate
Environmental Humanities
School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Establishment of a Graduate Concentration
Ph.D. in Anthropology (Urbanism)
School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Establishment of a Graduate Concentration
Ph.D. in Environment Social Science (Urbanism)
School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Establishment of a Graduate Concentration
Ph.D. in Social Science and Health (Urbanism)
A motion was made to approve these curricular proposals.
A motion to approve was made, seconded, and approved by unanimous voice vote.
Justice and Social Inquiry/School of Social Transformation
Establishment of a Graduate Certificate
Economic Justice
After a lengthy discussion, CAPC agreed to approve this curricular proposal, contingent on name change clarification of this certificate (to Socio Economic Justice).
Upon notification that CLAS- Justice Studies has approved the name modification, this graduate certificate can move forward in the approval process.
A motion was made for contingent approve of this curricular proposal.
A motion for contingent approval was made, seconded, and approved by majority voice vote.
There was one abstention.
New Course Proposals
Conditional Approval
APH212Culture of Place – CONDITIONAL APROVAL –
Nancy Kiernan notified unit requesting course objectives and learning outcomes to be outlined in the syllabus.
SGS303Global Trends – CONDITIONAL APPROVAL – build language into syllabus to differentiate between upper and lower level courses to reflect the higher level of analysis of this course. Gregory Castle and Kathy Wigal will review suggested revisions.
A motion was made for conditional approve of these course proposals.
A motion for conditional approval was made, seconded, and approved by unanimous voice vote.
DNP603Fostering Best Outcomes Through Evaluating and Applying Evidence to Practice (CONDITIONAL APPROVAL- CAPC SUGGESTED A TITLE CHANGE – perhaps amending the course title to - Applying and Evaluating Evidence in Practice and the inclusion of minor additional material)
A motion was made for conditional approve of this course proposal.
A motion for conditional approval was made, seconded, and approved by majority voice vote.
There was one abstention.
DNP617Management of Complex and Chronic Disease in Women
DNP618Advanced Women's Health Practicum III
DNP627Management of Complex Health Problems in Adults
DNP628Adult Health Practicum III
DNP667Management of Complex and Chronic Mental Health Problems in Adults
DNP668Psychiatric Mental Health Practicum III
DNP712Clinical Residency and Management
HCR567Applied Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Intervention Research
HCR568Healthcare Project Management
HCR569Applied Principles of Data Management and Inferential Statistics in Healthcare Research
APM502Differential Equations II - APPROVE – proposer will add
in course description - “Students must have already taken or be concurrently enrolled in Differential Equations 1.”
FMS302U.S. Media Now
FMS354Critical Studies in Animation
FMS377Baseball, Film, and American Dreams
FMS408Story Analysis for Film and Television
FMS502Hollywood Film Historiography (Online)
FMS507Crime and Violence in American Film (online)
FMS509Race, Sex, and Identity Online (online)
HHE524Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Design
HHE566Healing Experience Studio
HSD501Theories of Science and Democracy
HSD502Analysis of Knowledge and Expertise in Policy Decisions
HSD503Analysis of Scientific and Technological Innovation
HSD504Analysis of Large-Scale Socio-Technological Systems
IEE382Probability and Statistics Lab "Revised syllabus attached 5/5/09"
MIC426Medical Immunology
MSI601Contemporary Topics in Music Research
MSI602Current Issues in Music Research
MSI755Historical Research in Music
MUE756Qualitative Research in Music Teaching and Learning
PUP465New Urbanism
A motion was made to approve these new course proposals.
A motion to approve was made, seconded, and approved by unanimous
voice vote.
Tabled Courses
APH412Culture of Place in the Built Environment – TABLED
Nancy Kiernan notified unit informing them that CAPC is uncomfortable with the lower/upper division combination.
LTE 240Natural Systems –TABLED - request more information on syllabus relating to readings, attendance policy, and correct course title.
AEP 550Ethical and Spiritual Issues in Pastoral Care- TABLED
CAPC wants clarification on what this course will accomplish. Clarify approach of course.
JHR506 Grant Writing for Social Justice and Human Rights TABLED
CAPC would like more information relating to assignments, outcomes and reading itinerary.
A motion was made to table these new course proposals, pending receipt of additional requested information.
A motion to table was made, seconded, and approved by unanimous voice vote.
5. Adjournment at 11:40 p.m.
Submitted by Phyllis Lucie