GE Global Research
1 Research Circle, PO Box 8
Niskayuna, NY 12309
September 2002
TO: To All GE Global Research Suppliers:
RE: Implementation of New GE ePcard for Settlement
GE Global Research is digitizing its procurement and payment processes. To ensure that we receive the information required to settle your payments, please read the following procedures related to our latest version of ePcard.
ePcard Basics
- Each purchase order will have it’s own separate ePcard assigned, DO NOT PRE-AUTHORIZE, this card is already pre-authorized for the dollar amount of the purchase order. Charge only what has been shipped. Attempts to charge an amount greater will result in decline. Contact the ePcard Assist Line at (800) 279-6069 for help with declines.
- For processing credits, ensure that you apply the credit to the same ePcard number that was used on the original purchase order.
- The ability to process payment on the ePcard expires 75 days after the purchase order “delivery date”. If you are fulfilling the purchase order after that time, contact the buyer.
- On the same day as the transaction, fax a detailed receipt to (518) 387-XXXX. No cover sheet is required; however, please ensure that the purchase order number is displayed on the receipt.
Partial Shipments
- MasterCard requires that you only charge for the goods currently being shipped.
- Each night, ePcard is provided information on what was authorized on each ePcard account compared to the original pre-auth amount. By the next morning, ePcard will setup another pre-auth for the remaining amount, allowing the supplier to be authorized for that remaining amount.
- Subsequent partial shipment pre-authorized dollar amounts will be automatically setup until the total purchase order amount has been processed.
- Merchants accepting MasterCard, must comply with MasterCard by-law 9.04(b) 8 for Multiple Sales Slips and Partial Consideration. Do not process two settlements against the one authorization. MasterCard regulations restrict merchants from using two or more sales slips, a so-called split ticket, to avoid an authorization call. However, it will not be considered a rules violation for the processing of a split ticket if separate authorizations are obtained for each item. Compliance of this regulation helps to ensure the data integrity. If you have any questions regarding the MasterCard Regulations please contact your Acquiring Bank, as MasterCard Rules & Regulations can only be released to the Acquiring Bank representatives. The number for your Acquiring Bank is located on the side of the Point of Sale terminal. If you contact MasterCard, they will refer you back to your Acquiring Bank representative.
- Do not settle without an authorization. Force charges are not allowed and the issuing bank reserves the right to “charge back” the transaction to the merchant if no authorization was received.
ePcard Credit Card Information
- ePcards are not associated with a cardholder and the supplier is requested not to add an ePcard account number to any internal cardholder/client profile. The name on the ePcard credit card account is GE GBL RSRCH EPCARD XML.
- If you receive a decline when attempting to authorize a transaction, contact the ePcard Assist Line at (800) 279-6069. Our team is ready to assist you with questions or to mitigate any issue you may be encountering.
Special Considerations
- For revised purchase order, use the new ePcard number on the newest revision of the purchase order. Do not use the ePcard number on an outdated purchase order.
- No freight should be included on the ePcard. All shipments will go “collect”. Purchase order will specify which carrier to use. The pre-authorized amount is for the purchase order amount only.
- Do not process a separate transaction for each purchase order line item. The nature of the pre-authorization will result in only the first charge being approved and subsequent charges on the same day being declined.
- Our business continues to seek suppliers that provide Level 3 data. In an effort to assist you in upgrading to “level 3”, GE Capital Financial, Inc. (GECF), an authorized MasterCard issuer, has contracted with several merchant banks to provide you competitive rates. If you are upgrading, these banks can often save you money! For additional information about the GECF supplier signup process or these merchant banks, please visit our web site at:
Ongoing Support
In order to ensure we are working as partners in this effort, please contact Karen Soltys on (518) 387-5806 if you have any questions or require clarification.
GE Global Research is committed to this initiative and we welcome your continued support.