TED Ankara College English Department
Name: ______Number: ______Class: ____
Exam Date : 12 December 2017
Global English Learner’s Book & Activity Book(complete and study the following pages)
Unit 3(Learner’s Book): Sports& Equipment (pages 36-37); Hannah Cockroft: Paralympic Athlete (pages 38-39);Body parts & giving instructions (pages 40-41); The London Marathon (pages42-43); An extract from Off Side (pages 44-47); need/should/mustn’t(page 41)
Unit 3(Activity Book): Review and Complete(Pages 28-39)
Vocabulary: Ankle, athletics, awesome, bounce, challenge, commentator, charity, deserve, disability, equipment, event, explode, hamstrings, hip, muscles, Paralympics, spectacular, spectator, sponsor, strive, strike, strikers, struggle, thighs, wheelchair.
- Find the word that is described in the sentence from the vocabulary list above. Use each word in a sentence.
1)Beingunabletoperformataskorfunctionbecauseofa physicalormentalproblem
2) Something that you use or need when you do a sport
3) Something that is very impressive or unexpected
4) To give money to help someone or do something good
5) People who watch a sports event
6) The part of your body between your foot and your leg
7) Something that makes you work hard and achieve a goal
8) To try very hard to do something
9) To have earned something by good or bad actions or behaviour
10) An organisation that supports people who need help
11)A group of sports which involve running, jumping and throwing
12) When you find something very difficult to do
13) To hit something hard
14) A performance, competition or party at which people come together to watch or participate
15) Someone on television or radio who describes an event as it is happening
16) An international sports event held every four years for disabled athletes who cannot use a part of their body properly
17)When something hits a surface and moves away again
18) Very good, amazing
20)To burst or make very loud noise
21) The upper part of your leg, above your knee
22) The muscle found behind your thigh
23) Football players that play near the goal
24)Atissue madeofcellsorfibers, whichproducesmovementinthebody
- Simple and Compound Sentences: Write S (simple sentence) or C (compound sentence) in the blank before each sentence below.
STUDY:Great Writing pages 10, 85,86,87,88,89
- _____ Do you want to play football, or do you want to play basketball?
- _____ I don’t want to play outside in this cold and rainy weather.
- _____I have had lots of pets, but my Fluffy rabbit will always be my favourite one.
- _____ The heavy snow closed the roads, so we couldn’t get to school yesterday.
- _____ I really like snow holidays and also summer break.
- _____ Tourists often ride boats on the Seine River, and they visit the Eiffel Tower.
- _____So, do you like winter break or summer break the best?
- _____ Summer break is longer, so I like summer break the best.
- _____ Summer break is nice and long, but I like snowboarding in the winter.
10._____You can put the heavy boxes in the kitchen or leave them by the door.
- Order of Sentences: Order the 7 sentences below sentences in the correct paragraph order.STUDY: Great Writing: pages 59,74
______ a. Finally, mornings make me feel good because they are the beginning of a new day and
a new chance for me to be happy and enjoy life.
_____ b. Secondly, I feel fresh and relaxed, and enjoy my routine of getting ready for the day.
__1__c. I know it sounds crazy, but I think early mornings are the best time of day.
__5__ d. I take a nice shower, have a great breakfast and enjoy my fresh cup of coffee.
_____ e. The rest of my day is usually good, but the very beginning of each day is the part I like the most.
_____ f. There aren’t a lot of noisy cars outside, and most of the people are still sleeping.
_____g.First of all, in the early morning, everything is quiet.
- Paragraph Writing: You will be asked to write a 8-10 sentence paragraph describing something you do, like or see. Make sure you write a good Tıtle, Topic Sentence, Supporting Details and a good Concluding Sentence. Also be careful about your handwriting. Make sure every word can be easily read and understood. Try to use at least 2 Compound Sentences. Be careful to use correct punctuation and capitalization. Don’t forget to give your paragraph a good Title written correctly.
STUDY: Great Writing pages 95,96,97