June 23, 2014

Re: Usage of Microsoft WorldWide Telescope in Planetarium Show

Dear [Name],

Thank you for your interest in Microsoft WorldWide Telescope. This letter (“Usage Letter”) is in response to your inquiry regarding the use of WorldWide Telescope to create a presentation for public display at [Name of Institution] (the “Institution”).

We are pleased to grant you a limited-time exception to the WorldWide Telescope Terms of Use section entitled “Personal and Non-Commercial Use Limitation” to permit you to use the WorldWide Telescope service and associated software to create one or more presentations for display to patrons of your Institution (a “Show”). The presentation may not be used for any other purpose or at any other location.

In exchange for the rights granted hereunder, the Institution agrees to:

  • insert a trailer, provided by Microsoft, prior to the start of each Show;
  • include logos, in the format and using the guidelines provided by Microsoft on Exhibit 1 attached to this letter, in any brochure, poster, or other printed materials advertising the Show;
  • provide to Microsoft semiannual reports (June 1 and December 1) describing: the name and number of Shows in which WorldWide Telescope was used, the estimated attendance, any relevant feedback or comments received, and any relevant publicity/PR associated with a Show. Such reports shall be emailed to .

The rights granted in this letter will expire ten years from the date of this letter. Microsoft may terminate the rights granted under this letter at any time upon 5 days’ notice to the Institution’s contact email address listed below.

Please note that, except for the exception granted in this letter, your use of WorldWide Telescope is otherwise subject to the Terms of Use located at and nothing in this letter shall prevent Microsoft from exercising its rights thereunder. We ask that you provide Microsoft with a courtesy copy of your Show so we can see how your Institution is using WorldWide Telescope to further science and space education. Additionally, we encourage the Institution to share Shows openly with the astronomy and space science communities to further science education goals

If you accept these terms, please countersign a copy of this letter and return it by email as directed below. We are pleased to hear of your interest in WorldWide Telescope and look forward to seeing your finished Show.


Daniel Fay

Senior Director, Science

Microsoft Research Connections

ACCEPTED AND AGREED for and on behalf of Institution:


Name (Printed):



Contact Name:

Contact E-mail Address:

Contact Telephone:

Institution Address:

Please return a countersigned copy to by email .



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