Re-registration of Provider-based Qualifications
SAQA has re-registered all provider-based qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework that reached the end of their registration term on 30 June and met the criteria for re-registration. The number re-registered may fluctuate during July, as not all of the 270 providers consulted have responded yet. However, the process towards a rationalised NQF that will substantially diminish, and in time totally eliminate, the huge proliferation of 'similar' qualifications on the framework, is already clearly visible.
Qualifications that are still offered have been reregistered. Where institutions have merged (which particularly applies to Higher Education), the qualifications are in the process of being displayed against the merged institutions (it had been hoped that this would be complete by 1 July, but the Higher Education Programme-Qualification Mix had not been released by then). Until this is complete, the qualifications will still appear against the institutions that initially submitted them.
Where there are generic qualifications (BA, BSc, BScEng, LLB and a small number of others - some are derived from provider-based qualifications and show "Generic SGBs"), the offerings that lead to the achievement of these are now shown as learning programmes against the generics. For example, all the BA qualifications with specialisations, such as the BA (Linguistics), are now recorded on the NQF as learning programmes against the generic BA qualification. The learning programmes also appear as such under provider accreditations. The number will increase as soon as the Higher Education Programme-Qualification Mix is released.
The usual conditions concerning the train-out period will apply to all qualifications that have not been re-registered.
Provider-based qualifications that have not been re-registered are still visible in the new section of the searchable database, entitled "Qualifications and Unit Standards that have passed their Registration End Date". SGB-based qualifications and unit standards that have passed their Registration End Date are now also in this section, ensuring that there is no confusion between these and the ones that will reach their Registration End Date in the future.
Queries regarding re-registration should be directed to the following e-mail address:
The following individuals may also be contacted:
Eddie Brown: 012 431 5073
Ahmed Vawda: 012 431 5032
Shandukani Manyaka: 012 431 5071