The Outsiders Crossword Puzzle
Objective: Students will fill out the crossword puzzle using their knowledge from the novel, The Outsiders.
Across Clues1. Author of the poem that's mentioned in the novel: Robert ____ (pg. 77-78)
4. S. E. Hinton's gender
8. The soc girl who Ponyboy meets at the drive-in movies
9. What image does Ponyboy & Cherry both look at, despite living on opposite ends of the city?
11. Soda is a high school ____
12. Name of Ponyboy's oldest brother (nickname)
13. The upper class
15. Trademark for greasers: long, ____ hair
17. Author's advice in her letter to readers: "Stay ____" / Down Clues
2. Soda's full first name
3. The Socs live on the ____ side of the city
4. Ponyboy's age
5. Name of Soda's horse
6. Setting of the novel (state)
7. Narrator's parents were killed in a car ____
10. The greasers live on the ____ Side of the city
14. The place where Ponyboy and Johnny go to hide out
16. The name of Soda's girlfriend