Room 630 - 240 Graham Avenue, Winnipeg MB R3C 0J7
T 204-945-7613 F 204-948-2896
May 15, 2018
Re: Manitoba Access Awareness Week (MAAW),June 10to 16, 2018
“Open for Everyone”Accessibility Symposium –June 12th
The Disabilities Issues Office (DIO)and the MAAW Steering Committee are celebrating Manitoba Access Awareness Week with a freelearning event onTuesday, June 12, 2018, 8:30 am to Noonat the Viscount GortHotel, Main Floor, 1670 Portage Avenue in Winnipeg.
This year’s program gives special consideration tobusinesses and organizations that must comply with the Customer Service Standard by November 2018.
- In his keynote presentation on “The Art of the Possible,” Alfred Spencer, of the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario (ADO)will offer tools andinsights into the impact of The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005).
- CBC’s Janet Stewartwill then moderate two discussionson accessible customer service from the perspective of Manitobans with disabilities and Manitoba businesses and non-profit organizations.
Arrive early or stay late to network and visit the tables set up local accessibility service providers and trainers.
Following the general program, the DIO will host a Lunch and Learn Workshop on “Accessibility through Procurement.” This session is specifically designed for businesses and organizations that procure or contract services, goods and work from external sources. The capacity of this session is 30 participants.
Place: Main Floor, Royal C, Viscount GortHotel
Time: 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm
Please registerfor the “Open for Everyone” Accessibility Symposium, and/or the Lunch and Learn on procurement bycompletingand returningthe registration form, or by callingthe DIO at (204) 945-7613,byWednesday, June 6, 2018.
The Manitoba Governmentproclaims Manitoba Access Awareness Week annually. Beginning in early June, there are a number of local champions of accessibility hosting a variety of learning events. The Calendar of Events is posted on Ask us aboutorganizing an event for your organization.
Please let us know in advance if you require disability accommodations, and help us create a scent-free environment.
Sincerely yours,
Yutta Fricke
Yutta Fricke
Executive Director