L. E. RelaWhat Do They Know.Com
Dear Requestor
Re: Freedom of Information request number 3727
Thank you for your request dated 06/11/2013 for the following information:
Could you please provide the following details regarding your children’s centre management IT System and/or children’s social care IT system?
• Who is the current supplier of this system?
• When did the contract with this supplier begin, and when is it due for renewal?
• Have you ever had other suppliers for this system? Which ones?
• How many licenses are you currently paying for?
• How much is the total cost of the contract (including support and maintenance)?
Section 10(1) of the Freedom of Information Act requires that we process your application within 20 working days of the date we received your request, therefore we will respond to you by 04/12/2013. If we are unable to meet this deadline we will inform you of this and the reasons why.
If the information is already available to you through the Council’s publication scheme we will advise you of this. We will advise you whether we hold the information you have requested and if you are able to access it. In some cases where exclusions apply we will not be able to provide you with the information you have requested. If we are unable to provide the information you request we will contact you and inform you of the reasons why. In some cases there may be a charge for the information you have requested. We will keep charges to a minimum and will inform you as soon as possible of any charges that apply.
If you are unhappy with the Council’s response you can make a complaint via the Council's complaints procedures and this will be looked into. If you are not happy with this decision you may then appeal to the Information Commissioner.
Yours faithfully
Linda Dutton
L Dutton
Freedom of Information Coordinator
Telephone (01375) 652242
Macro FOI.acknowledgement.letter