Read me file – Boeing Project


- Turn the server computer on.

- There should be a folder named “Boeing” on the desktop. Open the “Boeing” folder.

- Inside the “Boeing” folder there should be the “BuildFiles” folder. Open the “BuildFiles” folder.

“BuildFiles” folder contains:

Other folders:

- RemoteAssistanceFiles (contains the data to populate the Remote

Operators Assistance Displays)

- Scenerios

- Targets

Executable files:

- Map Display.exe

- Mission Commander Interface.exe

- Mission Commander Interface (NOIRA).exe

-Mission Status Sumary.exe

- Remote Operator Assistance.exe

- Simulation Server.exe

- Run the “SimulationServer.exe” file.

- There are two tabs on the SIMULATION window: “Simulation Mode”“Build Mode”. Click the “Build Mode” tab.

- Click the LOAD button (at the center/top) to load a scenario. Scenario files are in the “Scenerio” folder.

- Choose a scenario from the “Scenerio” folder (Desktop/Boeing/BuildFiles/Scenerio) and open it.

- In the “Build Mode” tab there is a region called “Remote Operator Requests File” (at the bottom/right) click the “Browse” button.

- Choose a “Remote Operator Request File” from the “RemoteAssistanceFiles” folder (Desktop/Boeing/BuildFiles/RemoteAssistanceFiles) and open it.

* Note: Only follow the next steps (in italic) if you are running subjects and need to keep an event log file for the participant. If you are running a demo and do not need to keep a datafile, the log file will automatically be written in the “Sim_Log.txt” file by default. The “Sim_Log.txt” file is contained in the BuildFiles folder (Boeing/BuildFiles).

In the “Build Mode” tab there is a region called “Event Log File” (at the bottom/left).

- Choose aParticipant #,

- Choose aTrial # (if you have more than one phase of testing: e.g. Practice, Session 1, Session 2, each phase would correspond to a Trial #).

- Choose a Condition # (if you are running a parametric study, the Condition # would be related to the parameter’s value: e.g. “IRA” or “no IRA” would be associated to different Condition #s).

- Like it was said before, there are two tabs on the SIMULATION window: “Simulation Mode” & “Build Mode”. Click the “Simulation Mode” tab.

- In the “Simulation Mode” tab, click the “Connect” button (top/left).

- Once you have clicked the “Connect” button, a dialog box called “Open Shared Dictionary…” will be opened. The default address should be: tcp://localhost:hello. If the address shown is different from that, type the default address and then press the “Open” button.

This opens the shared dictionary on this server. Sometimes the system sends a security alert, and it may be necessary to “Unblock” some features in order to connect.


Turn all the three large screen displays and the computers associated with them on.

Now, go to computer number 1:

- There should be a folder named “Boeing” on the desktop. Open the “Boeing” folder.

- Inside the “Boeing” folder there should be the “BuildFiles” folder. Open the “BuildFiles” folder.

- Inside the “BuildFiles” folder there should be a file named “Map Display.exe” (Desktop/Boeing/BuildFiles/Map Display.exe). Run the “Map Display.exe” file.

- Click the “Connect” button (bottom/left).

- Once you have clicked the “Connect” button, a dialog box called “Open Shared Dictionary…” will be opened. The default address should be: tcp://boeingserver:hello. If the address shown is different from that, type the default address and then press the “Open” button.

Now, go to computer number 2:

You will execute almost exactly the same procedure you have done on the computer number 1 (open folder, execute file and then connect).

The only difference is that you have to run the “Mission Status Sumary.exe” instead of the “Map Display.exe” file.

The connecting procedure is exactly the same as the one done on the computer number 1.

Now, go to computer number 3:

You will execute almost exactly the same procedure you have done on the computer number 1 (open folder, execute file and then connect).

The only difference is that you have to run the “Remote Operator Assistance.exe” instead of the “Map Display.exe” file.

The connecting procedure is exactly the same as the one done on the computer number 1.

Now, turn the Mission Commander’s tablet on.

You will execute almost exactly the same procedure you have done on the computer number 1 (open folder, execute file and then connect).

The only difference is that you have to run the “Mission Commander Interface.exe” or the “Mission Commander Interface (NOIRA).exe” instead of the “Map Display.exe” file.

The difference between the “Mission Commander Interface.exe” and the “Mission Commander Interface (NOIRA).exe” files is the presence (or not) of the IRA interface components.

The connecting procedure is exactly the same as the one done on the computer number 1.


In the final step you have to get back to the server computer andclick the “Start” button on the “Simulation Mode” tab.

If you need to pause the simulation anytime, just click the “Stop” button. And to continue from the point that you have paused you have to press the “Start” button again.

When you press the “Restart” button, you reset the simulation. To start again you have to close the executables in all the computers and go back to STEP 1 and re-do all 3 steps.