Re: Delivery of three-roll bits and adaptors for „Driltech” D 75 KS drill during 2011.
„Asarel- Medet ”JSC is under dn offer study for delivery of drilling instuments (drilling bits) for drilling machine „Driltech” D 75 KS drill during 2011 according the terms and conditions of the following trade inquiry .
№ / Catalogue No.* / Name / Prognosticated amount 2011г.for „Driltech” D 75 KS drill (The Cat. No. given are from DRILTECH catalog)
1 / 015659-003 / Dril Pipe 7” x 35 ft (Ø 177,8мм, b=¾”, L= 10670мм (35ft), thread 4 ½” BECO) / 10
2 / 015660-001 / SUB, TOP, 7 OD 5.5 API/4.5 RH BECO X / 5
3 / 005652-002 / Ø 251 ( 9 7/8˝ тип BECO 4 ½ " to API Regular 6 5/8")
( BIT SUB DRILTECH D75KS REG Pø197 BL 610) / 10
4 / Three-roll bit 9 7/8˝ ( 251 mm) / 20
The mine works 365 days a year with 3 work shifts for 24hours.
Mine activities are done on steps of 15m height when conducting blasting activities.
The rocks are characterized by a medium hardness, varying from 100 to 1000 kg/cm2 . There are local areas with a higher hardness, but their volumes are insignificant. The rocks are highly abrasive
The drill holes are drilled with drills with average bit diameter of ø 251. The drilling net is from 8 х 8 meters to 10.5 х 10.5 meters. The depth of the drill holes reaches 17 meters.
Due to the rock diversity in different areas of the mine, we use blasting material of different power. Mine geological conditions allow, in some areas, the use of drill holes with smaller diameter /220 – 230 mm/ with keeping the drill net unchanged.
The mining field is characterized by paleozoic granites, effusive vulcanites form the late Cretaceous period – andesine, volcanic breccias, tuffs and sub-volcanic rocks - diorite, quartz – diorite, granodiorite and porphyry.
The rocks are strongly modified hydrothermally and in all parts into typical
sericite quartzites;
alunite – diasporе quartzites;
Chemical content of the ores:
Cu -
Mo - 0,0007 - 0,0012%
SiO2 - 69,18 - 73,24%
Al2O3 - 12,16 - 14,04%
Fe2O3- 3,64 - 4,90%
Mineral composition:
Primary minerals, >10% - quartz, sericite, kaolinite;
Secondary minerals, 5-10% - chlorite, epidote, plagioclase, amphibole, biotite;
Metasomatites, >5% -diaspore, alunite, andalusite, montmorillonite, zeolite;
Ore minerals with industrial significance – chalcocite, chalcopyrite, covelite, bornite, pyrite;
Volume Weight
- Average broken (loose) weight – 1,8 tonnes/m3;
- Average density of the rock mass in place – 2,52 t/m3
ІІ. Obligatory company’s requirements:
1.Warranties – in linear meters for the concrete conditions of Asarel mine.
2. Quality and origin - The delivery should be accompanied with certificates for quality from the plant-producer.
3. Delivery period.
4.Delivery place – warehouse of the Buyer / DDU Assarel –Panagyurishte- Incoterms -2000/;
5. Price without VAT – both in USD or EUR, as the currency choice is on Buyer’s option;
6. Payment – maximum divided by instalments after the delivery.
7. References.
8.Validity term of offers should to be minimum 3 months after the term of presenting of the offers.
Note: When for the need of delivery a contract should be signed, it is required to submit:
- Legal registration;
- A certificate of goodstanding of the company supplier /executor/.
ІІІ. Criteria for selection of Executive
1. Price
2. Price /warranty ratio;
3.Other criteria :
- Payment terms
The offers should be sent until 25.02.2011, sealed in the envelope and marked “Offer for the delivery of drilling instuments for drilling machine Driltech”, as the commercial terms /price and paument terms/ should be in a second envelope placed inside the big envelope.
Address for correspondence -Bulgaria, 4500 Panagyurishte, „Asarel Medet” JSC
The offers should be opened in the next day after the expiration of the deadline of the offer study.
The offers will be ranked only in one round.
We would like bring to your attention that the order established in the company for storage of the offers, transparency and adherence to principles during their review excludes any possibility for influence on the selection of the supplier through corruption. In addition, at finding of such attempts the respective civil individuals shall be released from work and the negotiations with the respective companies shall be terminated.
If you have further questions please don’t hesitate to address them to the contact person.
P. Kacareva, e-mail:
D. Kosturkova, e-mail: