This is your FOCUS SHEET for Science. This is your weekly homework preprinted so you may manage your time, organize your VMF and self-discipline your study habits. / Name
Informational / Expository reading is an essential skill to practice and master. Each unit, you will complete these assignments to accompany your text book reading. You may work ahead, together in homeroom, or during spare class time, but mostly this is your weekly homework. Do NOT waste your time. Stay organized. Use your own notebook paper. / Check when complete / place work in VMF
Standard S8P1. Students will examine the scientific view of the nature of matter.
c. Describe the movement of particles in solids, liquids, gas, and plasma states.
  1. Read and write chapter title and section title - page:103

  1. Write each subheading title for this section - pages:103 - 108

  1. Read each the section.
  2. Write at least 2 facts from each subtitle in the section.

  1. Draw a model to show the motion of particles in a solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. Incude a description of the particle movement for each state. (Your model should look similar to the “Matter in Motion” diagram on page 104.

  1. Write and answer KEY CONCEPTS questions on page: 108 Questions 1-3and 5

Standard S8P2. Students will be familiar with the forms and transformations of energy.
c. Compare and contrast the different forms of energy (heat, light, electricity, mechanical motion, sound) and their characteristics. d.Describe how heat can be transferred through matter by collisions of atoms (conduction) or through space (radiation). In a liquid or gas, currents will facilitate the transfer of heat (convection).
  1. Read and write chapter title and section title. Chapter: 4 Section: 2 page:110

  1. Write each subheading title for this section - pages:110 -114

  1. Read each the section.
  2. Write at least 2 facts from each subtitle in the section.

  1. Draw a model to show how heat transfers from an object with a higher temperature to an object with a lower temperature. Write one sentence that describes the transfer of heat shown in the model. (Your model may look similar to the lemonade and ice example shown on pg111.)

  1. Write and answer KEY CONCEPTS questions on page: 114 Questions 1-3and 5

Standard S8P2: Elements C and D continued…
  1. Read and write chapter title and section title. Chapter: 4 Section: 3 page: 116

  1. Write each subheading title for this section - pages:116 - 121

  1. Read each the section.
  2. Write at least 2 facts from each subtitle in the section.

  1. Draw or copy illustrations on pages: page: Reading Visual Air Cycle page 118
  1. Write at least one sentence describing the transfer of heat through convection.

  1. Write and answer KEY CONCEPTS questions on page: 121 Questions 1-3, 4 and 6

  1. Write and answer KEY CONCEPTS questions on page: Questions

  1. CHAPTER REVIEW: Copy THE BIG IDEA chart on page: 124

18. REVIEWING VOCABULARY: Complete Reviewing Vocabulary pg: 125 #’s : 1 - 8
  1. REVIEWING KEY CONCEPTS: Answer questions 9 – 17 on page: 125 Always write the questions.
  2. Choose 2 questions from #20 – 26 on page 126 AND 2 questions from 27 – 32 .
  3. Georgia CRCT Practice: Answer questions: 1 -5 on page: 127

Required Vocabulary – you must define, say, spell, and use:
Heat transfer, convection, conduction, radiation
Additional notes/tasks: