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The History of Vancouver
Read “The Emergence of Vancouver” p. 227-230, 234 in Horizons (2nd edition) and answer the following questions.
1. Explain why Vancouver developed later than other areas of British Columbia.
2. Describe how geography and the coming of thhe railway influenced changes in the flow of goods in and out of British Columbia.
3. “Historical figures like Gassy Jack and colourful, but not significant.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?
4. Examine Van Horne’s decision regarding the relocation of the CPR terminus.
a. Why did Van Horne relocate the terminus?
b. Imagine you are a land speculator in Port Moody in 1884. Outline your reasons why you ting it is wrong to move the terminus to Vancouver.
5. Did Vancouver earn the title “Gateway to the Pacific”? Explain.
6. Identify 2 ways the Oppenheimer family earned their wealth?
7. David Oppeheimer became a very wealthy man, but he also gave back to his community. List the initiatives he was involved in that developed Vancouver.
Read the handout “The Origins of Stanley Park” and answer the following questions.
1. Why was a military reserve stationed in Stanley Park in the 1860s? What were the benefits of this location?
2. Compare and contrast the landscape of Stanley Park in the past and the present.
3. Describe the different uses of Stanley Park by the First Nations people.
4. What resource industry used to operate in Stanley Park? What evidence has been left behind that can be seen today?
5. Why was Stanley Park made into a “park” in the 1880s?
6. How did Stanley Park get its name?
7. Read David Oppenheimer’s quote about the importance of the park in 1888. Is the importance of the park the same today? Explain why or why not.