Application forResearch Travel and Dissemination Fund support
The Research Travel and Dissemination Fund will subsidize travel and accommodation for team members who need to visit archives for research and who will to present work at conferences not hosted by the EMC Project. In the case of requests for conference travel, preference will be given to teams of presenters. Funds will be granted competitively, by application. All applications will be reviewed by the Management Committee.
All team members including GSAs are eligible for conference-related support.
All team members including GSAs are eligible for individual research subsidies, except for co-investigators and postdoctoral fellows.
Applications to the RTD Fund will be accepted and reviewed quarterly. Please submit an application for support 3-6 months before anticipated travel. Application deadlines: 1 November, 1 February, 1 May, 1 August. The Management Committee will endeavour to reach decisions on applications within 2 weeks of the deadline. Please complete and submit this form by the relevant deadline to .
1. Name: ______
2. Project membership: ___Co-Investigator ___Collaborator ___Postdoctoral Fellow ___GSA
3. Category of support requested: ___Conference ___Research
4. Have you received RTD Fund support in the past? If yes, please indicate which type (Conference or Research) of support you received, the dates of the supported activity, and the amount of support provided:
For Conference Support
1. Name, dates and location of the Conference to which you will be travelling. If the conference is not a major well-known meeting (e.g., MLA, RSA, etc.) please also provide a short description of the event, including size, scope, audience.
2. Reason for wanting to participate and relevance to your work as it relates to the EMC Project:
3. Title and brief abstract of the work you will present at the conference:
4. Has your presentation already been accepted by conference organizers? If yes, please attach confirmation letter. If no, please indicate anticipated date of confirmation. (Any travel support offered prior to confirmation will be made conditional to subsequent proof of acceptance.)
5. Will you be presenting as part of a panel of EMC-Project team members? If yes, please indicate names and project-member status of the other panelists. *Each panelist requesting RTD Fund support should submit a separate application form.
For Research Support
2. Please describe the nature of the work you propose to undertake as it relates to your participation in the EMC Project
2. Please describe the work timeline and objectives for the proposed travel
For Conference and Research Support
5. Amount requested and travel budget:
Travellers will normally be required to pay costs themselves initially and request reimbursement after travel is complete. Please see the EMC Project Travel Policy for guidelines. If the final costs of the trip exceeds the request, the Project may decline to reimburse the additional expenses. The Project may also elect to offer travel support in an amount less than initially requested.
6. Will any part of this trip be covered by other funds? If so, please explain: