6. Infix to Postfix Conversion
Get the infix expression as input
Read the character one by one from the infix expression
If the character is an operand, write the character in to the postfix expression directly
If it is an operator, check the precedence of the operator with the top element
- If the operator of the top element is having lower precedence than the current element, push the symbol into the stack
- Else, pop the elements from the stack which are having higher precedence than the current element and write it into the postfix expression
- Push the operator into the stack
Repeat the process until the end of the infix expression
Finally, check the stack, if it is not empty, pop the characters from the stack and write it into the postfix expression and display the result
7. Producer Consumer Problem using array based Circular Queue
Create a queue using an array
Insert the element into the queue using enqueue() function
Delete an item from the queue in the FIFO manner using dequeue() function
Producer can perform the insertion operation into the queue until the queue is full
Consumer can delete the items from the queue in FIFO manner until the queue is empty
8. Tree Traversals
Aim :
To perform In-order, Preorder and Post order traversals in Binary Search Tree
- Create the binary search tree
To perform in-order traversals
process the left sub tree
process the root
process the right sub-tree
To perform preorder traversal
process the root node
process the left
process the right
To perform post-order traversal
process the left node
process the right node.
process the root node.
9. Binary Search Tree Implementation
Create a empty binary search tree
Perform the insertion in Binary search tree by
- Get the value of the node X to be inserted
- If the tree is empty, insert the node X as the root node of the tree and assign the left child and right child of the root to be NULL
- Else, compare X with the root. If X is less than the root node, insert it into the left subtree of the root, Otherwise insert it into the right subtree of the root node
Perform the deletion from the search tree by
- Get the value of the node X to be deleted
- Check whether the node is present in the search tree or not
- If it is not, display an error
- Else, check the position of the node X in the search tree
- If X is a leaf node, then simply delete by assigning the left and right child of the parent of X to the NULL
- If X is having either left child or right child, delete it by assigning the left child or right child of the parent of X to be NULL
- If X is having both left and right child, delete the node X by assigning the right child of the parent of X to be the minimum value of the right subtree of X
Display the lowest and highest value of the search tree using Findmin() and Findmax() function
10. Priority Queues using Heaps
Get the number of items to construct a heap which satisfy the staructure and heap order property
Get the item X to be inserted
Insert X into the last level of heap and compare the node X with the parent up to the root node that satisfies the property of the heap
Delete_min() is used to delete the minimum value of the heap and rearrange the items in the heap that satisfies the heap property
11. Hashing Technique
Create a hash table with size 10
Get the value of X to be inserted into the hash table
- Apply hash function to the item X to identify the bucket
- If the bucket is free, insert the item X into that bucket
- Else, Identify the next free bucket and insert the item X in to that bucket
Get the value of X to be deleted
- Apply hash function to the item X to identify the bucket
- If the bucket is free, then display an error
- Otherwise, delete the item X from the bucket
12. Dijkstra’s Algorithm
To write a C program to implement Dijkstra’s Algorithm to find the shortest path from the source vrtex to all other vertex
- Get the input value for the directed graph
- Assign to every node a distance value: set it to zero for our initial node and to infinity for all other nodes.
- Mark all nodes as unvisited. Set initial node as current.
- For current node, consider all its unvisited neighbors and calculate their tentative distance. For example, if current node (A) has distance of 6, and an edge connecting it with another node (B) is 2, the distance to B through A will be 6+2=8. If this distance is less than the previously recorded distance, overwrite the distance. All unvisited neighbors are added to an unvisited set.
- When we are done considering all neighbors of the current node, mark it as visited. A visited node will not be checked ever again; its distance recorded now is final and minimal.
- The next current node will be the node with the lowest distance in the unvisited set.
- If all nodes have been visited, finish. Otherwise, set the unvisited node with the smallest distance (from the initial node, considering all nodes in graph) as the next "current node" and continue from step 3.
- Display the result