Poland, Łódź the 8thMay,2018

Dear Sirs,

Re: the 21st International Every Fine Arts Festival of Disabled People and Seniors

in Łódź , beg.of November 2018

We would like to express our thanks for your participation in our Festival 2017.

Thanks to you the importance of our mutual Festival has been increased.

We take great pleasure in informing you about the 21st International Every Fine Arts Festival of Disabled People and Seniors.

At the beginning we would like to remind you that our 5Social Welfare Home /in Polish 5Dom Pomocy Społecznej /was founded in 1971.This is one of the state care homes existing in our town. This home is for mentally disabled people/about 180 ones/of different age/medium age no more than fifty years/.The aim of our Social Welfare Home is to provide a package of services to our residents. We are active in various kinds of help to them as 24-hour care ,medical field, rehabilitation, education, charity and as well as teaching them the everyday activities. The day care programs also include the art therapy. The residents like painting, dancing. Some of them write the poems and are interested in making the sculpture. The people working in 5DPS implement all the methods of social work which they learn during their studies. There is also a volunteer program. We also cooperate with public libraries. Moreover please be informed that since 1998 5Social Welfare Home is the main organizer of International Every Fine Arts Festival of Disabled People and Seniors.

Every year in November during our Festival we present the artistic achievements of:

-our residents

-disabled people from the day homes of social therapy

-disabled adults

-children learning in special schools

-associations for people in need of special care

-organizations of Seniors

We are currently working on preparing the 21stInternational Every Fine Arts Festival of Disabled Peoplein frame of which we will organize the 15th International Art and Handicraft Exhibition of art works /paintings, drawings and others / made by handicapped - physically and mentally disabled persons and seniors from abroad.

The 21st Festival will take place at Łódź at the beginning of November 2018.

If you wish to contributeto our Festival please submitvia e-mail to the address:

-photos of artworks who’ s authors are people with disabilities – 4 pcs no more

-photos showing your activity - your hobby etc – 4 pcs no more

Your art works sent via e-mail will be treated as free of payment. Moreover we take that you allow us toshare publiclyimagesof worksof art received from you. All the materials for our Festival should reach us via e-mail till 15th September,2018 latest.

If you have any question please contact us via e-mail- the address:

We would also appreciate any help you can give us in finding contact the organizations, schools and care homes from your town/country being interested in contribution tothe International Art and Handicraft Exhibition in frame of the 21st Festival.

When Festival is over we send via e-mail Certificate confirming your participation in our Festival.

Please be so kind to visit page of the International Every Fine Arts Festival –link:


We wish you every success in your activity.

Yours sincerely,

Urszula Wasik Teresa Grzelczak

Director of 5DPS in Łódź Volunteer/