Read the Article and Answer the Questions That Follow

3 Quiz

Reading (40 points)

Read the article and answer the questions that follow.

4 / 5
20 / One Little Cabbage
It began with just one little cabbage. When Katie Stagliano, from South Carolina, was only nine years old, she planted a little cabbage seed in her garden. She watered it every day and watched it grow. Imagine her surprise when that tiny seed grew into a 20-kilogram cabbage! Katie was very proud of the huge cabbage and decided to give it to the local soup kitchen1. That one cabbage became part of dinner for 275 hungry people.
Katie thought, “Wow! With one cabbage, I helped to feed that many people! I could do much more.” So, she made up her mind to do more. She began to grow her own vegetables. Soon her garden was full of fresh vegetables of all kinds, but for Katie, even that wasn’t enough. She wanted a larger garden so she could help more people. She asked her school to help. The school was able to give Katie an area for a vegetable garden as big as a football field2. Katie’s vegetable garden soon became a school project. Students, teachers and parents all worked together in the garden - all taking part in a good cause.
Katie believed that this was an opportunity to help even more people. She started an organization called Katie’s Krops. The purpose3 of this organization was to use community gardens to feed the poor. Because of her organization, people all over the USA started community gardens. Katie’s Krops now has over 60 gardens in 26 different states. Every year this organization donates tons of fresh vegetables to help people in need.
Katie’s Krops doesn’t only develop gardens. Once a month it organizes dinners to feed the hungry. At these dinners, volunteers teach people how to cook vegetables. There is also a Katie’s Krops summer camp. Who could possibly imagine that one little cabbage could make such a big difference?

1soup kitchen בית תמחוי / مطعم فقراء

2football field מגרש פוטבול / ساحة كرة القدم

3purpose מטרה / هدف

1. Put a by the TWO correct answers. What do we learn about Katie in lines 1-5? (4 points)

a. Katie likes to help other people.

b. Katie grew a big vegetable.

c. Katie is a teenager.

d. Katie likes to eat cabbage.

e. Katie has a large family.

2. Match the Cause with the Result. (lines 6-12) (8 points)

Cause Result

1. Katie decided to grow a. she asked her school

vegetables for the poor, to help.

2. Because her garden wasn’t b. so it gave Katie a big area

big enough, for a garden.

3. The school wanted to help c. so she made a garden of her own.

4. Once it became a school d. teachers and students worked together

project in the garden

3. What is the purpose of Katie's organization? (lines 13-17) (4 points)

4. How do we know Katie’s organization is a success? (lines 13-17) (6 points)

Give TWO reasons.



5. What other projects does Katie’s Krops have? List THREE. (lines 18-21) (6 points)




6. Find one fact and one opinion in the article. (4 points)



7. Match a heading to each paragraph in the article. (8 points)

a. Many Good Deeds

b. One Little Girl

c. The Organization is Born

d. A Huge Garden for Society

Vocabulary (25 points)

A Match each word in A to its meaning in B. (6 points)


1. certainly a. what someone thinks

2. describe b. maybe

3. opinion c. of course

4. park d. the money you earn

5. salary e. a place to play and have picnics

6. possibly f. write or tell about

B Circle the correct answers. (12 points)

1. The children ...... badly when they are bored.

a. behave b. bark c. contact

2. The ...... destroyed the tree outside.

a. alarm b. storm c. size

3. Bill Gates ...... lots of money to communities around the world.

a. donates b. chooses c. rescues

4. They cut down the forest to build a new housing ......

a. commitment b. development c. possession

5. Noam always ...... the class parties.

a. organizes b. earns c. owns

6. You can’t park your car in that space because it is for the ......

a. medicine b. individual c. disabled

7. When it’s time to do work, Deena always ......

a. makes sure b. makes a living c. makes excuses

8. Yoni ...... in his job because he worked very hard.

a. succeeded b. developed c. remembered

9. I ...... I’ll pass the test because I didn’t study at all.

a. suppose b. doubt c. suggest

10. The elephant is a ...... animal. It’s bigger than a car!

a. lively b. huge c. proud

11. Can you ...... a world without the Internet?

a. expect b. imagine c. seem

12. Should we have pizza or sandwiches at the party? ......

a. I agree! b. Give up! c. I don’t know!

C Complete the sentences with the words below. (7 points)

medical care make up my mind live concert pick up

made a mistake raised money take part in

1. There’s a ...... in the park to raise money for Ilan.

2. He needs ...... because he is very ill.

3. She ...... for the needy. She got over $100.

4. I don't know which shoes to choose, but I have to ......

5. Make sure you ...... your brother from school this afternoon.

6. We want to ...... the competition. We train every afternoon.

7. I'm sorry! I ...... and called the wrong number.

Grammar (25 points)

A Circle the correct answers. (10 points)

1. Avi and Guy ...... volunteer work at the hospital.

a. does b. do c. doesn’t do

2. This pizza is very salty. I ...... it.

a. likes b. don’t like c. doesn’t like

3. Linda always ...... lunch at home.

a. prepare b. doesn’t prepare c. prepares

4. Once a week we ...... my grandmother.

a. doesn’t visit b. visit c. visits

5. Avi won’t be at the party because he ...... well.

a. doesn’t feel b. don’t feel c. feels

6. Ann doesn’t like tuna. She ...... eats it.

a. always b. once a week c. never

7. Mark doesn’t see well. He ...... wears his glasses.

a. always b. once a day c. never

8. We have basketball practice ...... on Thursday.

a. often b. never c. once a week

9...... you speak English?

a. Do b. Are c. Does

10. We never ...... to the pool in the winter.

a. don’t go b. go c. goes

B Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (5 points)

Liz: Where 1...... you ...... (go) to school?

Fran: I study at Central High school.

Liz: When 2...... you ...... (get) up in the morning?

Fran: Every morning I get up at 7:00.

Liz: What 3...... you ...... (eat) for breakfast?

Fran: Cornflakes and toast.

Liz: 4...... you ...... (enjoy) going to concerts?

Fran: Yes, of course, but I 5...... (not / go) a lot because of the prices.

C Circle the correct answers. (6 points)

Hofesh Swims Again
Sea turtles are animals 1 that / when like to swim. But one sea turtle, named
Hofesh, was a sea turtle 2 that / where couldn’t swim. Poor Hofesh didn’t have
flippers*. Luckily, 20-year-old Hofesh lives at Turtle Rescue 3 which / who is
at Michmoret. Turtle Rescue is a place 4 where / when they take care of sea
turtles. There was one volunteer there 5 who / which thought he could solve
the problem. He is a student named Shlomi Gez. He is the expert 6 which / who
designed a special flipper just for Hofesh. Now Hofesh can swim again.

*flippers סנפירים / زعانف

D Complete the sentences below with the correct relative pronoun – (4 points)

who, which, when or where – and a suitable ending below.

sang with the Beatles there are many museums and theaters

she is wearing today we traveled to Jerusalem

1. Paul McCartney is a famous singer .

2. London is a city .

3. I remember the summer .

4. I bought Mira the T-shirt .

Writing (10 points)

Write at least four sentences about yourself. You can use the following

questions to help you:

• Where do you go to school?

• What do you like to do after school?

• What are your favorite TV shows, books and movies?

• What activities do you enjoy?

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